John N. Wright

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John N. Wright
Era 21st-century philosophy
Region Western philosophy
Institutions LaTrobe University
Main interests
philosophy of science

John N. Wright is a philosopher and Adjunct Research Fellow in Philosophy at LaTrobe University. Previously he was Senior Lecturer at the University of Newcastle. He is known for his works on philosophy of science. [1] [2] [3] [4]



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  1. Leplin, J. (16 December 2013). "Explaining Science's Success: Understanding How Scientific Knowledge Works By JOHN WRIGHT". Analysis. 74 (1): 184–185. doi:10.1093/analys/ant112. ISSN   0003-2638.
  2. Ivanova, Milena (2 January 2014). "Explaining Science's Success: Understanding How Scientific Knowledge Works". International Studies in the Philosophy of Science. 28 (1): 105–108. doi:10.1080/02698595.2014.915655. ISSN   0269-8595.
  3. Brown, Matthew J. (14 August 2013). "Review of Explaining Science's Success: Understanding How Scientific Knowledge Works". NDPR. ISSN   1538-1617.
  4. Hannon, Elizabeth (3 June 2019). "John Wright, An Epistemic Foundation for Scientific Realism // Reviewed by Elay Shech". BSPS.