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John P. Grotzinger is the Fletcher Jones Professor of Geology at California Institute of Technology and chair of the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences. His works primarily focus on chemical and physical interactions between life and the environment. [1] In addition to biogeological studies done on Earth, Grotzinger is also active in research into the geology of Mars and has made contributions to NASA's Mars Exploration Program. [2] [3]
John Grotzinger is involved in several planetary missions. He was Project Scientist for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover mission, a Participating Scientist for the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) mission, and a Participating Scientist for the High Resolution Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera, on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).
Grotzinger has made significant contributions to understanding the early environmental history of Mars, as preserved within its record of sedimentary rocks. A long-standing goal of Mars environmental studies has been to understand the role of water throughout its geologic history. The presence of water is an indicator of potential habitability as well as of formerly different climatic conditions. Prior to in situ investigations by the Mars Exploration Rovers, most studies of water-related processes had been based on orbiter analysis of geomorphic and spectroscopic attributes. However, we can now directly examine the record of past surface processes, including the role of water, through sedimentologic studies of the stratigraphic record of Mars. Many processes that operate at a planetary surface have the potential to create a record of sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rocks can provide clues that allow past environmental conditions to be reconstructed. Therefore, the detection of sediment transport by water and wind in ancient sedimentary layers is important, because it provides insight into past climatic regimes and potential habitability.
The Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover was launched on Saturday, November 26, 2011 on board an Atlas V-541 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The rover landed in Gale Crater on August 5, 2012. Curiosity's mission is to determine the planet's habitability and has been doing this using a suite of sophisticated instruments including cameras, spectrometers, environmental sensors, sample collection tools, and laboratory-quality geochemical instruments.
Curiosity landed at the foot of Mt. Sharp – Gale Crater's central mound – near the end of an ancient alluvial fan that formed by sediments transported by streams from the crater rim. In the first year of its mission, Curiosity discovered fine-grained sedimentary rocks of basaltic composition that represent an ancient lake and preserve evidence of an environment that would have been suited to support a Martian biosphere founded on chemolithoautotrophy. This aqueous environment was characterized by neutral pH, low salinity, and variable redox states of both iron and sulfur species. C, H, N, O, S, and P were measured directly as key biogenic elements. The environment likely had a minimum duration of hundreds to tens of thousands of years, and could have existed for millions of years. These results highlight the biological viability of fluvial-lacustrine environments in the post-Noachian history of Mars.
Grotzinger has made major contributions to the fields of Geobiology and Paleontology. Beginning in 1993, Grotzinger and his colleagues began a research program aimed at understanding the chronology of major biological and environmental events leading up to, and perhaps driving early Cambrian radiation of metazoans. The so-called Cambrian explosion of biodiversity was shown to have been much more rapid than previously understood. It also may have followed an extinction event of earlier organisms that pioneered and experimented with calcification. More recent research over the past decade has been based on understanding carbon and sulfur isotope ratios in carbonate sediments of Ediacaran age. This work proposed that vertical circulation of ocean water led to oxygenation of the deep ocean shortly before the end of the Proterozoic time, which may also have contributed to the rise in biodiversity in early Cambrian time.
The Shuram carbon isotopic excursion - the largest known in Earth history - has been the subject of intensive research at Caltech. Measurement of the carbon isotope ratios in ancient carbonate rocks provides the principal basis by which the fluxes of reduced and oxidized carbon are determined over the course of Earth's history. Globally distributed carbonate rocks of middle Ediacaran age (ca. 600-560 million years ago) record the largest carbon isotope excursion in Earth history, suggesting dramatic reorganization of Earth's carbon cycle. The Shuram Excursion closely precedes impressive evolutionary events including the rise of large metazoans and the origin of biomineralization in animals.
Combining his expertise in sedimentology and geobiology, Grotzinger's research on stromatolites shows that they are vital tools in understanding the interactions between ancient microorganisms and their environment. Stromatolites are attached, lithified sedimentary growth structures, accretionary away from a point or limited surface of initiation. Though the accretion process is commonly regarded to result from the sediment trapping or precipitation-inducing activities of microbial mats, only rarely is evidence of this process preserved in Precambrian stromatolites. Grotzinger's research has applied a process-based approach, oriented toward deconvolving the replacement textures of ancient stromatolites. The effects of diagenetic recrystallization first must be accounted for, followed by analysis of lamination textures and deduction of possible accretion mechanisms. Accretion hypotheses can be tested using numerical simulations based on modern stromatolite growth processes. Application of this approach has shown that stromatolites were originally formed largely through in situ precipitation of laminae during Archean and older Proterozoic times, but that younger Proterozoic stromatolites grew largely through the accretion of carbonate sediments, most likely through the physical process of microbial trapping and binding. This trend most likely reflects long-term evolution of the earth's environment rather than microbial communities.
In 2007, Grotzinger received the Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal from the National Academy of Sciences
Grotzinger, J. P. and James, N. P., 2000, Carbonate Sedimentation and Diagenesis in the Evolving Precambrian World, Special Publication 67: SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), Tulsa, OK.
Press, F., Siever, R., Grotzinger, J. P., Jordan, T. H., 2003, Understanding Earth, 4th Edition. Freeman, 567 pp.
Grotzinger, J. P., Jordan, T. H., Press, F., and Siever, R., 2006, Understanding Earth, 5th Edition, Freeman, 579 pp.
Jordan, T.H., and Grotzinger, J.P., 2008, Essential Earth, 1st Edition, Freeman, 384 pp.
Grotzinger, J. P., and Jordan, 2010, Understanding Earth, 6th Edition, Freeman, 582 pp.
Jordan, T.H., and Grotzinger, J.P., 2011, Essential Earth, 2nd Edition, Freeman, 391 pp.
Grotzinger, J. P., and Milliken, R. E. (eds). 2012, Sedimentary Geology of Mars, Special Publication 102: SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), Tulsa, OK.
Grotzinger, J. P., Vasavada, A., and Russell, C (eds), 2013, Mars Science Laboratory Mission. Springer, London, 763 pp.
Mars: Grotzinger, J.P., and 71 others (2014), A habitable fluvio-lacustrine environment at Gale Crater, Mars. Science, v. 343, DOI: 10.1126/science.1242777
Grotzinger, J. P. (2014) Habitability, Taphonomy, and the Search for Organic Carbon on Mars. Science, v. 343, DOI:10.1126/science.1248097.
Farley, K.A., Malespin, C., Mahaffy, P., Grotzinger, and 29 others (2014), In-situ Radiometric and Exposure age dating of the Martian surface. Science, v. 343, DOI: 10.1126/science.1247166
Grotzinger, J. P., (2013), Analysis of surface materials by the Curiosity rover, Science, 341, DOI: 10.1126/science.1244258
Grotzinger J. P., Hayes A. G., Lamb M. P., and McLennan S. M. (2013) Sedimentary processes on Earth, Mars, Titan, and Venus. In Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets (S. J. Mackwell et al., eds.), p. 439-472 Univ. of Arizona, Tucson
Williams, R.M.E., Grotzinger, J.P., and 35 others (2013), Martian fluvial conglomerates at Gale Grater., 2013, Science 340, 1068-1072.
Grotzinger, J.P., and 25 others, 2013 Mars Science Laboratory Mission and science investigation. In, Grotzinger, J. P., Vasavada, A., and Russell, C (eds) Mars Science Laboratory Mission. Springer, London, pp. 3–54. DOI 10.1007/s11214-012-9892-2
Grotzinger, J.P., and Vasavada, A., 2012, Reading the red planet. Scientific American, July, 2012, p. 40-43.
Grotzinger JP, Milliken RE. 2012. The Sedimentary Rock Record of Mars: Distribution, Origins, and Global Stratigraphy. In Grotzinger JP, Milliken RE (Editors). Sedimentary Geology of Mars, Special Publication 102: SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), Tulsa, OK. p. 1–48.
Grotzinger, J. P. et al., 2011, Mars Sedimentary Geology: Key Concepts and Outstanding Questions. Astrobiology, v 11, p. 77-87.
Milliken, R., Grotzinger, J., and Thomson, B., 2010, The paleoclimate of Mars from the stratigraphic record in Gale Crater. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 37, L04201, doi:10.1029/2009GL041870
Metz, J.M., Grotzinger, J.P., Rubin, D.M., Lewis, K.W., Squyres, S.W., and Bell III, J.F., 2009. Sulfate-rich eolian and wet interdune deposits, Erebus crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 79, p. 247-264.
Grotzinger, J. P., 2009, Mars Exploration, Comparative Planetary History, and the Promise of Mars Science Laboratory. Nature Geoscience, v. 2, p. 1-3.
McLennan, S. M., Bell III, J. F., Calvin, W., Grotzinger, J. P., and 28 others, 2005, Provenance and diagenesis of the evaporite-bearing Burns formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v 240, 95-121.
Grotzinger, J.P., and 16 others, 2005, Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of a Dry to Wet Eolian Depositional System, Burns Formation, Meridiani Planum, Mars: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 240, p. 11-72.
Squyres, S., Grotzinger, J. P., Bell, J. F. III, Calvin, W., and 14 others, 2004, In-situ evidence for an aqueous environment at Meridiani Planum, Mars. Science, v. 306, p. 1709-1714.
Earth: Bergmann, K.D., Grotzinger, J.P., and Fischer, W. W., 2013, Biological influences on seafloor carbonate precipitation. Palaios, v. 20, DOI: 10.2110/palo.2012.p12-088r
Lee C, Fike DA, Love GD, Sessions AL, Grotzinger JP, Summons RE, Fischer WW (2013) Carbon isotopes and lipid biomarkers from organic-rich facies of the Shuram Formation, Sultanate of Oman, Geobiology, doi: 10.1111/gbi.12045.
Bontognali TRR, Sessions AL, Allwood AC, Fischer WW, Grotzinger JP, Summons RE, Eiler JM (2012) Sulfur isotopes of organic matter preserved in 3.45 Gyr-old stromatolites reveal microbial metabolism, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109, 15146-15151.
Wilson, J.P., Grotzinger, J.P., et al., 2012, Deep-water incised valley deposits at the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary in southern Namibia contain abundant Treptichnus Pedum. Palaios, v. 27, p. 252-273.
Maloof, A. C., and Grotzinger, J. P., 2011, The Holocene shallowing-upward parasequence of north-west Andros Island, Bahamas. Sedimentology, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2011.01313.x
Butterfield, N. J., and Grotzinger, J. P., 2012, Palynology of the Huqf Supergroup, Oman. Geological Society of London Special Publication, v. 366, DOI: 10.1144/SP366.10.
Bristow, T., Bonifacie, M., Derkowski, A., Eiler, J., and Grotzinger, J. P., 2011, A hydrothermal origin for isotopically anomalous cap dolostone cements from South China. Nature, 474, 68-72.
Love, G., Grosjean, E., Stalvies, C., Fike, D., Grotzinger, J., and 8 others, 2009, Fossil steroids record the appearance of Demospongiae during the Cryogenian period. Nature, v. 457, p. 718-721.
Grotzinger, J. P., and Miller, R., 2008, The Nama Group. In, R. Miller (ed.), The Geology of Namibia. Geological Society of Namibia Special Publication, Volume 2, p. 13-229 – 13-272.
Schröder, S. and Grotzinger, J. P., 2007, Evidence for anoxia at the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary: The record of redox-sensitive trace elements and rare-earth elements in Oman. Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 164, p. 175-187.
Fike, D.A., Grotzinger, J.P., Pratt, L.M., and Summons, R.E., 2006, Oxidation of the Ediacaran Ocean. Nature, v. 444, p. 744-747.
Grotzinger, J. P., Adams, E., and Schröder, S., 2005, Microbial-metazoan reefs of the terminal Proterozoic Nama Group (ca. 550-543 Ma), Namibia. Geological Magazine, v. 142, p. 499-517.
Grotzinger, J. P and Knoll, A. H. 1999. Stromatolites: Evolutionary mileposts or environmental dipsticks? Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, v. 27, p. 313-358.
Grotzinger, J. P. , Watters, W. and Knoll, A. H., 2000, Calcified metazoans in thrombolite-stromatolite reefs of the terminal Proterozoic Nama Group, Namibia. Paleobiology, v. 26, p. 334-359.
Sumner, D. Y. and Grotzinger, J. P., 1996. Were kinetics of Archean calcium carbonate precipitation related to oxygen concentration? Geology, v. 24, p. 119-122.
Grotzinger, J. P. and Rothman, D. H., 1996. An abiotic model for stromatolite morphogenesis. Nature, v. 383, p. 423-425.
Grotzinger, J. P. Trends in Precambrian carbonate sediments and their implication for understanding evolution. in, Bengtson, S. (ed.), Early Life on Earth, Columbia University Press, p. 245-258 .
Grotzinger, J.P. and Royden, L.H. 1990. Elastic strength of the Slave craton at 1.9 Gyr and implications for the thermal evolution of the continents. Nature, v. 347, p. 64-66.
Grotzinger, John P. 1989. Facies and evolution of Precambrian carbonate depositional systems: emergence of the modern platform archetype, in, SEPM Special Publication 44, p. 79-106.
Christie-Blick, N., Grotzinger, J.P., and von der Borch, C.C. 1988. Sequence stratigraphy in Proterozoic Successions. Geology, v. 16, p. 100-104.
Grotzinger, J.P. 1986. Upward shallowing platform cycles: A response to 2.2 billion years of low-amplitude, high-frequency (Milankovitch band) sea level oscillations. Paleoceanography, v. 1, no. 4, p. 403-416.
Grotzinger, J.P. and Read, J.F. 1983. Evidence for primary aragonite precipitation, early Proterozoic (1.9 Ga) Rocknest Dolomite, Wopmay Orogen, northwest Canada. Geology, v.11, n. 12, p. 710-713.
NASA Outstanding Public Leadership Medal (2013; notable leadership of a NASA space mission)
Roy Chapman Andrews Explorer Award (2013; outstanding achievement in scientific discovery through exploration)
Halbouty Award, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (2012; exceptional leadership in the petroleum geosciences)
Lawrence Sloss Award, Geological Society of America (2011; lifetime achievement in sedimentary geology)
Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal, National Academy of Sciences (2007; "for the insightful elucidation of ancient carbonates and the stromatolites they contain, and for meticulous field research that has established the timing of early animal evolution".)
Henno Martin Medal, Geological Society of Namibia (2002; significant contributions to understanding the geology of Namibia)
Donath Medal, Geological Society of America (1992; outstanding achievement in contributing to geologic knowledge – under 35 years old.)
Presidential Young Investigator Award of the National Science Foundation (1990)
Stromatolites or stromatoliths are layered sedimentary formations (microbialite) that are created mainly by photosynthetic microorganisms such as cyanobacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria, and Pseudomonadota. These microorganisms produce adhesive compounds that cement sand and other rocky materials to form mineral "microbial mats". In turn, these mats build up layer by layer, growing gradually over time. This process generates the characteristic lamination of stromatolites, a feature that is hard to interpret, in terms of its temporal and environmental significance. Different styles of stromatolite lamination have been described, which can be studied through microscopic and mathematical methods. A stromatolite may grow to a meter or more. Fossilized stromatolites provide important records of some of the most ancient life. As of the Holocene, living forms are rare.
The Meridiani Planum (alternately Meridiani plain, Meridiani plains, Terra Meridiani, or Terra Meridiani plains) is either a large plain straddling the equator of Mars and covered with a vast number of spherules containing a lot of iron oxide or a region centered on this plain that includes some adjoining land. The plain sits on top of an enormous body of sediments that contains a lot of bound water. The iron oxide in the spherules is crystalline (grey) hematite (Fe203).
Endurance is an impact crater lying situated within the Margaritifer Sinus quadrangle (MC-19) region of the planet Mars. This crater was visited by the Opportunity rover from May until December 2004. Mission scientists named the crater after the ship Endurance that sailed to the Antarctic through the Weddell Sea during the ill-fated 1914-1917 Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, considered to be the last expedition of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration organized by Ernest Shackleton.
Martian spherules (also known as hematite spherules, blueberries, & Martian blueberries) are small spherules (roughly spherical pebbles) that are rich in an iron oxide (grey hematite, α-Fe2O3) and are found at Meridiani Planum (a large plain on Mars) in exceedingly large numbers.
Holden is a 140 km wide crater situated within the Margaritifer Sinus quadrangle (MC-19) region of the planet Mars, located with the southern highlands. It is named after American astronomer Edward Singleton Holden. It is part of the Uzboi-Landon-Morava (ULM) system.
The geology of Mars is the scientific study of the surface, crust, and interior of the planet Mars. It emphasizes the composition, structure, history, and physical processes that shape the planet. It is analogous to the field of terrestrial geology. In planetary science, the term geology is used in its broadest sense to mean the study of the solid parts of planets and moons. The term incorporates aspects of geophysics, geochemistry, mineralogy, geodesy, and cartography. A neologism, areology, from the Greek word Arēs (Mars), sometimes appears as a synonym for Mars's geology in the popular media and works of science fiction. The term areology is also used by the Areological Society.
Cap carbonates are layers of distinctively textured carbonate rocks that occur at the uppermost layer of sedimentary sequences reflecting major glaciations in the geological record.
Nili Fossae is a group of large, concentric grabens on Mars, in the Syrtis Major quadrangle. They have been eroded and partly filled in by sediments and clay-rich ejecta from a nearby giant impact crater, the Isidis basin. It is at approximately 22°N, 75°E, and has an elevation of −0.6 km (−0.37 mi). Nili Fossae was on the list of potential landing sites of the Mars Science Laboratory, arriving in 2012, but was dropped before the final four sites were determined. Although not among the last finalists, in September 2015 it was selected as a potential landing site for the Mars 2020 rover, which will use the same design as Curiosity, but with a different payload focused on astrobiology. Nili Fossae is also considered ideal for future human exploration, with the prominent Gavin Crater at 21.43°N, 76.93°E considered the most likely landing zone in Nili Fossae.
The Aeolis quadrangle is one of a series of 30 quadrangle maps of Mars used by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Astrogeology Research Program. The Aeolis quadrangle is also referred to as MC-23 . The Aeolis quadrangle covers 180° to 225° W and 0° to 30° south on Mars, and contains parts of the regions Elysium Planitia and Terra Cimmeria. A small part of the Medusae Fossae Formation lies in this quadrangle.
Henry is a large crater in the Arabia quadrangle of Mars. It is 171 kilometres (106 mi) in diameter and was named after the brothers Paul Henry and Prosper Henry, both of whom were French telescope makers and astronomers.
Inverted relief, inverted topography, or topographic inversion refers to landscape features that have reversed their elevation relative to other features. It most often occurs when low areas of a landscape become filled with lava or sediment that hardens into material that is more resistant to erosion than the material that surrounds it. Differential erosion then removes the less resistant surrounding material, leaving behind the younger resistant material, which may then appear as a ridge where previously there was a valley. Terms such as "inverted valley" or "inverted channel" are used to describe such features. Inverted relief has been observed on the surfaces of other planets as well as on Earth. For example, well-documented inverted topographies have been discovered on Mars.
McMurdo is a crater in the Mare Australe quadrangle of Mars, located at 84.4° S and 359.1° W. It is 30.3 km in diameter and was named after McMurdo Station in Antarctica.
Bouguer Crater is an impact crater in the Sinus Sabaeus quadrangle of Mars, located at 18.7° S and 332.8° W It is 107 km in diameter and was named after Pierre Bouguer, French physicist-hydrographer (1698–1758).
Rain and snow was a regular occurrence on Mars in the past; especially in the Noachian and early Hesperian epochs. Water was theorized to seep into the ground until it reached a formation that would not allow it to penetrate further. Water then accumulated forming a saturated layer. Deep aquifers may still exist.
The composition of Mars covers the branch of the geology of Mars that describes the make-up of the planet Mars.
The Nama Group is a 125,000 square kilometres (48,000 sq mi) megaregional Vendian to Cambrian group of stratigraphic sequences deposited in the Nama foreland basin in central and southern Namibia. The Nama Basin is a peripheral foreland basin, and the Nama Group was deposited in two early basins, the Zaris and Witputs, to the north, while the South African Vanrhynsdorp Group was deposited in the southern third. The Nama Group is made of fluvial and shallow-water marine sediments, both siliciclastic and carbonate. La Tinta Group in Argentina is considered equivalent to Nama Group.
Yellowknife Bay is a geologic formation in Gale Crater on the planet Mars. NASA's Mars Science Laboratory rover, named Curiosity, arrived at the low lying depression on December 17, 2012, 125 sols, or Martian days, into its 668-sol planned mission on the planet. Primary mission goals of the Mars Science Laboratory were to assess the potential habitability of the planet and whether or not the Martian environment is, or has ever been, capable of supporting life.
Firsoff is an impact crater in the region called Meridiani Planum in the Oxia Palus quadrangle of Mars, located at 2.66°N latitude and 9.42°W longitude. It is 90 km in diameter. It was named after British astronomer Axel Firsoff, and the name was approved in 2010.
Equatorial layered deposits (ELD’s) have been called interior layered deposits (ILDs) in Valles Marineris. They are often found with the most abundant outcrops of hydrated sulfates on Mars, and thus are likely to preserve a record of liquid water in Martian history since hydrated sulfates are formed in the presence of water. Layering is visible on meter scale, and when the deposits are partly eroded, intricate patterns become visible. The layers in the mound in Gale Crater have been extensively studied from orbit by instruments on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The Curiosity Rover landed in the crater, and it has brought some ground truth to the observations from satellites. Many of the layers in ELD’s such as in Gale Crater are composed of fine-grained, easily erodible material as are many other layered deposits. On the basis of albedo, erosion patterns, physical characteristics, and composition, researchers have classified different groups of layers in Gale Crater that seem to be similar to layers in other (ELD’s). The groups include: a small yardang unit, a coarse yardang unit, and a terraced unit. Generally, equatorial layered deposits are found ~ ±30° of the equator. Equatorial Layered Deposits appear in various geological settings such as cratered terrains, chaotic terrains, the Valles Marineris chasmata, and large impact craters.
Dawn Yvonne Sumner is an American geologist, planetary scientist, and astrobiologist. She is a professor at the University of California, Davis. Sumner's research includes evaluating microbial communities in Antarctic lakes, exploration of Mars via the Curiosity rover, and characterization of microbial communities in the lab and from ancient geologic samples. She is an investigator on the NASA Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) and was Chair of the UC Davis Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences from 2014 to 2016. She is Fellow of the Geological Society of America.