Julian P. Hume

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J P Hume illustrating a skin of the extinct Hawaii Kioea (Chaetoptila angustipluma) J P Hume photo.jpg
J P Hume illustrating a skin of the extinct Hawaii Kioea (Chaetoptila angustipluma)

Julian Pender Hume (born 3 March 1960) is an English palaeontologist, artist and writer who lives in Wickham, Hampshire. He was born in Ashford, Kent, and grew up in Portsmouth, England.


Scientific career

Life restoration of the dodo by Hume, an extinct bird he has published extensively about Dodo by Julian P. Hume.jpg
Life restoration of the dodo by Hume, an extinct bird he has published extensively about

He attended Crookhorn Comprehensive School between 1971 and 1976.[ citation needed ] His career began as an artist, specialising in the reconstruction of extinct species, after which he undertook a degree in palaeontology at the University of Portsmouth, followed by a PhD in the same subject, jointly hosted by the University of Portsmouth and the Natural History Museum, London and Tring. He is presently a research associate at the Natural History Museum, and has travelled extensively, working on fossil excavations that include the Cape Verde Islands; Lord Howe Island, Tasmania, Flinders, King and Kangaroo Islands, Australia; Madagascar, Seychelles, and Hawaiian Islands. However, his main area of research is the Mascarene Islands of Mauritius, Réunion, and Rodrigues, where in particular he has studied the history of the dodo (Raphus cucullatus).

He has contributed both scientifically and artistically to a large number of palaeontological papers, and described ten new species of extinct bird from the islands, with at least five more awaiting description. He has also written popular books and magazine articles, and published a critically acclaimed book 'Lost Land of the Dodo,' co-authored with Anthony S. Cheke  [ de ], on the subject of extinct Mascarene species. His other books include 'Extinct Birds of Hawaii' published in 2016 with Michael Walther, which includes his own artwork for all fossil species. His latest book, which also includes his own artwork, is the second edition of the book entitled 'Extinct Birds', published in September 2017; the first edition was co-authored with Michael P. Walters (ornithologist)  [ de ] and published February 2012. A third edition is currently in preparation.


Restorations of Reunion shelducks (left, large) and Mascarene ducks (right, smaller) by Hume Alopochen kervazoi and Anas theodori.jpg
Restorations of Réunion shelducks (left, large) and Mascarene ducks (right, smaller) by Hume

His paintings of recently extinct species, especially birds, are a combination of art and science, with each painting reproduced in the most scientifically accurate way. His subjects include extinct species from islands around the world, especially the Hawaiian Islands and the Mascarenes. The dodo in particular has been illustrated on a number of occasions.


Magazine articles

Postage stamp issues


2 October 2001 Extinct
UK Channel 4
Presenter/consultantEpisode 1 (of 6): "The Dodo"
4 November 2001 The Dodo's Guide to Surviving Extinction
(as Dr Julian Hume)
A TV programme shown as part of a night of programming dedicated to extinction.
18 March 2010Museum of Life
(as Dr Julian Hume)
A TV programme about scientific activities in the Natural History Museum, London.
All Creatures Great and Small Himself
A Museum in a Modern World Himself
September 2011 Museum Secrets
History (UK TV channel)
(as Dr Julian Hume)
Episode 5 (of 6): "The Dodo"

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mare aux Songes</span>

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