Julius Exsuperantius

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Julius Exsuperantius was a late Roman historian, who probably lived in the 5th or 6th century. He is best known for his tract, "De Marii, Lepidi" and "Ac Sertorii Bellis Civilibus" which some argue may have been abridged from the histories of Sallustius. Additionally he is notable for being one of the last late confirmed members of the ancient Patrician Julian family. Exsuperantius' work's provides a concise account of the rise of Gaius Marius and the subsequent civil war between Marius and Sulla until the end of Sertorius' reign. Exuperantius' work's were significantly reprinted in 1588, with the support of Friedrich Sylburg and Pierre Pithou who published several copies of "Ac Sertorii Bellis Civilibus". [1] [2] [3]

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  1. "Julius Exsuperantius".
  2. "RE:Exsuperantius 2 – Wikisource". de.wikisource.org. Retrieved 2020-04-12.
  3. Eustanthius; Basileensi, E Codicibus MSS. (2013), Tafel, Gottlieb Lukas Friedrich (ed.), "Trapezuntinae Historiae Scriptores", Eustathii metropolitae Thessalonicensis opuscula, Cambridge University Press, pp. 362–374, doi:10.1017/cbo9781139176682.028, ISBN   978-1-139-17668-2