
Last updated
Description metabolic pathway database
Laboratory Kazusa DNA Research Institute
Authors Nozomu Sakurai
Primary citationSakurai & al. (2011) [1]
Release date2010
Website http://kpv.kazusa.or.jp/kpv4/

KaPPA-View4' is a metabolic pathway database containing data about metabolic regulation from 'omics' data. [1]


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Pathway is the term from molecular biology for a curated schematic representation of a well characterized segment of the molecular physiological machinery, such as a metabolic pathway describing an enzymatic process within a cell or tissue or a signaling pathway model representing a regulatory process that might, in its turn, enable a metabolic or another regulatory process downstream. A typical pathway model starts with an extracellular signaling molecule that activates a specific receptor, thus triggering a chain of molecular interactions. A pathway is most often represented as a relatively small graph with gene, protein, and/or small molecule nodes connected by edges of known functional relations. While a simpler pathway might appear as a chain, complex pathway topologies with loops and alternative routes are much more common. Computational analyses employ special formats of pathway representation. In the simplest form, however, a pathway might be represented as a list of member molecules with order and relations unspecified. Such a representation, generally called Functional Gene Set (FGS), can also refer to other functionally characterised groups such as protein families, Gene Ontology (GO) and Disease Ontology (DO) terms etc. In bioinformatics, methods of pathway analysis might be used to identify key genes/ proteins within a previously known pathway in relation to a particular experiment / pathological condition or building a pathway de novo from proteins that have been identified as key affected elements. By examining changes in e.g. gene expression in a pathway, its biological activity can be explored. However most frequently, pathway analysis refers to a method of initial characterization and interpretation of an experimental condition that was studied with omics tools or genome-wide association study. Such studies might identify long lists of altered genes. A visual inspection is then challenging and the information is hard to summarize, since the altered genes map to a broad range of pathways, processes, and molecular functions. In such situations, the most productive way of exploring the list is to identify enrichment of specific FGSs in it. The general approach of enrichment analyses is to identify FGSs, members of which were most frequently or most strongly altered in the given condition, in comparison to a gene set sampled by chance. In other words, enrichment can map canonical prior knowledge structured in the form of FGSs to the condition represented by altered genes.


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  1. 1 2 Sakurai N, Ara T, Ogata Y, Sano R, Ohno T, Sugiyama K, Hiruta A, Yamazaki K, Yano K, Aoki K, Aharoni A, Hamada K, Yokoyama K, Kawamura S, Otsuka H, Tokimatsu T, Kanehisa M, Suzuki H, Saito K, Shibata D (Jan 2011). "KaPPA-View4: a metabolic pathway database for representation and analysis of correlation networks of gene co-expression and metabolite co-accumulation and omics data". Nucleic Acids Res. England. 39 (Database issue): D677-84. doi:10.1093/nar/gkq989. PMC   3013809 . PMID   21097783.