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King of Bit Bahiani

King Kapara (also Gabara) was an Aramean king of Bit Bahiani, [1] one of the Post-Hittite states, centered in Guzana (modern Tell Halaf, in northeastern Syria). [2] He ruled sometime in the 10th or 9th century BCE, according to some estimations ca. 950-875 BCE. [3] He built Bit-hilani, a monumental palace in Post-Hittite style, discovered by Max von Oppenheim in 1911, with a rich decoration of statues and relief orthostats.


In 894 BC, the Assyrian king Adad-nirari II recorded the site in his archives as a tributary Aramaean city-state. In 808 BC the city and its surrounding area was reduced to a province of the Neo-Assyrian Empire.[ citation needed ]

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  1. Lipiński 2000, p. 121.
  2. Lipiński 2000, p. 130-132.
  3. [W. F. Albright, The Date of the Kapara Period at Gozan (Tell Halaf), Anatolian Studies, (1956).]
