In mathematics, specifically in category theory, Ken Brown's lemma gives a sufficient condition for a functor on a category of fibrant objects to preserve weak equivalences; the sufficient condition is that acyclic fibrations go to weak equivalences. [1] [2] (There is also a co version.) The lemma or, more precisely, a result of which the lemma is a corollary, was introduced by Kenneth Brown. [3]
The lemma follows from the following:
Factorization lemma—Let be a morphism in a given category of fibrant objects. Then factorizes as where
To see the lemma follows from the above, let be a weak equivalence and the given functor. By the factorization lemma, we can write
with an acyclic fibration such that . Note is a weak equivalence since is. Thus, is a weak equivalence (thus acyclic fibration) since is. So, is a weak equivalence by assumption. Similarly, is a weak equivalence. Hence, is a weak equivalence.
Proof of factorization lemma: Let be the given morphism. Let
be the path object fibration; namely, it is obtained by factorizing the diagonal map as where is a weak equivalence.
Then let be the pull-back of along , which is again a fibration. Then by the universal property of a pull-back, we get a map so that the resulting diagram with and commutes. Take to be , which is a fibration since the projection is the pull-back of the fibration final object.
As for , let be , which is again a fibration. Note that is the pull-back of , a projection. Since , we have . It follows is a weak equivalence (since is) and thus is a weak equivalence.