\n2. D.W. Weber,1868
\n3. F.W. Craig,1868–73
\n4. A.H. Denker,1873–74
\n5. F.W. Goodale,1874–78
\n6. William Lightner,1878–80
\n7. Alvin Fay,1881–82
\n8. R.H. Evans,1883–88
\n9. Charles F. Bennett,1889–92,1913–16
\n10. C.J.E. Taylor,1893–1900
\n11. J.W. Kelly,1901–02
\n12. Neils Petersen,1902–08
\n13. William Houser,1909–12
\n14. F. Rinaldi,1912
\n15. C.C. Paxton,1917–20
\n16. J.B. McFarland,1920–28
\n17. W.R. Woollomes. 1929–48,1953–64
\n18. Ardis M. Walker,1949–52
\n19. Morton V. Slater,1964
\n20. LeRoy M. Jackson,1965–77
\n21. Eldon E. (Gene) Tackett,1977–85
\n22. Roy Ashburn,1985–96
\n23. Jon McQuiston 1997–2012
\n24. Mick Gleason,2012–2020
\n25. Phillip Peters,2020–present\n",{"template":{"target":{"wt":"div col end","href":"./Template:Div_col_end"},"params":{},"i":1}}]}" id="mwGw">.mw-parser-output .div-col{margin-top:0.3em;column-width:30em}.mw-parser-output .div-col-small{font-size:90%}.mw-parser-output .div-col-rules{column-rule:1px solid #aaa}.mw-parser-output .div-col dl,.mw-parser-output .div-col ol,.mw-parser-output .div-col ul{margin-top:0}.mw-parser-output .div-col li,.mw-parser-output .div-col dd{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}
1. Henry Hammel, 1866–67
2. D.W. Weber, 1868
3. F.W. Craig, 1868–73
4. A.H. Denker, 1873–74
5. F.W. Goodale, 1874–78
6. William Lightner, 1878–80
7. Alvin Fay, 1881–82
8. R.H. Evans, 1883–88
9. Charles F. Bennett, 1889–92, 1913–16
10. C.J.E. Taylor, 1893–1900
11. J.W. Kelly, 1901–02
12. Neils Petersen, 1902–08
13. William Houser, 1909–12
14. F. Rinaldi, 1912
15. C.C. Paxton, 1917–20
16. J.B. McFarland, 1920–28
17. W.R. Woollomes. 1929–48, 1953–64
18. Ardis M. Walker, 1949–52
19. Morton V. Slater, 1964
20. LeRoy M. Jackson, 1965–77
21. Eldon E. (Gene) Tackett, 1977–85
22. Roy Ashburn, 1985–96
23. Jon McQuiston 1997–2012
24. Mick Gleason, 2012–2020
25. Phillip Peters, 2020–present
Established 1866
1. J.J. Rhymes, 1866–69
2. C.T. White, 1870–73
3. Solomon Jewett, 1873–76
4. T.F. Kerr, 1876
5. T.E. Harding, 1876–79
6. A.J. Halbert, 1880–82
7. G.H. Wheeler, 1882
8. J.M. McKamy, 1883–84
9. John M. Brite, 1885
10. L.F. Gates, 1886
11. J. Fontaine, 1888–95
12. Jeremiah Shields, 1895–1902
13. Lucas F. Brite, 1903–18
14. James I. Wagy, 1919–26
15. J. Perry Brite, 1927–34
16. George W. Parish, 1935–38
17. C.W. Harty, 1939–50
18. John W. Holt, 1951–70
19. David A. Head, 1971–82
20. Ben Austin, 1983–94
21. Steve Perez, 1995–2002
22. Don Maben, 2003–10
22. Zack Scrivner, 2011–24
23. Chris Parlier, 2024-present
Established 1866
1. Samuel A. Bishop, 1866
2. J.M. Brite, 1866–73, 1877–80
3. John Narboe, 1877–80
4. P.O. O'Hare, 1880–82
5. L. Crusoe, 1883–84
6. J.M. McKamy, 1885–90
7. E.A. McGee, 1891–94
8. Henry Bohns, 1895–98
9. J.W. Shaffer, 1899–1902
10. A.J. Woody, 1903–10
11. John O. Hart, 1911–18, 1923–34
12. Harry Rambo, 1919–32
13. Jay Hinman, 1934–38
14. Ralph Lavin, 1939–46
15. Leo G. Pauly, 1946
16. Barney L. Barnes, 1947–50
17. Floyd L. Ming, 1951–62
18. David S. Fairbairn, 1963–71
19. Eugene Young, 1971–83
20. Pauline Larwood, 1983–94
21. Barbara Patrick, 1994–2006
22. Mike Maggard, 2007–22
23. Jeff Flores, 2023-present
Established 1884
1. L. Crusoe, 1885–88
2. Alfred Morgan, 1889–92
3. J.W. White, 1893–96
4. T.J. Bottoms, 1897–1903
5. F.H. Corsett, 1903–08
6. J.M. Bush, 1909–16
7. Stanley Abel, 1917–40
8. A.W. Noon, 1941–52
9. Herbert Evans, 1952
10. Vance A. Webb, 1953–77
11. Trice Harvey, 1977–86
12. Karl Hettinger, 1987–92
13. Ken Peterson, 1993–2002
14. Raymond Watson, 2002–12
15. David Couch, 2012–present
Established 1884
1. G.C. Doherty, 1885–97
2. E.M. Roberts, 1887–92
3. Henry Jastro, 1893–1916
4. H.I. Tupman, 1917–20
5. Ira Williams, 1921–28
6. Richard Ashe, 1929–32
7. Charles Wimmer, 1933–44
8. Charles P. Salzer, 1945–50, 1961–69
9. John Hanning, 1951–60
10. Milton Miller, 1969–73
11. John Mitchell, 1973–85
12. Mary K. Shell, 1985–96
13. Pete Parra, 1997–2004
14. Michael J. Rubio, 2005–10
15. Karen Goh, 2010–12
16. Leticia Perez, 2012—present
Edward Caird was a Scottish philosopher. He was a holder of LLD, DCL, and DLitt.
The Brampton Fall Fair is an annual agricultural and entertainment event in Brampton, Ontario. It features agricultural displays, animals, 4H events, a midway, entertainment, demolition derby, and a Homecraft exhibit.
The New Jersey Republican Party (NJGOP) is the affiliate of the United States Republican Party in New Jersey. It was founded in 1880 and is currently led by Bob Hugin.
Below is a list of mayors of Durban, South Africa. In 2000 Durban became the seat of the newly created eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality.
The plunge for distance is a diving event that enjoyed its greatest popularity in the 19th and early part of the 20th century, even being included as an official event in the 1904 Summer Olympics. By the 1920s, it began to lose its popularity and slowly disappeared from U.S. and English swim competitions.
This is a list of related persons who have held positions in the two South Australian houses of parliament or represented South Australia in Canberra. It includes some notes on people with identical surnames but no clear family connection.
The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society is a historical society and registered charity founded, on 21 March 1883, for the study of any aspects of the area covered by the Palatine Counties of Lancashire and Cheshire from antiquity to the twenty-first century.