Kevin P. Clements

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Kevin Clements is an Emeritus Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Otago, New Zealand. He was formerly Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies and Foundation Director of the Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (ACPACS) at the University of Queensland. He has also been Secretary General of the International Peace Research Association since January 2009. Since 2016 he was appointed Director of the Toda Peace Institute , Tokyo, Japan. [1]


Other positions

Clements has been a consultant to numerous organisations, and advisor to the New Zealand, Australian, British, Swedish and Dutch governments. He was a member of the New Zealand Government’s Defence Committee of Enquiry in 1985


He has written or edited 10 books and over 190 chapters /articles e.g Clements, K. P., & Ikeda, D. (2019). Toward a century of peace: A dialogue on the role of civil society in peacebuilding. Abingdon, UK: Routledge. Clements, K. P. (Ed.). (2017). Identity, trust, and reconciliation in East Asia: Dealing with painful history to create a peaceful present. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. Clements, K. P., & Urbain, O. (Eds.). (2013). Risk and uncertainty: Understanding and dialogue in the 21st century. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. Clements, K. P., & Mizner, N. (eds) (2007) The Centre Holds:Reform of the United Nations in the 21st Century. New Jersey, Transaction Publishers. Clements, K. P, (1997) Teori Pembangunan:dari kiri ke kanan (From Right to Left in Development Theory), Jogjakarta, Pustaka Pelajar. Clements, K. P., & Wards, R. (eds.) (1994) Building International Community: Cooperating for Peace: Case Studies. Sydney Allen and Unwin Ltd. Clements, K. P. & Wilson, C. (eds) (1994) UN Peacekeeping at the Cross Roads. Canberra: ANU Peace Research Centre. Clements, K. P. (Ed.) (1993) Peace and Security in the Asia Pacific Region:Post Cold War Problems and Prospects. Tokyo, United Nations University Press. Boulding, E., Brigagao, C., & Clements, K. (Eds.) (1990) Peace, Culture and Society: Transnational Research and Dialogue. Boulder: Westview Press. Clements, K. P. (1988) Back from the Brink: The Creation of a Nuclear Free New Zealand, Wellington & London: Allen and Unwin.

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  1. "Toda Institute > About Us > Kevin Clements, Secretary General". Archived from the original on 20 January 2012.
  2. "Toda Institute > About Us > Kevin Clements, Secretary General". Archived from the original on 20 January 2012.