In quantum field theory, the Klein transformation [1] is a redefinition of the fields to amend the spin-statistics theorem.
Suppose φ and χ are fields such that, if x and y are spacelike-separated points and i and j represent the spinor/tensor indices,
Also suppose χ is invariant under the Z2 parity (nothing to do with spatial reflections!) mapping χ to −χ but leaving φ invariant. Obviously, free field theories always satisfy this property. Then, the Z2 parity of the number of χ particles is well defined and is conserved in time. Let's denote this parity by the operator Kχ which maps χ-even states to itself and χ-odd states into their negative. Then, Kχ is involutive, Hermitian and unitary.
Needless to say, the fields φ and χ above don't have the proper statistics relations for either a boson or a fermion. i.e. they are bosonic with respect to themselves but fermionic with respect to each other. But if you look at the statistical properties alone, we find it has exactly the same statistics as the Bose–Einstein statistics. Here's why:
Define two new fields φ' and χ' as follows:
This redefinition is invertible (because Kχ is). Now, the spacelike commutation relations become
Now, let's work with the example where
(spacelike-separated as usual).
Assume once again we have a Z2 conserved parity operator Kχ acting upon χ alone.
If there are more than two fields, then one can keep applying the Klein transformation to each pair of fields with the "wrong" commutation/anticommutation relations until the desired result is obtained.
This explains the equivalence between parastatistics and the more familiar Bose–Einstein/Fermi–Dirac statistics.
In physics, charge conjugation is a transformation that switches all particles with their corresponding antiparticles, thus changing the sign of all charges: not only electric charge but also the charges relevant to other forces. The term C-symmetry is an abbreviation of the phrase "charge conjugation symmetry", and is used in discussions of the symmetry of physical laws under charge-conjugation. Other important discrete symmetries are P-symmetry (parity) and T-symmetry.
T-symmetry or time reversal symmetry is the theoretical symmetry of physical laws under the transformation of time reversal,
In quantum field theory, the Dirac spinor is the spinor that describes all known fundamental particles that are fermions, with the possible exception of neutrinos. It appears in the plane-wave solution to the Dirac equation, and is a certain combination of two Weyl spinors, specifically, a bispinor that transforms "spinorially" under the action of the Lorentz group.
In quantum mechanics, the spin–statistics theorem relates the intrinsic spin of a particle to the particle statistics it obeys. In units of the reduced Planck constant ħ, all particles that move in 3 dimensions have either integer spin or half-integer spin.
In theoretical physics, a supermultiplet is a representation of a supersymmetry algebra, possibly with extended supersymmetry.
In quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics, parastatistics is one of several alternatives to the better known particle statistics models. Other alternatives include anyonic statistics and braid statistics, both of these involving lower spacetime dimensions. Herbert S. Green is credited with the creation of parastatistics in 1953.
The representation theory of groups is a part of mathematics which examines how groups act on given structures.
In physics, a parity transformation is the flip in the sign of one spatial coordinate. In three dimensions, it can also refer to the simultaneous flip in the sign of all three spatial coordinates :
In particle physics, Yukawa's interaction or Yukawa coupling, named after Hideki Yukawa, is an interaction between particles according to the Yukawa potential. Specifically, it is a scalar field ϕ and a Dirac field ψ of the type
In theoretical physics, the (one-dimensional) nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) is a nonlinear variation of the Schrödinger equation. It is a classical field equation whose principal applications are to the propagation of light in nonlinear optical fibers and planar waveguides and to Bose–Einstein condensates confined to highly anisotropic, cigar-shaped traps, in the mean-field regime. Additionally, the equation appears in the studies of small-amplitude gravity waves on the surface of deep inviscid (zero-viscosity) water; the Langmuir waves in hot plasmas; the propagation of plane-diffracted wave beams in the focusing regions of the ionosphere; the propagation of Davydov's alpha-helix solitons, which are responsible for energy transport along molecular chains; and many others. More generally, the NLSE appears as one of universal equations that describe the evolution of slowly varying packets of quasi-monochromatic waves in weakly nonlinear media that have dispersion. Unlike the linear Schrödinger equation, the NLSE never describes the time evolution of a quantum state. The 1D NLSE is an example of an integrable model.
One of the guiding principles in modern chemical dynamics and spectroscopy is that the motion of the nuclei in a molecule is slow compared to that of its electrons. This is justified by the large disparity between the mass of an electron, and the typical mass of a nucleus and leads to the Born–Oppenheimer approximation and the idea that the structure and dynamics of a chemical species are largely determined by nuclear motion on potential energy surfaces.
In theoretical physics, the Wess–Zumino model has become the first known example of an interacting four-dimensional quantum field theory with linearly realised supersymmetry. In 1974, Julius Wess and Bruno Zumino studied, using modern terminology, dynamics of a single chiral superfield whose cubic superpotential leads to a renormalizable theory.
In physics, the gauge covariant derivative is a means of expressing how fields vary from place to place, in a way that respects how the coordinate systems used to describe a physical phenomenon can themselves change from place to place. The gauge covariant derivative is used in many areas of physics, including quantum field theory and fluid dynamics and in a very special way general relativity.
In theoretical physics, scalar field theory can refer to a relativistically invariant classical or quantum theory of scalar fields. A scalar field is invariant under any Lorentz transformation.
In physics, the Green's function for Laplace's equation in three variables is used to describe the response of a particular type of physical system to a point source. In particular, this Green's function arises in systems that can be described by Poisson's equation, a partial differential equation (PDE) of the form
In mathematics, the spin representations are particular projective representations of the orthogonal or special orthogonal groups in arbitrary dimension and signature. More precisely, they are two equivalent representations of the spin groups, which are double covers of the special orthogonal groups. They are usually studied over the real or complex numbers, but they can be defined over other fields.
In the ADM formulation of general relativity one splits spacetime into spatial slices and time, the basic variables are taken to be the induced metric, , on the spatial slice, and its conjugate momentum variable related to the extrinsic curvature, ,. These are the metric canonical coordinates.
Symmetries in quantum mechanics describe features of spacetime and particles which are unchanged under some transformation, in the context of quantum mechanics, relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, and with applications in the mathematical formulation of the standard model and condensed matter physics. In general, symmetry in physics, invariance, and conservation laws, are fundamentally important constraints for formulating physical theories and models. In practice, they are powerful methods for solving problems and predicting what can happen. While conservation laws do not always give the answer to the problem directly, they form the correct constraints and the first steps to solving a multitude of problems.
Lagrangian field theory is a formalism in classical field theory. It is the field-theoretic analogue of Lagrangian mechanics. Lagrangian mechanics is used to analyze the motion of a system of discrete particles each with a finite number of degrees of freedom. Lagrangian field theory applies to continua and fields, which have an infinite number of degrees of freedom.
In representation theory of mathematics, the Waldspurger formula relates the special values of two L-functions of two related admissible irreducible representations. Let k be the base field, f be an automorphic form over k, π be the representation associated via the Jacquet–Langlands correspondence with f. Goro Shimura (1976) proved this formula, when and f is a cusp form; Günter Harder made the same discovery at the same time in an unpublished paper. Marie-France Vignéras (1980) proved this formula, when and f is a newform. Jean-Loup Waldspurger, for whom the formula is named, reproved and generalized the result of Vignéras in 1985 via a totally different method which was widely used thereafter by mathematicians to prove similar formulas.