Krishna Winston

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Krishna Winston is an American academic and translator of German literature. [1] She is the daughter of translators Richard and Clara Winston. [2] She obtained her BA at Smith College, followed by an MPhil and a doctorate from Yale University. She is currently the Marcus L. Taft Professor of German Language and Literature at Wesleyan University. [3]

She has translated more than 30 books, including works by Oskar Schlemmer, Golo Mann, Grete Weil, Christoph Hein, Peter Handke, Werner Herzog, and Günter Grass. She has received several prizes for excellence in translation. These include the Schlegel-Tieck Prize (twice) and the Kurt and Helen Wolff Prize.

Selected translations

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  1. "Profile 1". Archived from the original on 2014-02-27. Retrieved 2014-02-27.
  2. Fraser, C. Gerald (5 January 1980). Richard Winston, 62, Translator of Books from German Is Dead, The New York Times
  3. Profile 2