Kristy Sandoval (born 1983) is a Xicana muralist based out of the Northeast San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles, California. [1]
She has painted over fifty murals since the start of her art career and has painted murals in Turkey. Sandoval is a featured artist and founder of Pacoima's Mural Mile and also works as Program and Volunteer Manager for Casa Esperanza. [2] In 2017 she worked as a spokesperson for the NFL's Los Angeles Rams [3] in collaboration to promote "Mi Cuidad, Mi Eqipo, Mis Rams" and celebrate Hispanic Heritage month. Notable award was in 2016 received the Phenomenal Woman Award by the Department of Gender & Women's Studies at Cal State University Northridge. [4]
Sandoval studied at the Academy of Art University, receiving her BA in Web Design and New Media [5] (2002-2007)