L'Armonia Sonora

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L'Armonia Sonora is a Netherlands early music group led by the gambist Mieneke van der Velden. [1]


The ensemble's first three releases appeared on the Ramée label were critically well received by BBC Music Magazine and Gramophone Magazine. [2]


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  1. J. van der Klis -Een tuitje in de aardkorst: kroniek van de oude muziek 2007 Page 466 "Dat gold inderdaad ook voor concerten van L'Armonia Sonora onder leiding van Mieneke van der Velden"
  2. BBC Music Magazine -2007 Volume 15, Issues 7-13 - Page 65 "German Sacred Cantatas Peter Kooij L'Armonia Sonora Miencke van der Velden »Strongly commended for performance, recording and documentation alike. "