Laudetur Jesus Christus

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Inscription saying 'Praised be Lord Jesus Christ, forever and ever, Amen!' in Czech on a wayside cross in Zlatenka, Czech Republic Kriz u rybnika, Zlatenka, okres Pelhrimov - detail.JPG
Inscription saying 'Praised be Lord Jesus Christ, forever and ever, Amen!' in Czech on a wayside cross in Zlátenka, Czech Republic

Laudetur Jesus Christus or Laudetur Iesus Christus ( Latin for 'Praised be Jesus Christ') is a traditional Catholic salutation, which members of religious communities commonly use, especially those of specific ethnicities. [1] The answer to this greeting is typically semper laudetur 'Always be praised', in saecula saeculorum! Amen 'forever and ever! Amen' [2] or (Nunc et) in aeternum! Amen '(Now and) forever! Amen'. The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, however, respond et Maria Immaculata 'And Mary Immaculate'. [3] The phrase is also a motto of Vatican Radio. [4]

Pius Parsch noted the traditional Catholic use of the salutation:

"The [H]umanity of Christ is near in the priest. The Catholic people have kept this belief: 'Praised be Jesus Christ' they say whenever the priest comes." [5]

In Luxembourg, the salutation translated as "Gelobt sei Jesus Christus" is taught as "the respectful greeting [...] in addressing a priest". [6]

Other Christian denominations also use it, including Lutherans and other Protestants, and some Eastern Christians.

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  1. Roman Catholic Parish in Poland Archived 2008-02-15 at the Wayback Machine
  2. Raccolta- Jesus, Franciscan SFO
  3. Montmigny, Gaston J. Laudetur Jesus Christus et Maria Immaculata in Dictionary of Oblate Values.
  4. Vatican Radio
  5. Quoted in "The Ministry of the Canon Regular". The Vocation... In depth. Canons Regular of Saint Augustine. Archived from the original on 2013-10-04. Retrieved 2008-03-05. - from Parsch, Pius (1952). Volksliturgie: ihr Sinn und Umfang. Klosterneuburg: Klosterneuburger Buch- und Kunstverlag. pp. 231–233. OCLC   181801243.
  6. Dolibois, John (2000-11-16). Pattern of Circles: An Ambassador's Story. Kent State University Press. p. 25. ISBN   978-0-87338-702-6.