Libby Weaver

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Libby Weaver is an Australian biochemist who is an author, speaker and founder of the food-based supplement range, Bio Blends. [1]

Weaver founded Bio Blends, a nutritional supplement range. [2]

Weaver has spoken on television and radio as an authoritative figure in the health and wellness industry. [1] .

Libby Weaver
Born Tamworth, New South Wales
Alma mater University of Newcastle
Genre Health sciences

Born in Tamworth, New South Wales, [3] she spoke at TedxQueenstown in 2014 on the topic of ‘The pace of modern life versus our cavewoman biochemistry’. [4]


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  1. 1 2 Weaver, Libby (12 August 2021). "About Dr Libby Weaver – Nutritional biochemist". Dr Libby. Retrieved 12 August 2021.
  2. "Bio Blend About Dr Libby".
  3. "In my beauty bag: Dr Libby Weaver". 26 February 2014. Retrieved 6 June 2014.
  4. "Theme: Sense of Place Queenstown, New Zealand February 22nd, 2014". . Retrieved 6 June 2014.