Lidija is a feminine given name. Notable people with the name include:
Ivana is a feminine given name of Slavic origin that is also popular in southern Ireland, France, French-speaking Canada, the Mediterranean and Latin America. It is the feminine form of the name Ivan, which are both the Slavic cognates of the names Joanna and John. It may also be spelled as Ivanna.
Xenia is a female given name. The below sections list notable people with one of the variants of this given name.
Horvat is a surname of Croatian origin. It is the most frequent surname in Croatia and the second most frequent in Slovenia. Its variant Horvath is very frequent in Hungary and Slovakia.
Danijel is masculine given name of Slovene, Croatian, and Serbian origin. Notable people with the name include:
Bojan is a Slavic given name, derived from the Slavic noun boj "battle." The ending -an is a suffix frequently found in anthroponyms of Slavic origin. The feminine variant is Bojana. The name is recorded in historical sources among Serbs, Bulgarians, Czechs, Poles, Croats, Slovenians, Macedonians, Ukrainians and Russians. In Slovenia, it is the 18th most popular name for males, as of 2010.
Popović or Popovytch or Popovich or Popovitch is a common Belarusian, Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Romanian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian surname, and sometimes a patronymic meaning son of a priest.
Marija is a feminine given name, a variation of the name Maria, which was in turn a Latin form of the Greek names Μαριαμ, or Mariam, and Μαρια, or Maria, found in the New Testament. Depending on phonological rules concerning consecutive vowels or the use of the palatal approximant, "Mary" in these languages is Marija if consecutive vowels are disallowed and otherwise Maria.
Sanja is a South Slavic feminine given name, meaning "she dreams".
Pavlović (Serbo-Croatian) or Pavlovič is a surname of South Slavic origin stemming from the male given name Pavao, Pavle or Pavel, which are all Slavic variants of Paul. It was formed using the patronymic suffix -ović, meaning son of Pavao/Pavle/Pavel.
Ljubica is a Slavic feminine given name meaning "love" or "kiss", where -ica is a diminutive suffix. Also, ljubica means violet, while the actual flower is ljubičica, a superdiminutive. It is Serbo-Croatian in origin, used throughout the former Yugoslavia.
Mandić is a Serbo-Croatian surname, a matronymic of the feminine given name Manda, a hypocorism of Mandalena, a variant of Magdalena imported from Italian.
Sekulić is a surname found among Croats and Serbs.
Vanja is a given name. It was originally a nickname for Ivan.
Emīlija or Emilija is a given name. Notable people with the name include:
Drago is a Bulgarian, Serbian, Slovene, Croatian male given name, usually short for the other names with the root drag-, such as Dragan, Dragutin, etc. The feminine version is Draga. A Romanian version is Dragoș.
Zlatko is a South Slavic masculine given name. The name is derived from the word zlato meaning gold with hypocoristic suffix -ko common in South Slavic languages.
Marko is a masculine given name, a cognate of Mark.
Darko is a common South Slavic masculine given name. It is derived from the Slavic root dar 'gift'. Its oldest mention is from the 14th century, included in the Dečani chrysobulls (1330).
Jasmina, sometimes Jasminka, as a feminine variant, and Jasmin, sometimes Jasminko, as a masculine variant, are given names used in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria and Slovenia, and same as a given name Jasmine, which is the common form in German, Romance and English-speaking countries, although almost always as a feminine variation.
Vlado is a Slavic masculine given name. Notable people with the given name include: