Lidiya is a feminine given name.
Stepanov (Степанов), female Stepanova is a common Russian and Serbian surname that is derived from the male given name Stepan and literally means Stepan's. The Latvianized form is Stepanovs. Notable people with the surname include:
Dorfman is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
ZenaidaZenaide (Italian), Zénaïde (French), or Zinaida.
Yulia (Юлия) is a female given name, the equivalent of the Latin Julia. It can be spelled Yulia, Yulya, Julia, Julja, Julija, Yuliia, Yuliya, Juliya or İulia. An alternative spelling is Ioulia/Gioulia (Greek) or Iuliia. Prononciations can differ, depending on where you are from. The name can be found in many countries, especially in Christian ones. The name is of a Christian origin as well - Saint Julia of Corsica. A few notable people from some of the countries in which the name exist are shown below.
Medvedev and female Medvedeva (Медве́дева), from Russian medved’ (медве́дь), meaning the animal "bear", are Slavic surnames. Notable bearers of the name include:
Alexeyev, Alekseyev, Alexeiev, Alexeev or Alekseev is a common Russian surname that is derived from the male given name Alexey (Алексей) and literally means Alexey's. Often the same name appears in English in several different transliterations. Similarly, Alexeyeva, Alekseyeva, Alexeeva and Alekseeva are female versions of the same last name.
Grigoryev or Grigoryeva is a Russian surname. It is derived from the Latinized Greek name Gregory (Grigorios). Alternative spellings of this last name include Grigoriev (masculine) and Grigorieva (feminine). Notable people with that name include:
Ekaterina is a Russian feminine given name, and an alternative transliteration of the Russian Yekaterina. Katya and Katyusha are common diminutive forms of Ekaterina. Its Western counterpart is Catherine (Katherine). Notable people with the name can be found below.
Vertinskaya, Верти́нская is a female form of Russian surname Vertinsky. Notable people with the surname include:
Mariya is a variation of the feminine given name Maria.
Larissa is a female given name of Greek origin that is common in Eastern European nations of Orthodox church heritage. It is derived either from Larissa, a nymph in Greek mythology who was a daughter of Pelasgus, or from the name of the ancient city of Larissa in Greece which meant "citadel" or "fortress" in a now extinct Pre-Greek substrate language.
Yelena or Jelena is a feminine given name. It is the Russian form of Helen, written Елена in Russian.
Lidia is a feminine given name. It is the Greek, Italian, Polish, Romanian, and Spanish transcription of the name Lydia.
Galina, Halyna, or Halina is an East Slavic feminine given name, also popular in Bulgaria and Slovenia during the period of Soviet influence. Galina is the standard transliteration from Russian. It is generally transliterated as Halyna from Ukrainian and as Halina from Belarusian. The latter form is also frequently found in Poland.
Svitlana is a Ukrainian language female given name and may refer to:
Valentina is a feminine given name. It is a feminine form of the Roman name Valentinus, which is derived from the Latin word "valens" meaning "healthy, strong".
Lidiya Ivanova may refer to:
Klimov is a Russian male surname, its feminine counterpart is Klimova (Климова). It may refer to
Antonina and Antoņina are feminine given names and nicknames. It is a Bulgarian, Latin, Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian given name that is an alternate form of Antonia in use in Israel, Vietnam, Moldova, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan. It is a Danish, Finnish, German, Italian, Norwegian and Swedish diminutive form of Antonia in use in Greenland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, parts of the Republic of Karelia, Germany, Italy, Northern Estonia, Austria, eastern Switzerland, and parts of Romania and Hungary. Antoņina is a Latvian alternate form of Antonia in use in Latvia. Notable people with this name include the following:
Klavdiya is a given name. Notable people with the name include: