List of Army Bureau of Current Affairs publications

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The Army Bureau of Current Affairs (ABCA) as an organisation set up to educate and raise morale amongst British servicemen and servicewomen during World War II.


ABCA pamphlets and publications

The ABCA published two main series of pamphlets War and Current Affairs, both from September 1941 with the former series concluding after Victory in Europe Day in June 1945 and the latter continuing until December 1946. These pamphlets were published biweekly and usually contained 16 pages, including the front and rear covers. There are also seems to have been a French-language version of these pamphlets published for Canadian French speaking troops. A completely different series was made for the Middle East but not many come onto the market.

A further printed publication and different approach for discussion was an ABCA issued wall chart for use in barracks etc., of which not many seem to have survived the war. Last but not least, an ABCA song book was released in 1944 with an introduction by Williams himself. [1]

The details of the War and Current Affair pamphlets are as follows:

1941 WAR

1942 WAR

1943 WAR

1944 WAR

1945 WAR


1941 Current Affairs



1944 Current Affairs

1945 Current Affairs

Note: Between July and December 1945 ABCA 'Current Affairs' had a 'B'-series in between the normal bi-weekly issue, with a B prefix for the book number.

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  1. "The A. B. C. A., Army Bureau of Current Affairs, Song Book". Copac.