List of Germany's Next Topmodel contestants

Last updated

This is a list of contestants who have appeared on the German television show Germany's Next Topmodel . Hosted by model Heidi Klum and her panel of judges. A number of aspiring models compete to win a modeling contract with a top modeling agency, along with other prizes.


The series first aired on January 25, 2006, and as of 2025, nineteen seasons have aired. A total of 542 contestants have been selected as finalists in the show in its twenty years running, with 426 eliminations (391 eliminations from the main judging panel and 33 eliminations from outside the judging panel), 43 withdrawals and 2 disqualifications.

A total of twenty models (Lena Gercke, Barbara Meier, Jennifer Hof, Sara Nuru, Alisar Ailabouni, Jana Beller, Luisa Hartema, Lovelyn Enebechi, Stefanie Giesinger, Vanessa Fuchs, Kim Hnizdo, Céline Bethmann, Toni Dreher-Adenuga, Simone Kowalski, Jacqueline Wruck, Alex-Mariah Peter, Lou-Anne Gleißenebner-Teskey, Vivien Blotzki, Lea Oude Engberink, and Jermaine Kokoú Kothé) crowned "Germany's Next Topmodel".

Contestants from all over Europe with German descent may apply to be on the show through casting calls, but the series has been known to recruit contestants from a myriad of various methods. In more recent years of the show, the production team has taken to scouting for contestants on various social media platforms, like Instagram or TikTok.


Lena Gercke,
winner of GNTM, season 1 Lena Gercke in 2023 IAA 2023 1X7A0424.jpg
Lena Gercke,
winner of GNTM, season 1
Micaela Schafer,
GNTM, season 1 Micaela Schafer (10583423273).jpg
Micaela Schäfer,
GNTM, season 1
Barbara Meier,
winner of GNTM, season 2 Barbara Meier - QVC (cropped).jpg
Barbara Meier,
winner of GNTM, season 2
Hana Nitsche,
GNTM, season 2 Germanys next topmodel philipp von Ostau.jpg
Hana Nitsche,
GNTM, season 2
Fiona Erdmann,
GNTM, season 2 Fiona Erdmann Philipp von Ostau.jpg
Fiona Erdmann,
GNTM, season 2
Sarah Knappik,
GNTM, season 3 Philipp von Ostau Sarah Knappik.jpg
Sarah Knappik,
GNTM, season 3
Vanessa Hegelmaier,
GNTM, season 3 Vanessa Hegelmeier BCBGMAXAZRIA Fall-Winter 2010 047 (cropped).jpg
Vanessa Hegelmaier,
GNTM, season 3
Gina-Lisa Lohfink,
GNTM, season 3 2016-02-01 768 Gina Lisa Lohfink.JPG
Gina-Lisa Lohfink,
GNTM, season 3
Sara Nuru, winner of GNTM, season 4 1 Live Krone 2013 Sara Nuru 2.jpg
Sara Nuru, winner of GNTM, season 4
Marie Nasemann,
GNTM, season 4 2022-09-14-Marie Nasemann Deutscher Fernsehpreis 2022-1081.jpg
Marie Nasemann,
GNTM, season 4
Tessa Bergmeier,
GNTM, season 4 Tessa Bergmeier - offizielles Wiegen, Promiboxen 2013.JPG
Tessa Bergmeier,
GNTM, season 4
Larissa Marolt,
GNTM, season 4 Rise Up! And Dance Premiere Wien 02 Larissa Marolt.jpg
Larissa Marolt,
GNTM, season 4
Alisar Ailabouni,
winner of GNTM, season 5 Alisar Ailabouni 02.jpg
Alisar Ailabouni,
winner of GNTM, season 5
Neele Hehemann,
GNTM, season 5 Modell Neele Hehemann beim Event 5 Jahre BMW Welt 2.JPG
Neele Hehemann,
GNTM, season 5
Miriam Holler,
GNTM, season 5 Miriam Holler Premiere von der 300. Folge 'Alarm fur Cobra 11'.jpg
Miriam Höller,
GNTM, season 5
Jana Beller,
winner of GNTM, season 6 Jana Beller 02.jpg
Jana Beller,
winner of GNTM, season 6
Rebecca Mir,
runner-up of GNTM, season 6 Rebecca Mir Autogrammfoto.jpg
Rebecca Mir,
runner-up of GNTM, season 6
Amelie Klever,
GNTM, season 6 1LIVE Krone 2014 Amelie Klever.jpg
Amelie Klever,
GNTM, season 6
Luisa Hartema,
winner of GNTM, season 7 Luisa Hartema.jpg
Luisa Hartema,
winner of GNTM, season 7
Lovelyn Enebechi,
winner of GNTM, season 8 2016-02-01 Lovelyn Enebechi (5).jpg
Lovelyn Enebechi,
winner of GNTM, season 8
Stefanie Giesinger,
winner of GNTM, season 9 MJK 67888 Stefanie Giesinger (Berlinale 2020).jpg
Stefanie Giesinger,
winner of GNTM, season 9
Nathalie Volk,
GNTM, season 9 Nathalie Volk (34308970513) (cropped).jpg
Nathalie Volk,
GNTM, season 9
Anna Wilken and Betty Taube,
GNTM, season 9 Anna Wilken & Betty Taube-Guenter (Red carpet) - Clobal Citizen Festival Hamburg 05 (cropped).jpg
Anna Wilken and Betty Taube,
GNTM, season 9
Vanessa Fuchs,
winner of GNTM, season 10 AV0A5609 Vanessa Fuchs (cropped).jpg
Vanessa Fuchs,
winner of GNTM, season 10
Anuthida Ploypetch,
runner-up of GNTM, season 10 2016-02-01 Anuthida Ploypetch (cropped 2).jpg
Anuthida Ploypetch,
runner-up of GNTM, season 10
Kim Hnizdo,
winner of GNTM, season 11 AV0A1054 Kim Hnizdo.jpg
Kim Hnizdo,
winner of GNTM, season 11
Elena Carriere,
runner-up of GNTM, season 11 Elena Carriere - QVC (cropped).jpg
Elena Carrière,
runner-up of GNTM, season 11
Taynara Silva Wolf,
GNTM, season 11 Hessischer Filmpreis 2017 - Taynara Wolf 2 (cropped).JPG
Taynara Silva Wolf,
GNTM, season 11
Martina Gleissenebner Teskey,
GNTM, season 17 20220906 fw marc cain 1422-copyright-ONAT-PHOTO (cropped 2).jpg
Martina Gleißenebner Teskey,
GNTM, season 17
  The contestant won the competition.
  The contestant participated in Die Model WG , a spin-off from GNTM.
ContestantAge 1 CountryPlaceCycle
Andrea Lichtenberg19Germany12th/11th Season 1 [1]
Anne Mühlmer17Germany
Céline Roscheck22Austria10th
Rahel Krüger20Germany9th
Micaela Schäfer 22Germany8th
Luise Mikulla16Germany7th
Charlotte Offeney18Germany6th/5th
Lena Meier20Germany
Janina Ortmann20Greece4th
Jennifer Wanderer17Germany3rd
Yvonne Schröder17GermanyRunner-up
Lena Gercke 17GermanyWinner
Sophie Deahl17Germany17th/16th (quit) Season 2
Alina Hegelmaier16Germany
Janine Mackenroth18Germany15th
Enyerlina Sanchez25Domincan Republic14th/13th
Antje Pötke22Germany
Janina Küpper21Germany12th
Alla Kosovan18Germany11th
Denise Dahinten19Germany10th
Tonia Michaely19Germany9th/8th
Aneta Tober21Germany
Michaella Saskia 'Milla' von Krockow 20Germany7th
Anja Platzer19Austria6th
Mandy Graff18Luxembourg5th/4th
Fiona Erdmann 18Germany
Hana Nitsche21Germany3rd
Anne-Kathrin 'Anni' Wendler21GermanyRunner-up
Barbara Meier 20GermanyWinner
Sandra Korte22Germany19th/18th/17th Season 3
Rubina Radwanski20Germany
Aisha Grone16Germany
Tainá Silva18Germany16th/15th
Aline Tausch20Germany
Elena Rotter20Austria14th
Katharina Harms18Germany13th/12th
Gina-Lisa Lohfink 21Germany
Bianca Schumacher20Germany11th
Sophia Maus19Germany10th
Anna Vanessa Hegelmaier 20Germany9th
Sarah Knappik21Germany8th
Raquel Alvarez22Switzerland7th
Gisele Oppermann20Germany6th
Wanda Badwal23Germany5th/4th
Carolin Ruppert24Germany
Christina Leibold21Germany3rd
Janina Schmidt23GermanyRunner-up
Jennifer Hof 16GermanyWinner
Olivia Bermann20Germany17th/16th/15th Season 4 [2]
Johanna Popp21Germany
Daphne Braun17Germany
Tessa Bergmeier19Germany14th
Dana Franke20Germany13th
Tamara Busch16Germany12th/11th
Aline Bauer19Germany
Stefanie Theissing21Germany10th
Katrina Scharinger19Germany9th
Larissa Marolt 16Austria8th
Ira Meindl21Germany7th
Sarina Nowak16Germany6th
Maria Beckmann19Germany5th/4th
Jessica Motzkus20Germany
Marie Nasemann19Germany3rd
Mandy Bork17GermanyRunner Up
Sara Nuru 19GermanyWinner
Aline Kautz16Germany18th (quit) Season 5
Petra Roscheck [3] 25Austria17th/16th
Lena Kaiser [4] 17Germany
Lara Emsen [5] 16Germany15th
Luisa Krüger [6] 18Germany14th
Nadine Höcherl [7] 18Germany13th/12th
Catherine Kropp [8] 17Germany
Miriam Höller [9] 22Germany11th
Wioleta Psiuk [10] 18Germany10th
Jacqueline Kohl [11] 16Germany9th
Viktoria Lantratova [12] 22Germany8th
Pauline Afaja [13] 19Germany7th/6th
Leyla Mert [14] 19Germany
Louisa Mazzurana [15] 22Germany5th
Neele Hehemann [16] 21Germany4th
Laura Weyel [17] 23Germany3rd
Hanna Bohnekamp [18] 18GermanyRunner Up
Alisar Ailabouni [19] 20AustriaWinner
Chiara Isabell Breder16Germany25th/24th Season 6
Lilia Doubrovina16Germany
Valerie Blum20Germany23rd (quit)
Concetta Mazza18Germany22nd
Ivon Zito18Germany21st
Christien Fleischhauer22Germany20th
Amira Regaieg20Germany19th
Franziska König18Germany18th
Simone Rohrmüller18Germany17th
Tahnee Keller20Germany16th
Natascha Beil20Germany15th/14th
Paulina Kaluza18Germany
Florence Lodevic22Luxembourg13th
Isabel Rath23Germany12th/11th
Sarah Jülich19Germany
Joana Damek20Germany10th (quit)
Jil Goetz16Germany9th
Marie-Luise Schäfer21Germany8th
Lisa-Maria Könnecke16Germany7th
Sihe Jiang19Germany6th
Aleksandra Nagel21Germany5th/4th
Anna-Lena Schubert20Germany
Amelie Klever16Germany3rd
Rebecca Mir 19GermanyRunner Up
Jana Beller 20GermanyWinner
Romina Djurovic16Germany25th/24th/23rd Season 7
Laura Wittek18Germany
Abiba Makoya Bakayoko18Germany
Isabell Janku16Germany22nd/21st/20th/19th
Sabine Snobl19Germany
Franziska Pöhling18Germany
Valerie-Charlotte Kirchner von Schröder19Germany
Anelia Moor19Germany18th
Michelle-Luise Lafleur17Germany17th/16th
Natalia Kowalczykowska20Germany
Maxi Böttcher17Germany15th
Jasmin Abraha17Germany14th
Annabelle Rieß23Germany13th
Melek Civantürk20Germany12th
Shawny Sander17Germany11th
Laura Scharnagl17Germany10th
Inga Bobkow17Germany9th
Lisa Volz20Germany8th
Diana Ovchinnikova17Germany7th (quit)
Evelyn Keck18Germany6th (quit)
Sara Kulka21Germany5th
Katarzyna 'Kasia' Lenhard †16Germany4th
Dominique Miller22Germany3rd
Sarah-Anessa Hitzschke18GermanyRunner Up
Luisa Hartema 16GermanyWinner
Clara Zaveta19Germany26th (quit) Season 8
Katharina Oltzow16Germany25th
Merle Lambert16Germany24th (quit)
Linda Niewerth17Germany23rd/22nd/21st
Lisa Quack17Germany
Nancy Limonta22Germany
Lisa-Giulia Wende17Germany20th
Michelle Maas16Germany19th
Höpke Voß19Germany18th/17th (quit)
Bingyang Liu18Germany
Leandra Martin18Germany16th
Laura 'Sophie' Jungblut23Germany15th (quit)
Anna-Barbara Seebrecht17Germany14th
Jessika Weidner16Germany13th
Janna Wiese19Germany12th
Veronika Weddeling23Germany11th
Jacqueline Thießen16Germany10th
Leonie Marwitz16Germany9th
Carolin Sünderhauf20Germany8th
Christine Gischler16Germany7th
Marie Czuczman16Germany6th
Anna-Maria Damm16Germany5th
Sabrina Elsner20Germany4th
Luise Will18Germany3rd
Maike van Grieken20GermanyRunner Up
Lovelyn Enebechi 16GermanyWinner
Jill Schmitz22Luxembourg25th/24th Season 9
Lisa Seibert18Germany
Fata Hasanovic18Germany23rd/22nd/21st/20th (quit)
Ina Bartak21Germany
Laura Hass19Germany
Pauline Cottin18Germany
Franziska Wimmer17Germany19th
Laura Kristen18Germany18th
Emma Kahlert16Germany17th
Antonia Balzer16Germany16th
Simona Hartl17Germany15th/14th
Jana Heinisch19Germany
Sainabou Sosseh16Germany13th
Lisa Gelbrich17Germany12th
Sarah Weinfurter16Germany11th
Anna Lena Wilken17Germany10th (quit)
Samantha Brock17Germany9th
Nancy Nagel21Germany8th
Karlin Obiango17Germany7th
Aminata Sanogo18Germany6th/5th/4th
Nathalie Volk 16Germany
Betty Taube18Germany
Ivana Teklic18Germany3rd
Jolina Fust17GermanyRunner-up
Stefanie Giesinger 17GermanyWinner
Sarah Kochar22Germany23rd/22nd (quit) Season 10
Annabel Paasch16Germany
Laura Weidner17Germany21st/20th
Ariana Xhatova18Germany
Adriane Sutsch18Germany19th
Jovana Bulic18Belgium18th/17th/16th
Lena Stockhausen18Germany
Daniela Wolking22Germany
Irene Pichler20Austria15th/14th
Neele Busse18Germany
Erica Santos Silva21Germany13th
Sandy Provazek20Germany12th/11th
Varisa Kaluk20Austria
Laura Dünninger17Germany10th/9th
Sara Faste16Germany
Chiara 'Kiki' Hölzl17Austria8th
Jülide 'Jüli' Ürküt17Germany7th/6th
Lisa Bärmann19Germany
Darya Strelnikova22Germany5th
Katharina Wandrowsky19Germany4th
Ajsa Selimovic18Germany3rd
Anuthida Ploypetch17GermanyRunner Up
Vanessa Fuchs 18GermanyWinner
Luisa Bolghiran19Germany24th (Quit) Season 11
Friederike 'Fred' Riss17Germany23rd/22nd
Saskia Böhlcke18Germany
Laura Penelope Baumgärtner19Switzerland21st (Quit)
Sophie Schweer19Germany20th/19th
Shirin Kelly24Germany
Cindy Unger20Germany18th
Jennifer Daschner17Germany17th/16th
Laura Bräutigam16Germany
Christin Götzke17Germany15th/14th
Yusra Babekr-Ali18Germany
Lara-Kristin Bayer16Germany13th
Camilla Cavalli16Germany12th
Julia Wulf20Germany11th (Quit)
Laura Franziska Blank21Germany10th
Laura Bleicher19Germany9th
Luana Genevieve Florea19Romania8th
Elena Kilb19Germany7th
Lara Helmer20Germany6th
Taynara Joy Silva Wolf19Germany5th
Jasmin Lekudere20Austria4th
Fata Hasanovic 2 20Germany3rd
Elena Carriere19GermanyRunner Up
Kim Hnizdo 19GermanyWinner
Saskia Mächler19Germany28th/27th Season 12
Christina Wiessner19Germany
Elisa Weihmann16Germany26th/25th
Victoria Wanke17Germany
Claudia Fiedler22Germany24th
Milena Ziller18Germany23rd/22nd/21st
Chaline Bang16Germany
Kimberly Pereira18Germany
Helena Fritz18Switzerland20th (Quit)
Aissatou Niang18Germany19th
Deborah Lay21Germany18th
Melina Budde19Germany17th
Neele Bronst20Germany16th
Julia Fux20Austria15th
Greta Faeser21Germany14th (Quit)
Julia Steyns23Germany13th
Soraya Eckes17Germany12th
Giuliana Radermacher 20Germany11th
Brenda Hübscher23Germany10th
Sabine Fischer23Germany9th
Anh Phuong Dinh Phan25Germany8th
Carina Zavline19France7th
Lynn Petertonkoker18Germany6th/5th
Maja Manczak18Germany
Leticia Wala-Ntuba18Germany4th
Romina Brennecke20Germany3rd
Serlina Hohmann22GermanyRunner Up
Céline Bethmann 18GermanyWinner
Selma Toroy24Germany29th Season 13
Ivana Rajić-Hrnjić22Germany28th (Quit)
Viktoria Wendell21Germany27th/26th
Lania Barzanjil22Germany
Liane Polt17Austria25th
Julia Freimuth17Germany24th
Elisabeth 'Lis' Kanzler22Germany23rd/22nd
Cindy Valerie Wersche24Germany
Karoline Seul19Germany21st
Franziska Schwagger23Germany20th/19th
Isabella Özdemir22Germany
Sherezade 'Sarah' Amiri19Germany18th
Gerda Lewis25Germany17th
Anne Volkmann23Germany16th
Stephanie Groll19Germany15th
Shari Streich23Germany14th
Abigail Odoom20Germany13th
Bruna Rodrigues24Germany12th/11th
Victoria Pavlas19Austria
Zoe Saip18Austria10th
Trixi Giese17France9th
Klaudia Giez21Germany8th/7th
Sara Leutenegger23Switzerland
Sally Haas17Germany6th
Jennifer Michalczyk22Germany5th
Christina Peno21Germany4th
Pia Riegel22Germany3rd
Julianna Townsend20GermanyRunner Up
Oluwatoniloba 'Toni' Dreher-Adenuga 18GermanyWinner
Anastasiya Baskakova21Germany30th/29th/28th/27th Season 14
Marlene Donner19Germany
Debora do Nascimento Goulart22Germany
Ann-Kathrin Grünewald20Germany
Olivia Rhode16Germany26th (Quit)
Maria Wilhauk19Germany25th/24th/23rd/22nd
Naomi Ufelle16Austria
Celine Hamann19Germany
Loriane Glocke24Germany
Kim Dammer18Germany21st (Quit)
Joelle Juana Pascai-Quednau23Germany20th/19th/18th
Melina Lucht19Germany
Catharina Maranca19Germany
Leonela Hires19Austria17th
Luna Dzek Dukadjinac21Germany16th
Enisa Bukvic24Germany15th (quit)
Jasmin Veit 'Joy' Cadete Rosado18Germany14th (disqualified) [20]
Melissa Hemberger23Germany13th
Justine Klippenstein20Germany12th
Theresia Fischer26Germany11th
Julia Helm23Germany10th
Lena Lischewski17Germany9th
Tatjana Wiedemann22Germany8th
Sarah Gabriela Almoril20Germany7th
Caroline Krüger21Germany6th
Alicija Laureen Köhler18Germany5th
Vanessa Stannat21Germany4th (Quit) [21]
Cäcilia Zimmer18Germany3rd
Sayana Ranjan20GermanyRunner Up
Simone Kowalski 21GermanyWinner
Daria Cupachin22Germany28th/27th/26th Season 15
Charlotte Louise Steinborn25Germany
Nina-Sue Wurm19Germany
Saskia Mächler 3 22Germany25th/24th
Malin Blumenthal21Germany
Alina Enders23Germany23rd/22nd/21st
Valeria Zock19Germany
Laura Schäfer19Germany
Cassandra Feliciano27Germany20th/19th
Marie Rathay19Germany
Pinar Aygün22Germany18th/17th
Sarah Sainabou Sonko23Germany
Lucy Hellenbrecht21Germany16th
Mareike Lerch24Germany15th (Quit)
Julia Figueroa20Germany14th
Johanna Höpfler20Germany13th
Bianca Eigenfield18Germany12th
Julia Przybylski17Germany11th
Nadine Wimmer20Germany10th
Vivian Cole21Germany9th
Maribel Sancia Todt18Germany8th
Larissa Neumann19Germany7th
Tamara Hitz19Austria6th
Anastasia 'Nastya' Borisova20Germany5th
Lijana Kaggwa23Germany4th (Quit) [22] [23] [24]
Maureen Ugodi20Austria3rd
Sarah Posch20AustriaRunner Up
Jacqueline 'Jacky' Wruck 21GermanyWinner
Franziska Bergander24Germany31st/30th/29th/28th/27th/26th Season 16
Maria-Sophie Damiano19Germany
Vanessa Gros21Germany
Alexandra Nicole Reinke21Germany
Samantha Vanessa Herbst21Germany
Lena Schreiber21Germany
Ricarda Nina Häschke21Germany25th (Quit)
Anna-Maria Schimanski21Germany24th
Sara Ullmann20Germany23rd (Quit)
Nana Fofana19Germany22nd
Mira Carlotta Folster19Germany21st (Quit)
Sarah Ahrend22Germany20th
Amina Hotait21Germany19th
Miriam Rautert 24Germany18th
Chanel Silberberg21Germany17th
Jasmine Jüttner21Austria16th (Quit)
Alysha Hübner19Germany15th
Linda Braunberger20Germany14th
Mareike Müller25Germany13th
Romy Wolf19Germany12th (Quit)
Larissa Onac22Germany11th
Elisa Schattenberg20Germany10th
Ana Martinovic20Germany9th
Angelina Luca Vanak19Germany8th
Liliana Maxwell21Germany7th
Yasmin Boulaghmal19Germany6th
Ashley Amegan21Germany5th (Quit) [25]
Romina Josefine Palm21Germany4th
Soulin Omar20Germany3rd
Dascha Carriero21GermanyRunner Up
Alex-Mariah Peter 23GermanyWinner
Emilie Clement [26] 19Switzerland31st/30th/29th Season 17
Meline Kermut [27] 20Germany
Pauline Schäfer [28] 18Germany
Kim Bieder [29] 20Germany28th/27th
Martha 'Wiebke' Schwartau [30] 22Germany
Kristina Ber [31] 20Germany26th/25th
Lisa-Marie Cordt [32] 22Germany
Lenara Klawitter [33] 24Germany24th (Quit)
Kashmira Maduwege [34] 20Germany23rd
Laura Isabell Wende [35] 19Germany22nd
Barbara Radtke [36] 68Germany21st/20th
Jasmin Sainabou Jägers [37] 23Germany
Julia Weinhäupl [38] 21Germany19th/18th
Laura Bittner [39] 20Germany
Jessica Adwubi [40] 23Germany17th/16th
Paulina Stępowska [41] 32Germany
Annalotta Bönninger [42] 20Germany15th
Viola Schierenbeck [43] 21Ireland14th/13th
Inka Ferbert [44] 19Germany
Amaya Baker [45] 18Germany12th
Vanessa Lealia Kunz [46] 20Germany11th
Sophie Clara Dräger [47] 18Germany10th/9th
Juliana Stürmer [48] 24Germany
Lena Denise Krüger [49] 20Germany8th
Vivien Sterk [50] 21Germany7th
Lieselotte Reznicek [51] 66Germany6th
Anita Schaller [52] 20Germany5th
Noëlla Mbomba [53] 24Germany4th
Martina Gleißenebner-Teskey [54] 50Austria3rd
Luca Lorenz [55] 19GermanyRunner Up
Lou-Anne Gleißenebner-Teskey [56] 18AustriaWinner
Alina Enns [57] 20Germany35th/34th/33rd/32nd Season 18
Elisaveta Victoria 'Elisabeth' Schmidt [58] 21Germany
Indira Mölle [59] 20Germany
Ana Lea Feddersen [60] 22Germany
Slata Schneider [61] 19Germany31st/30th
Melissa Stoebke Carbonel [62] 19Germany
Melina Rath [63] 18Austria29th/28th
Juliette Schulz [64] 19Germany
Emilia Steitz [65] 19Germany27th/26th/25th
Elizabeth Laetitia 'Eliz' Steingraf [66] 21Germany
Zoey Saflekou [67] 26Germany
Sarah Benkhoff [68] 20Germany24th (Quit)
Tracy Candesh Baumgarten [69] 25Germany23rd (Quit)
Jenita 'Jülide' Beganovic [70] 22Germany22nd
Elsa Latifaj [71] 18Austria21st
Lara Ellen Rollhaus [72] 19Germany20th
Zuzel Palacio Calunga [73] 50Cuba19th/18th
Charlene Christian [74] 51Germany
Leona Kastrati [75] 19Germany17th
Ina Aufenberg [76] 44Germany16th
Anya Elsner [77] 19Germany15th
Anna Celina 'Cassy' Cassau [78] 23Germany14th/13th
Marielena Aponte [79] 52Germany
Maike Lea Nitsch [80] 23Germany12th
Nina Kablitz [81] 22Germany11th
Mirella Janev [82] 20Germany10th
Katherine 'Katja' Markov [83] 20Germany9th
Frideriki 'Ida' Kulis [84] 23Germany8th/7th
Anna-Maria Fuhrmann [85] 24Germany
Coco Clever [86] 20Germany6th
Nicole Reitbauer [87] 49Germany5th
Selma May Schröder [88] 18Germany4th
Olivia Therese Hounkpati [89] 22Germany3rd
Somajia Ali [90] 21GermanyRunner Up
Vivien Blotzki [91] 22GermanyWinner
Vivien Walkemeyer24Germany36th (quit) Season 19
Pit-Jenik 'Pitzi' Müller33Germany35th (disqualified)
Yanik Schulze [92] 20Germany34th/33rd/32nd/31st
Vanessa Viktorowna Horst [93] 22Germany
Tracy Candesh Baumgarten 4 [94] 26Germany
Bảo Huy Nguyễn [95] 22Germany
Felice Wolfgram [96] 20Germany30th/29th/28th
Lilian Assih [97] 24Germany
Marcia Edhere [98] 23Switzerland
Livingsten Amalanathan [99] 23Germany27th/26th/25th
Leoni Mecklenburg [100] 25Germany
Franz Vochezer [101] 19Germany
Max Uhrmacher [102] 20Germany24th/23rd
Alexandra Bode [103] 21Germany
Yusupha Jobarteh [104] 25Germany22nd/21st/20th/19th
Nuri Enoch [105] 21Germany
Jana Wetzel [106] 24Germany
Felix Xaver [107] 20Germany
Lilli Hachgenei [108] 22Germany18th/17th
Dominik Gruber [109] 27Germany
Maximilian Kreiner [110] 21Austria16th/15th
Mare Cirko [111] 22Germany
Lydwine Nitidem [112] 21Germany14th/13th
Lucas Schwarze [113] 24Germany
Stella Maria Naming [114] 34Germany12th/11th
Dominic Spillner [115] 20Germany
Aldin Zahirovic 5 [116] 22Germany10th/9th
Sara Zuraw [117] 28Germany
Marvin De-Graft [118] 22Germany8th
Kadidja Becher [119] 21Austria7th
Armin Rausch [120] 27Germany6th
Grees 'Grace' Zakhour [121] 24Germany5th/4th
Frieder Sell [122] 25Germany
Fabienne Urbach [123] 20Germany3rd
Tarkan 'Julian' Cidic 6 [124] 24Germany3rd
Luka Cidic 6 [125] 24Germany
Ksenia 'Xenia' Tsilikova [126] 23GermanyRunner-up
Linus Weber [127] 25Germany
Lea Oude Engberink [128] 24GermanyWinner
Jermaine Kokoú Kothe [129] 19Germany
Angelina Matic20Germany51st/50th/49th/48th/47th Season 20
Marlene Sánchez22Germany
Leila Charifa Kraus22Germany
Marie E.21Germany
Jessica L.22Switzerland
Konstantin 'Konsti' Bell24Germany46th/45th/44th
Enis Spahija23Germany
Julian Johannes 'J.J.' Stocks34Germany
Natali Czesak25Germany43rd/42nd/41st/40th
Lucia Brigit Charlene Doric21Germany
Valeria Hoffmann21Germany
Stella Ineya Miljenovic23Germany
Aaliyah Isla22GermanyParticipating
Alexander 'Alex' van Hove24Germany
Annett Bremer46Germany
Canel D.26Germany
Christian 'Chris' Preineg23Austria
Daniela 'Dani' Djokić20Germany
Eliob Nten' Demofike23Japan
Eva Bloss26Germany
Faruk Aytaç Keçe21Germany
Felix Flad27Germany
Felix Lintner21Austria
Felix Schiller 7 30Austria
Gabriel Moreno von Schinckel23Switzerland
Jannik Richter22Germany
Jonathan Tolno25Germany
Josephine Madeleine 'Josy' Tolno19Germany
Jule-Malin Gscheidle21Germany
Katharina 'Kathi' Van de Sandt24Austria
Katrin Gömann Elsner56Germany
Keanu Kosis24Germany
Kevin Vukelja24Germany
Laura K.25Germany
Lian Hansen21Austria
Lisa Brandstätter19Austria
Luisa 'Lulu' Gömann32Germany
Magdalena 'Magi' Milic21Austria
Matthias 'Mattes'38Germany
Moritz Rüdiger18Germany
Nawin Nazary27Germany
Pierre Lang22Austria
Ray Ewulu30Germany
Ryan Wöhrl22Germany
Safia Asare24Germany
Samuel Dohmen23Germany
Svenja Sievers24Germany
Tim Schröder19Germany
Xenia Redelmann26Germany
Zoe Rötzel19Germany


  1. ^1 Contestant's ages are at the time of the season's filming.
  2. ^2 Fata Hasanovic previously competed in the ninth season of the series, where she placed between 23rd to 20th.
  3. ^3 Saskia Mächler previously competed in the twelfth season of the series, where she placed between 28th to 27th.
  4. ^4 Tracy Baumgarten previously competed in the eighteenth season of the series, where she placed 23rd.
  5. ^5 Aldin Zahirovic previously competed in the third season of Switzerland's Next Topmodel , where he placed 3rd.
  6. ^6 Julian and Luka Cidic are identical twins; however, they competed individually until the 16th episode of Season 19, where Heidi announced they will now compete as a team.
  7. ^7 Felix Schiller previously competed in the seventh season of Austria's Next Topmodel , where he placed 19th.



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  25. "Fans sind enttäuscht von der Show". 23 April 2021.
  26. "Emilie bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  27. "Meline bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  28. "Pauline bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  29. "Kim bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  30. "Wiebke bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  31. "Kristina bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  32. "Lisa-Marie bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  33. "Lenara bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  34. "Kashmira bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  35. "Laura W. bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  36. "Barbara bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  37. "Jasmin bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  38. "Julia bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  39. "Laura B. bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  40. "Jessica bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  41. "Paulina bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  42. "Annalotta bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  43. "Viola bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  44. "Inka bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  45. "Amaya bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  46. "Vanessa bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  47. "Sophie bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  48. "Juliana bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  49. "Lena bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  50. "Vivien bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  51. "Lieselotte bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  52. "Anita bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  53. "Noëlla bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  54. "Martina bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  55. "Luca bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  56. "Lou-Anne bei GNTM 2022: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  57. "Alina bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  58. "Elisabeth bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  59. "Indira bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  60. "Ana bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  61. "Slata bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  62. "Melissa bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  63. "Melina bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  64. "Juliette bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  65. "Emilia bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  66. "Eliz bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  67. "Zoey bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  68. "Sarah bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  69. "Tracy bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  70. "Jülide bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  71. "Elsa bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  72. "Lara bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  73. "Zuzel bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  74. "Charlene bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  75. "Leona bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  76. "Ina bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  77. "Anya bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  78. "Cassy bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  79. "Marielena bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  80. "Maike bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  81. "Nina bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  82. "Mirella bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  83. "Katherine bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  84. "Ida bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  85. "Anna-Maria bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  86. "Coco bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  87. "Nicole bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  88. "Selma bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  89. "Olivia bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  90. "Somajia bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  91. "Vivien bei GNTM 2023: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  92. "Yanik bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  93. "Vanessa bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  94. "Tracy bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  95. "Bảo Huy bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  96. "Felice bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  97. "Lilian bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  98. "Marcia bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  99. "Livingsten bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  100. "Leoni bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  101. "Franz bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  102. "Max bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  103. "Alexandra bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  104. "Yusupha bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  105. "Nuri bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  106. "Jana bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  107. "Felix bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  108. "Lilli bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  109. "Dominik bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  110. "Maximilian bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  111. "Mare bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  112. "Lydwine bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  113. "Lucas bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  114. "Stella bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  115. "Dominic bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  116. "Aldin bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  117. "Sara bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  118. "Marvin bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  119. "Kadidja bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  120. "Armin bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  121. "Grace bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  122. "Frieder bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  123. "Fabienne bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  124. "Julian bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  125. "Luka bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  126. "Xenia bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  127. "Linus bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  128. "Lea bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.
  129. "Jermaine bei GNTM 2024: Steckbrief und Porträt". 2024-05-25.