Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples da- , dida- [ 1] (ΔΑ)learn Greek δάω autodidact , Didache , didact, didactic, didacticism dacry- [ 2] tear Greek δάκρυον , δακρύειν , δάκρυμα (dákruma ) dacryoadenitis , Dacryphilia dactyl- [ 3] digit, finger , toe Greek δάκτυλος (dáktulos )anisodactyly, antidactylus , arachnodactyly , artiodactyl , brachydactyly , clinodactyly , dactyl, dactylic, dactylology , dactylomancy , dactylomegaly, dactylus , dactyly , date , didactyly, ectrodactyly , heterodactylous, heterodactyly, leptodactylous , monodactyly, oligodactyly , pamprodactyly, pentadactyl , pentadactylous, pentadactyly , perissodactyl , polydactyly , pterodactyl , schizodactyly, syndactylous, syndactyly , tetradactylous , tetradactyly, tridactyly, zygodactyly dam- [ 4] (ΔΑΜ)tame Greek δάμασις (dámasis ), ἀδάμας (adámas ) "untameable, invincible" adamant , adamantine, adamantinoma , Damian damn- , -demn- to inflict loss upon Latin damnum , damnāre condemn, condemnation , damage, damnation , indemnify, indemnity de- [ 5] bind Greek δεῖν (deîn ), δετός, δέσις (detós, désis ), δέμα (déma ), δεσμός (desmós ), δέσμα (désma ) arthrodesis , asyndeton , desmid, desmitis, desmoid , desmoplasia , desmosome , diadem , plasmodesma , polysyndeton , syndesis, syndesmosis , syndetic, syndeton de- down, away from, removing Latin dē decay, decide, declare, decline, decompose, dedicate, deduce, defend, deletion, delineate, delude, demarcate , dementia , depress, derogatory, desecrate , descend, destroy, detract deb- owe Latin debere , debitus debit , debt dec- [ 6] ten Latin from Greek δέκα (déka ) "ten", δεκάς, δεκάδος (dekás, dekádos ), δεκάκις (dekákis ) "ten times", δεκαπλάσιος (dekaplásios ) "ten-fold" decem , "ten" decies, "ten times" decumo, "tenfold"decad, decade, decagon , decagram , decahedron , Decalogue , decamer , decamerous, decameter , decapod , decathlon decim- tenth part Latin decimus , tenth; from decem , ten decimal , decimate, decimation , decimator, decuman, dime decor- ornament Latin decorus "fit, proper" and decorare "to decorate", from decor "beauty, ornament" and decus "ornament"decor, décor, decorament, decorate, decoration, decorative, decorator, decorous, decorum , redecorate del- erase Latin delere (from dē + linere )delete, deletion, indelible delt- [ 7] D, d Greek Δ, δ , δέλτα (délta ) delta , deltoid , deltahedron dem- , dom- [ 8] build Greek δέμειν (démein ), δῶμα, δῶματος , δομή , δόμος (dómos ), δέμας (démas ) apodeme , monodomy, opisthodomos , polydomy dem- [ 9] people Greek δῆμος (dêmos ) Damocles , demagogue , deme , democracy , demographic , demography , demonym , demophobia , demotic, ecdemic, endemic , epidemic, epidemiology , pandemic den- ten each Latin dēnī denar , denarian , denarius , denary , denier , dinar , dinero , dinheiro dendr- [ 10] tree Greek δένδρον (déndron ); akin to δρύς (drús ) "tree"dendric, dendrite , dendrochronology , dendrogram , dendromancy , Epidendrum , rhododendron dens- thick Latin densus condensable, condensate, condensation , condensational, condensative, condense, dense, density , nondense, superdense dent- tooth Latin dens , dentis bident , bidental , dandelion , dental, dentary , dentate, dentation, dentelle, denticity , denticle , denticulate , dentiferous, dentiform, dentifrice , dentigerous , dentil , dentin , dentinal, dentine, dentition , denture , indent, indentation, indenture , interdental , interdentil , intradental, multidentate , quadridentate , trident , tridentate der- [ 11] skin Greek δέρειν (dérein ), δέρμα, δέρματος (dérma, dérmatos ) Dermaptera , dermatology , dermis , ectoderm , endoderm , epidermis , hypodermic, mesoderm , scleroderma , taxidermy , xeroderma despot- [ 12] master Greek δεσπότης, δεσπότου , δεσποτικός, δεσποτεία , δεσποτίσκος despot , despotic, despotism deuter- [ 13] second Greek δεύτερος (deúteros ) deuteragonist , deuteranomaly , deuteranopia , deuteride , deuterium , deuterogamist , deuterogamy , Deuteromycota , deuteron , Deuteronomy , deuterostome dexi- [ 14] right Greek δεξιός (dexiós ) Dexiarchia dexter- right Latin dexter ambidexterity , ambidextrous , dexter , dexterity , dexterous , dextral , dextrality , dextrin , dextrorse , dextrose di- two Greek δι- (di- )diatomic, dicot, digamy , diode , dipole dia- [ 15] apart, through Greek διά (diá ) deacon , diagram, dialysis , diameter div-, diff- different Latin diversum different, divergence , diversity, divide, diffeomorphism diacosi- [ 16] two hundred Greek διακόσιοι (diakósioi ), διακοσιάκις "two hundred times" diacosigon , diacosipentecontaheptagon dic- , dict- say, speak, proclaim Latin dīcere , dictus , dictare benediction , contradict, dictate, dictation, dictator , diction , dictionary , dictum , edict , indictment , interdiction , malediction , predict, prediction , valediction , verdict dida- teach Greek διδάσκειν (didáskein ) autodidact , Didache , didact, didactic digit- finger Latin digitus bidigitate, digit , digital, digitate, digitiform , digitigrade , multidigit, multidigitate din- [ 17] terrible, fearfully great Greek δεινός (deinós ) dinosaur dipl- [ 18] twofold Greek διπλόος (diplóos ), δίπλωσις (díplōsis ), δίπλωμα (díplōma ) diploblasty , diploid , diploidy , diploma , diplomacy , diplomat , diplomatic , diplomatics , diplonema , diplophase, diplopia , diplosis, diplotene , haplodiploid , haplodiploidy do- [ 19] (ΔΟ [ 20] )give Greek διδόναι (didónai ), δοτός , (dotós ,), δόσις (dósis ), δόμα, δόματος (dóma, dómatos ) δῶρον, διδόμενον anecdote , antidoron , antidote , apodosis , dose doc- , doct- teach Latin docere , doctus docile, doctor, doctrine , document, indoctrinate, indoctrination dodec- [ 21] twelve Greek δώδεκα (dṓdeka ) dodecagon , dodecahedron , Dodecanese , dodecaphony , dodecastyle , dodecasyllabic , hemidodecahedron dog- , dox- opinion, tenet Greek δοκεῖν (dokeîn ) "to appear, seem, think", δόξα (dóxa ) "opinion", δόγμα (dógma ) dogma , dogmatic, dogmatism, doxology , heterodox , orthodox , paradox dol- pain Latin dolere "to grieve", also dolus "grief" and dolor "pain"condolence, dol, doleful, dolorous , indolence dom- house Latin domus dame, domal, dome , domestic, domesticate, domestication, domesticity, domestique , domicile , domiciliary, major-domo , semidome domin- master Latin dominus "master"; (from domus "house")beldam, beldame , belladonna, codomain , codominance , codominant, condominium , dam , dame , damsel , danger, demesne , demoiselle, domain, dominance, dominant, dominate, domination, dominative, dominator , dominatrix , domine, domineer , dominicide, dominion , dominium , domino, duenna , dungeon, madam , madame, mademoiselle, madonna, predominance, predominant, predominate, quasidominance, semidominance , subdominant , superdominant domit- tame Latin domitare , frequentative of domare daunt, domitable, indomitable don- give Latin dōnum , donare condonation , condone, donate, donation, donative, donator, donatory, donor, pardon, pardonable dorm- sleep Latin dormire dormant, dormitory dors- back Latin dorsum disendorse, dorsal , dorsiferous, dorsiflexion , dorsiflexor, dorsigrade, dorsiventral , dorsum , dossier, endorse, endorsee, endorsement, indorse, indorsement, reredos dra- [ 22] do Greek δρᾶν (drân ), δραστικός (drastikós ), δρᾶσις (drâsis ), δρᾶμα, δράματος (drâma, drámatos ), δραματικός (dramatikós )dramatic, dramaturgy , drastic, melodramatic , monodrama drac- dragon Latin draco Draco , draconian drach- [ 23] grasp Greek δράσσεσθαι (drássesthai ), δράγμα (drágma ), δραχμή (drakhmḗ ) didrachm , drachm, drachma , dram, tetradrachm dram- , drom- (ΔΡΑΜ)run Greek δραμεῖν (drameîn ), δρόμος (drómos ) aerodrome , anadromous , antidromic , catadromous , diadromous , dromaeosaurid , heterodromous, hippodrome , loxodrome , monodromy , palindrome , syndrome dros- [ 24] dew Greek δρόσος, δρόσου (drósos, drósou ) drosometer , Drosophila dry- [ 25] tree Greek δρῦς, δρυός (drûs, druós ), Δρυάς dryad , dryadic, hamadryad du- two Latin duo deuce, doubt , dual , duality , duet , duo, duplex, duplicity, duumvirate , duumviri , nonduality dub- doubtful Latin dubius doubt, dubiety, dubious duc- , duct- lead Latin ducere , ductus abduce, abduct, adduce, adduct , conduce, deduce, induce, introduce, produce, reduce, seduce, traduce dulc- sweet Latin dulcis billet-doux , dolce , dolcetto , douce, doux, dulcet, dulcian , dulcify , dulcimer , edulcorant, edulcorate, subdulcid dur- hard Latin durus , durare dour, dura , durability, durable , durain, dural, duramen , durance, durancy, duration , durative , dure, duress , durity, durous, durum , endurable, endurance , endurant , endure, indurate, induration , nondurable, obduracy, obdurate, obduration, perdurable, perdurance , perdure, subdural dy- [ 26] two Greek δύο (dúo ), δυάς, δυάδος (duás, duádos ) dyad , dyadic dyna- [ 27] power Greek δύνασθαι (dúnasthai ), δυνατός , δύναμις (dúnamis ), δυνάστης (dunástēs )aerodynamic, aerodynamics , antidynastic, autodyne , didynamous , dynamic, dynamism , dynamite, dynamo, dynast, dynastic, dynasty , heterodyne , metadynamics dys- badly, ill Greek δυσ- (dus- ) dysentery , dysphagia , dysphasia , dysplasia , dystrophy