List of Greek and Latin roots in English/R

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Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:


RootMeaning in EnglishOrigin languageEtymology (root origin)English examples
rad-, ras-scrape, shaveLatin rādere , rāsus abrade, abrasion, abrasive, corrade, corrasion, erase, erasure, nonabrasive, radula, radular, raduliform, rase, rash, rasorial, raster, rasure, subradular
radi-beam, spokeLatin radius , radiāre radiance, radiation
radic-rootLatin rādix , rādīciseradicate, radical, radix
ram-branchLatin rāmus ramification, rammel, ramose, ramous, ramulose, ramulous
ran-frogLatinrāna Rana
ranc-rancidness, grudge, bitternessLatin rancere rancid, rancor
rap-rob, seizeLatin rapere , raptus arreption, arreptitious, enrapt, enrapture, rapacious, rapacity, rape, rapid, rapidity, rapine, rapt, raptio, raptor, raptorial, rapture, rapturous, raptus, ravenous, ravine, ravish, subreption, subreptitious, surreptitious
rap-turnipLatin rāpum rapeseed
raph- [1] sew, seamGreek ῥάπτειν (rháptein), ῤαφή (raphḗ)raphae, raphe
rar-rareLatin rārus rarity
rauc-harsh, hoarseLatin raucus raucous
re-, red-again, backLatinre-recede, redact
rect-, reg-, -rig-straight, directLatin regere "to direct, lead straight, guide", related rectus "straight, right"correct, direct, dirigible, erect, erection, ergo, rectangle, rectify, rectitude, rectum, regent, regime, regimen, regiment, region, surge
reg-, rex-kingLatin rex (genitive regis )regal, regency, regicide, Regis, regulation, reign, rex, royal
regul-ruleLatin rēgula "to rule"regular, regulate, regulation, rule
rem-oarLatin rēmus bireme, trireme
rep-, rept-crawl, creepLatinrēpere, reptus reptile
resid-left behindLatin residere "remain behind" (see also sedere )reside, residence, resident, residual, residue
ret-netLatin rēte reticle, retina
retro-backward, behindLatin retrō retrograde, retrospective, retrovirus
rhabd- [2] rodGreek ῥάβδος (rhábdos) Rhabdodon, rhabdoid, rhabdom, rhabdomancy, rhabdomyolysis, rhabdomyosarcoma
rhach-, rach- [3] spineGreek ῥάχις, ῥάχεως (rhákhis, rhákheōs) rachipagus, rachis, rachischisis, rhachiodont, rhachis
rhag-, rheg- [4] rend, tearGreek ῥηγνύναι (rhēgnúnai), ῥαγίζω , ῥῆξις (rhêxis), ῥῆγμα (rhêgma)bronchorrhagia, hemorrhage, menorrhagia, regma, rhagades, rhegma, rhegmatogenous, rhexis
rhe- [5] flowGreek ῥεῖν (rheîn), ῥυτός (rhutós), ῥύσις (rhúsis), ῥεῦμα (rheûma), ῥοία (rhoía), ῥυθμός (rhuthmós)antiarrhythmic, arrhythmia, arrhythmic, diarrhoea, dysrhythmia, endorheic, eurhythmia, eurhythmic, eurhythmy, gonorrhoea, hemorrhea, logorrhea, polyrhythm, rheology, rheometer, rheostat, rheum, rheumatic, rheumatism, rheumatoid, rheumatology, rhythm, rhythmic, rhyton
rhetin- [6] resinGreek ῥητίνη (rhētínē), ῥητινώδης, ῥητινόωretinite
rhig- [7] chillGreek ῥῖγος (rhîgos) rhigosaurus
rhin- [8] nose, snout Greek ῥίς, ῥινός (rhís, rhinós) catarrhine, haplorhine, platyrrhine, rhinoceros, rhinophyma, rhinoplasty, strepsirrhine
rhiz- [9] root Greek ῥίζα (rhíza), ῥιζοῦν (rhizoûn), ῥίζωμα (rhízōma) ectomycorrhiza, rhizoid, rhizomatous, rhizome, rhizomorph, rhizomorphous, rhizophagous, rhizophagy, Rhizopogon, Rhizopus, rhizosphere
rho- [10] R, r GreekΡ, ρ, ῥῶ (rhô) rho, rhotacism, rhotacize, rhotic
rhod- [11] rose Greek ῥόδον (rhódon) rhododendron, rhodophyte, rhodopsin, rhodophobia
rhomb-spinning topGreek ῥόμβος (rhómbos)orthorhombic, rhomb, rhombic, rhomboid, rhombus, rhumb
rhynch- [12] snout Greek ῥύγχος (rhúnkhos) Oncorhynchus, Rhynchobatus, rhynchophore
rid-, ris-laughLatin ridere "to laugh" (past participle risus)deride, derision, ridicule, ridiculous, risible
robor-oak, strengthLatin rōborāre "to strengthen", from rōbur , rōbus "strength"corroborant, corroborate, corroboration, corroborative, corroborator, robust
rod-, ros-gnawLatinrōdere, rōsuscorrode, erosion, rodent
rog-askLatin rogāre abrogate, arrogant, arrogate, derogate, derogation, derogatory, interrogation, prerogative, prorogue, rogation, rogue, surrogate
rostr- beak, prow Latin rōstrum brevirostrate, curvirostral, lamellirostral, rostellate, rostelliform, rostellum, rostral, rostrate, rostriform, rostrulum, rostrum
rot- wheel Latin rota , rotāre arrondissement, circumrotation, contrarotation, control, controller, decontrol, enroll, enrollee, enrollment, irrotational, multirole, multiroll, redondilla, reenroll, rodeo, role, roll, rondeau, rondel, rondelle, rondo, rotary, rotate, rotation, rotational, rotator, rotatory, rotavirus, rotelle, rotifer, Rotifera, rotiferous, rotiform, rotula, rotund, rotunda, rotundifolious, rotundity, roulette, round, roundel, roundelay, roundlet, rowel, semiround
ruber-, rubr- red Latin ruber erubescence, erubescent, rubella, Rubio, rubious, rubric, rubricate, rubrication, rubricator, ruby
rudi-unskilled, rough, unlearnedLatin rudis erudite, erudition, rude, rudiment, rudimentary, rudity
rug- wrinkle Latin rūga , rugarecorrugant, corrugate, corrugation, erugate, rugose
rumin- throat Latin rūmen , rūminis rumen, rumenic acid, ruminal, ruminant, ruminate, rumination, ruminator
rump-, rupt-break, burstLatinrumpere, ruptusabrupt, abruption, corrupt, corruptible, corruption, corruptor, disrupt, disruption, disruptive, disruptor, disrupture, erumpent, erupt, eruption, eruptive, incorrupt, incorruptibility, incorruptible, interrupt, interruptible, interruption, irrupt, irruption, irruptive, maleruption, noneruptive, reroute, rout, route, routine, rupture, subroutine, supereruption
rur-countryside, farmLatin rūs , rūris nonrural, roister, roisterous, rural, rustic, rusticate, rustication, rusticity

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  1. ῥάπτω  in Liddell and Scott
  2. ῥάβδος  in Liddell and Scott
  3. ῥάχις  in Liddell and Scott
  4. ῥήγνυμι  in Liddell and Scott
  5. ῥέω  in Liddell and Scott
  6. ῥητίνη  in Liddell and Scott
  7. ῥῖγος  in Liddell and Scott
  8. ῥίς  in Liddell and Scott
  9. ῥίζα  in Liddell and Scott
  10. ῥῶ  in Liddell and Scott
  11. ῥόδον  in Liddell and Scott
  12. ῥύγχος  in Liddell and Scott