Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
sacc- [1] | bag | Greek | σάκκος (sákkos) | sack |
sacchar- [2] | sugar | Greek | σάκχαρ, σάκχαρον (sákkharon) | disaccharide, heteropolysaccharide, homopolysaccharide, lipooligosaccharide, lipopolysaccharide, monosaccharide, oligosaccharide, pentasaccharide, polysaccharide, saccharin, trisaccharide |
sacr-, -secr- | sacred | Latin | sacrare , from sacer (genitive sacri) | consecrate, desecrate, sacrament, sacred, sacrosanct |
sagac- | wise | Latin | sagax , sagacis | sagacious, sagacity |
sagitt- | arrow | Latin | sagitta | sagittal plane, Sagittaria |
sal- | salt | Latin | sal , salis, salere, salarium | salary , salinity |
sali-, -sili-, salt- | jump | Latin | salire , saltus | assail, assailable, assailant, assailment, assault, assaultive, consilience, desultory, dissilience, dissilient, exult, exultant, exultation, insult, insultation, irresilient, resile, resilement, resilience, resiliency, resilient, result, resultant, salacious, salacity, salience, salient, sally, saltando, saltant, saltation, saltatorial, saltatory, saltigrade, saltire, salto, saltus, sault, sauté, sauteuse, sautille, sautoir, somersault, soubresaut, subsultory, transilience, transilient |
salic- | willow | Latin | salix , salicis | salicin |
salping- [3] | trumpet | Greek | σάλπιγξ, σάλπιγγος (sálpinx, sálpingos) | endosalpingiosis, hysterosalpingography, salpiglossis, salpinx |
salu- | health, welfare | Latin | salus | salubrious, salubrity, salutary, salute |
salv- | save | Latin | salvus , salvare | salvage, salvation, salve |
san- | healthy | Latin | sanus | insane, insanity, sanatorium, sane, sanitarian, sanitarium, sanitary, sanitation, sanity |
sanc- | holy | Latin | sancire (past participle sanctus) | sacrosanct, saint, sanctify, sanction, sanctuary |
sanguin- | blood | Latin | sanguis , sanguinis | consanguinity, sanguinary, sanguine |
sapi-, -sipi- | taste, wise | Latin | sapere "to have a taste, be wise", related to sapor "taste, flavor" | insipid, insipience, sapient |
sapon- | soap | Latin | sapo , saponis | saponification |
sapphir- [4] | a precious stone | Greek from Hebrew | σάπφειρος (sáppheiros) | sapphire, sapphirine |
sapr- [5] | rotten | Greek | σήπειν , σαπρός (saprós), σαπρότης | sapraemia, saprogenic, saprophagous, saprophyte, saprotrophic |
sarc- [6] | flesh | Greek | σάρξ, σαρκός (sárx, sarkós) | perisarc, sarcasm, sarcastic, sarcocele, sarcoid, sarcoidosis, sarcoma, sarcophagus, Sarcopterygii, sarcosine, sarcosinemia, sarcosome |
sarc- | tailor | Latin | sartor "tailor", from sarcire "to mend" | consarcination, sartor, sartorial, sartorius |
sati- | enough | Latin | satis | asset, sate, satiate, satiety, satisfy, saturate |
saur- [7] | lizard, reptile | Greek | σαύρα (saúra), σαῦρος (saûros) | dinosaur, Saurischia, sauropod |
sax- | rock | Latin | saxum | saxatile, saxicavous, saxicoline, saxifrage, saxifragous |
scab- | scratch | Latin | scabere | scabies |
scal- | ladder, stairs | Latin | scala | scalar, scale |
scalen- [8] | uneven | Greek | σκαληνός (skalēnós) | scalene, scalene muscles, scalene triangle, scalenohedron |
scand-, -scend-, scans-, -scens- | climb | Latin | scandere | ascend, ascendency, ascendent, ascension, ascent, condescend, condescendence, condescension, descend, descendent, descension, descent, scansion, transcend, transcendence, transcendent, transcendental |
scandal- | snare | Greek | σκάνδαλον (skándalon), σκανδαλίζω (skandalízō) | scandal, scandalize |
scap- [9] | shaft | Greek | σκᾶπος (skâpos) | scape, scapus |
scaph- | anything hollow, bowl, ship | Greek | σκάφη, σκάφος | Scaphirhynchus, scaphoid bone, scaphopod |
scat- [10] | dung | Greek | σκῶρ, σκατός (skôr, skatós) | scatemia, scatology, scatoma, scatomancy, scatophagy, scatoscopy |
sced- [11] | scatter | Greek | σκεδαννύναι (skedannúnai), σκέδασις (skédasis), (skedastós), (skedastikós) | heteroscedastic, homoscedastic |
scel- [12] | leg, thigh | Greek | σκέλος , σκέλεος (skéleos) | isosceles, triskele, triskelion |
scen- [13] | booth, tent | Greek | σκηνή (skēnḗ) | parascenium, proscenium, scene, scenic, scenography |
scept-, scop- | look at, examine, view, observe | Greek | σκέπτεσθαι (sképtesthai), σκέψις (sképsis), σκέμμα, σκεπτικός (skeptikós), σκοπεῖν (skopeîn), σκοπός, σκοποῦ (skopós) | Abroscopus, diascopic, diascopy, endoscope, endoscopic, endoscopy, epidiascope, episcope, episcopic, gastroscopy, kaleidoscope, macroscopic, microscope, microscopic, panendoscopy, periscope, periscopic, scope, scopophobia, skeptic, stereoscopic, stereoscopy, stethoscope, telescope, telescopic, Telescopium |
schem- | plan | Greek | σχῆμα (skhêma) | schema, schematic, schematism, schematize, scheme |
schid- [14] (ΣΧΙΔ) [15] | split | Greek | σχίζειν (skhízein), σχιστός (skhistós), σχίσις (skhísis), σχίσμα (skhísma), σχίζα | diaschisis, diaschisma, schisis, schism, schisma, schismatic, schizocarp, schizogamy, schizogony, schizoid, schizophrenia, schizotrichia |
sci- [16] | shade, shadow | Greek | σκιά (skiá), σκιάς | sciamachy, sciaphobia |
sci- | know | Latin | scire | conscience, conscious, conscientious, omniscious, omniscient, prescient, science, scienter |
scind-, sciss- | split | Latin | scindere | rescind, scissors |
scler- [17] | hard | Greek | σκέλλειν (skéllein), σκληρός (sklērós), σκληρότης (sklērótēs) | sclera, sclerectomy, scleredema, sclereid, sclerema, sclerenchyma, sclerite, scleritis, scleroderma, sclerophyll, sclerophyllous, sclerosis, sclerotic, sclerotium, sclerotize |
scolec- [18] | worm | Greek | σκώληξ, σκώληκος (skṓlēx, skṓlēkos) | scolex |
scoli- [19] | crooked | Greek | σκολιός (skoliós), σκολιότης | scoliokyphosis, scoliosis |
scombr- [20] | mackerel | Greek | σκόμβρος (skómbros) | scombrid, scombroid |
scop- | Greek | |||
scot- [21] | darkness | Greek | σκότος, σκότου , σκοταῖος | scotobiology, scotochromogen, scotogenic, scotograph, scotoma, scotoperiod, scotophase, scotophilia, scotophilic, scotophobe, scotophobia, scotophobic, scotophobotaxis, scotopic, scotoscope, scotosis, scototactic, scototaxis, scototherapy |
scrib-, script- | write | Latin | scribere , scriptus | describe, inscribe, manuscript, prescribe, scribble, scribe, script, scripture, subscribe |
scrupl- | uneasiness | Latin | scrupus "sharp stone" | scruple, scrupulous, unscrupulous |
sculp- | carve | Latin | sculpere , sculptus | insculp, resculpt, sculp, sculpsit, sculpt, sculptile, sculptor, sculptress, sculptural, sculpture |
scut- | shield | Latin | scutum | scute |
scyph- [22] | cup | Greek | σκύφος (skúphos) | scyphoid, Scyphozoa, scyphus |
se-, sed- | away, apart | Latin | se | secede, sedition, seditious, seduce |
seb- | tallow | Latin | sebum | sebaceous, sebum |
sec-, sect-, seg- | cut | Latin | secare | secant, section, segment |
sed- | settle, calm | Latin | sedare , sedatus | sedative |
sed-, -sid-, sess- | sit | Latin | sedere , sessus | assiduous, insidious, obsession, possess, preside, president, reside, resident, sedentary, sediment, sedimentary, sedulity, sedulous, session, subside, supersede |
sedec- | sixteen | Latin | sedecim | sedecimal |
seget- | in cornfields | Latin | segetum | |
sei- [23] | shake | Greek | σείειν (seíein), σεισμός (seismós), σεῖστρον (seîstron) | aseismic, microseism, microseismic, paleoseismology, seism, seismic, seismogram, seismograph, seismology, seismometer, seismonasty, sistrum, teleseism, teleseismic |
selen- | moon | Greek | σελήνη (selḗnē) | paraselene, selaphobia, Selene, selenium, selenocentric, selenography, selenology |
sell- | saddle, seat | Latin | sella | sella turcica |
sema- | sign | Greek | σῆμα (sêma) | aposematic, asemasia, asemia, asemic, pentaseme, polyseme, polysemic, polysemous, polysemy, semantics, semaphore, semasiology, sematic, seme, sememe, semiotic, tetraseme, triseme |
semi- | half | Latin | semis | semiannual, semicolon, semiconductor, semiconscious, semifinal, seminatural |
semin- | seed | Latin | semen , seminis | insemination |
sen- | old man | Latin | senex , senis | senator, senescent, senile, senility, senior |
sen- | six each | Latin | seni | senary |
sent-, sens- | feel | Latin | sentire , sensus | assent, consensus, consent, dissent, resent, scent, sensation, sense, sensible, sensitive, sensory, sentence, sentient, sentience, sentiment |
sep- [24] | rot | Greek | σήψ (sḗps), σήπειν (sḗpein), σηπτός (sēptós), σηπτικός (sēptikós), σῆψις (sêpsis), σηπία (sēpía) | antisepsis, antiseptic, asepsis, aseptic, sepia, sepsis, septic |
sept- | fence, partition, enclosure | Latin | saeptum | transept |
sept- | seven | Latin | septem | septennial |
septen- | seven each | Latin | septeni | septenary |
septim- | seventh | Latin | septimus | septimal, septime |
septuagen- | seventy each | Latin | septuageni | septuagenary |
septuagesim- | seventieth | Latin | septuagesimus | septuagesima, septuagesimal |
septuagint- | seventy | Latin | septuaginta | Septuagint |
sequ-, secut- | follow | Latin | sequere , from sequi , see also secutus | consecutive, consequence, ensue, non sequitur, obsequious, prosecute, pursue, second, sequel, sequence, subsequent |
ser- [25] | silk | Greek | σήρ (sḗr), σηρικός | sericin, serigraph |
ser- | sow | Latin | serere , satus | disseminate, dissemination, insemination, postseason, preseason, sation, sative, season, seasonable, seasonal, semen, semenuria, seminal, seminar, seminarian, seminary, semination, seminiferous |
ser- | attach, join | Latin | serere , sertus | assert, assertion, assertive, curviserial, desert, desertion, desertrix, dissert, dissertation, dissertator, exert, exertion, insert, insertion, multiseriate, reassert, reassertion, rectiserial, semidesert, serial, seriate, seriatim, series, sermon, uniseriate |
ser- | whey | Latin | serum | serac, serosa, serous, subserous |
ser- | late | Latin | sērus | serein, serotine, serotinous, serotiny, soiree |
serp- | crawl, creep | Latin | serpere , serptus | serpent |
serr- | saw, saw-toothed | Latin | serra , serrare | biserrate, serrate, serration, serrature, serriform, serrulate, sierra, sierran |
serv- | save, protect, serve | Latin | servare | conserve, deserve, observe, preserve, reserve, servant, service, servile, servitude, subservient |
sesqui- | one and a half | Latin | sesqui | sesquialteral, sesquicentennial, sesquipedal, sesquiplicate, sesquitertian |
set- | bristle, hair | Latin | saeta | seta, setose |
sever- | stern, strict, serious | Latin | severus | asseverate, asseveration, perseverance, perseverant, perseverate, perseveration, perseverative, persevere, severe, severity |
sex- | sexual | Latin | sexus | sexual, sexuality, sex, Sexual Intercourse (abbr. "sex) |
sex-, se- | six | Latin | sex | semester, sexangle, sexangular, sexavalent, sexennial, sexennium, sexireme, sexivalent, sexpartite, sexradiate, sextain |
sexagen- | sixty each | Latin | sexageni | sexagenarian, sexagenary |
sexagesim- | sixtieth | Latin | sexagesimus | Sexagesima, sexagesimal |
sext- | sixth | Latin | sextus | bissextile, bissextus, semisextile, sestet, sestina, Sext, sextain, sextan, sextans, sextant, sextary, sextic, sextile, sextillion, siesta, sixte |
sibil- | hiss | Latin | sibilus , sibilare | sibilance |
sicc- | dry | Latin | siccare "to dry", from siccus "dry, thirsty" | desiccate, desiccation, sec, siccative |
sicy- | cucumber | Greek | σίκυος (síkuos) | Sicyos |
sider- | iron | Greek | σίδηρος (sídēros), σιδήρεος | siderodromophobia, siderophile |
sider- | star | Latin | sidus , sideris | sidereal |
sigm- [26] | S, s | Greek | σίγμα, σῖγμα (sîgma) | sigma, sigmatism, sigmatropic, sigmoid, sigmoidoscopy |
sign- | sign | Latin | signum | design, designate, insignia, signal, signature, significant |
sil- | quiet or still | Latin | silere | silence |
silv-, sylv- | forest | Latin | silva , sylva | silviculture, sylvan, sylvatic |
simi- | ape, monkey | Latin | simia | simian |
simil-, simul- | likeness, imitating | Latin | simulare "to emulate", from similis "alike" | assimilate, dissimilate, dissemble, ensemble, resemble, semblance, similar, similarity, simile, similitude, simulacrum, simular, simulate, simulation, simulator, simultaneous, verisimilar, verisimilitude |
sinap- [27] | mustard | Greek | σίναπι (sínapi), (sināpízein), (sināpismós) | sinapine, sinapism |
singul- | one each | Latin | singulus | singular |
sinistr- | left | Latin | sinister , sinistri | sinistral |
sin- | China, Chinese | Latin | Sina | sinology, Sinanthropus |
sinu- | (to draw) a line | Latin | sinuare | insinuate |
sinus- | hollow, bay | Latin | sinus | sinusoidal |
siop- [28] | silence | Greek | σιωπή (siōpḗ), σιωπᾶν (siōpân), σιωπητέος (siōpētéos), σιώπησις (siṓpēsis) | aposiopesis, aposiopetic |
siph- [29] | tube | Greek | σίφων (síphōn) | siphon, siphonoglyph |
sist- | cause to stand | Latin | sistere | assist, consist, desist, exist, insist, persist, resist, solstice, subsist |
sit- [30] | food, grain, wheat | Greek | σῖτος, σίτου (sîtos, sítou) | ectoparasite, endoparasite, endoparasitoid, epiparasite, hyperparasitism, kleptoparasitism, mesoparasite, parasite, parasitic, parasitism, parasitoid, sitology, syssitia |
siz- [31] | hiss | Greek | σίζω , σίξις (síxis) | |
smaragd- [32] | emerald | Greek | σμάραγδος (smáragdos), σμαράγδινος (smarágdinos) | smaragdine |
smil- [33] | carving knife | Greek | σμίλη (smílē), σμιλεύω, σμιλευτός, σμίλευμα | smilodon |
soci- | group | Latin | socius , sociare | associate, association, associative, consociate, consociation, consociational, disassociate, disassociation, dissociable, dissocial, dissociate, dissociation, dissociative, interassociation, nonassociative, sociability, sociable, social, sociality, societal, society |
sol- | sun | Latin | sol , solis | circumsolar, extrasolar, insolate, insolation, solar, solarium, soliform, soliscence, solstice, subsolar |
sol- | comfort, soothe | Latin | solari | consolation, console, solace |
sol- | alone, only | Latin | solus | desolate, desolation, desolatory, saudade, sole, soliloquy, solitaire, solitary, solitude, solitudinarian, solitudinous, solivagous, solo, sullen |
sole- | accustomed | Latin | solere "be accustomed" | insolence, insolent, obsolescence, obsolescent, obsolete |
solen- [34] | channel, pipe | Greek | σωλήν (sōlḗn) | solenocyte, solenodon, solenogaster, solenoid, Solenopsis |
solv-, solut- | loosen, set free | Latin | solvere , solutus | absolute, absolve, dissolute, dissolve, resolute, resolve, soluble, solute, solution, solve, solvent |
soma- [35] | body | Greek | σῶμα, σώματος (sôma, sṓmatos) | allosome, asomatous, autosome, centrosome, chromosome, decasomy, disomic, disomy, episome, gonosome, heptasomy, heterochromosome, heterodisomic, heterodisomy, hexasomy, isodisomic, isodisomy, macrosomia, metasomatic, metasomatism, microsome, microsomia, monosome, monosomic, monosomy, pentasomic, pentasomy, plasmosome, polysomic, polysomy, pyrosome, somatic, somatomancy, somatoparaphrenia, somatopleure, somatotype, somite, tetrasomic, tetrasomy, trisomic, trisomy |
somn- | sleep | Latin | somnus | insomnia, somnambulist, somnifacient, somniferous, somnific, somniloquy, somnolent |
somni- | dream | Latin | somnium | somnial |
son- | sound | Latin | sonus | absonant, ambisonic, assonance, assonant, assonate, consonance, consonant, consonous, dissonance, dissonant, inconsonance, inconsonant, infrasonic, infrasound, magnisonant, resonance, resonant, resonate, resound, sonance, sonant, sonata, sondage, sonnet, sonorant, sonority, sound, subsonic, supersonic, triconsonantal, ultrasonic, ultrasound |
soph- [36] | wise | Greek | σοφός (sophós), σοφία (sophía), σόφισμα (sóphisma), σοφισμός (sophismós) | antisophism, pansophism, pansophist, pansophy, philosophize, philosophy, sophism, sophist, sophistry, sophisticate, Sophocles, sophomania, sophomaniac, sophomore, sophomoric |
sopor- | deep sleep | Latin | sopor | sopor, soporific |
sorb-, sorpt- | suck | Latin | sorbere | absorb, absorbency, absorbent, absorption, absorptive, absorptivity, adsorb, adsorbent, adsorption, exsorption, insorption, malabsorption, resorb, resorption, resorptive, sorbent, sorbile, sorbition, sorption |
sord- | dirt | Latin | sordere , sordes | sordes, sordid |
soror- | sister | Latin | soror | cousin, sororal, sororate, sororicide, sorority |
spa- [37] | draw, pull | Greek | σπᾶν (spân), σπάσις (spásis), σπασμός (spasmós), σπάσμα (spásma), σπαστικός (spastikós), σπώμενον (spṓmenon), σπάδιξ (spádix), σπαδίζω | antispasmodic, palinspastic, perispomenon, properispomenon, spadix, spasm, spasmatic, spasmodic, spasmogenic, spasmolytic, spastic, spasticity |
spad- [38] | eunuch | Greek | σπάδος (spádos), σπάδων (spádōn), σπαδοειδής | epispadias, hypospadias |
sparg-, -sperg-, spars-, -spers- | scatter, sprinkle | Latin | spargere | asperse, aspersion, aspersive, dispersal, disperse, dispersion, dispersive, insperse, inspersion, interspersal, intersperse, interspersion, nonaspersion, nondispersive, nonsparse, sparge, spargefaction, sparse, sparsity |
spath- | blade | Greek | σπάθη (spáthē) | spade, spatha, spathe, spay |
spati- | space | Latin | spatium | interspace, interspatial, space, spatial, spatiate, subspace |
spec-, -spic-, spect- | look | Latin | perspicuus , specere , spectare , speculari | aspect, aspectual, auspicate, auspice, auspicious, biaspectual, bispecific, bispecificity, circumspect, circumspection, circumspective, conspecific, conspecificity, conspectus, conspicuous, despection, despicable, despiciency, despise, despite, disrespect, disrespectable, especial, expect, expectancy, expectant, expectation, inauspicious, incircumspect, inconspicuous, infraspecific, inspect, inspection, inspector, inspeximus, interspecies, interspecific, intraspecies, intraspecific, introspection, introspective, irrespective, multispecific, multispecificity, multispectral, nonspecific, perspective, perspicacious, perspicuity, perspicuous, prospect, prospective, prospector, prospectus, prospicience, prospicient, reinspect, respect, respectability, respectable, respectant, respective, respite, retrospection, retrospective, special, speciality, speciation, specie, species, specific, specification, specificity, specimen, speciosity, specious, spectacle, spectacular, spectacularity, spectant, spectation, spectator, spectatorial, spectral, spectre, spectrum, specular, speculate, speculation, speculative, speculator, speculatory, speculum, spice, spite, subspeciality, subspecies, suspect, suspicion, suspicious, transpicuous, trispecific, unispecific |
speir-, spor- [39] | sow | Greek | σπείρω (speírō), σπαρτός, σπορά, σποράς, σποράδος (sporás, sporádos), σποραδικός (sporadikós), σπόρος (spóros) | aplanospore, archesporium, carpospore, chlamydospore, diaspora, diaspore, endospore, esparto, eusporangium, exospore, heterosporous, heterospory, homosporous, isosporous, leptosporangium, megasporangium, megaspore, microsporangium, microspore, mitospore, sporadic, sporangiospore, sporangium, spore, sporocarp, sporophyte, teliospore, tetraspore, tetrasporophytic, zygospore |
spele- | cavern | Greek | σπέος (spéos), σπήλαιον (spḗlaion) | speleogen, speleogenesis, speleology, Speleomantes, speleomorphology, speleoseismite, speleothem, speleotherapy |
spelyng- [40] | cave | Greek | σπῆλυγξ, (spêlynx, spēlyng-) | spelunk |
spend-, spond- [41] | pledge, promise | Greek | σπένδειν (spéndein), σπονδή, σπονδάς (spondḗ, spondás), σπονδεῖος, σπονδικός | spondaic, Sponde, spondee |
sper- | hope | Latin | spes , sperare | despair, desperado, desperate, desperation, esperance, prosper, prosperity, prosperous |
sperm- [42] | seed | Greek | σπέρμα, σπέρματος (spérma, spérmatos) | angiosperm, endosperm, gymnosperm, perisperm, sperm, spermatid, spermatocyte, spermatogenesis, spermatogonium, spermatozoon, stenospermocarpy |
sphal- [43] (ΣΦΑΛ [44] ) | cause to fall | Greek | σφάλλειν (sphállein), σφαλερός (sphalerós), σφαλλόμενον | sphalerite, sphaleron |
sphen- [45] | wedge | Greek | σφήν, σφηνός (sphḗn, sphēnós) | sphenic, Sphenodon, sphenoid |
spher- [46] | ball | Greek | σφαῖρα (sphaîra) | aspheric, hemisphere, hypersphere, mesosphere, pseudosphere, sphere, spherics, spheroid, spherometer, spherulite, stratosphere, trimetasphere, troposphere |
sphing-, sphinct- | strangle | Greek | σφίγγειν (sphíngein), Σφίγξ sphings, σφιγκτήρ | sphincter |
sphondyl- | vertebra | Greek | σφόνδυλος, σφονδύλου (sphóndulos, sphondúlou) | spondylitis, spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis, spondylosis, Temnospondyli |
sphrag- | seal | Greek | σφραγίς (sphragís), (sphragistikós), σφραγίζω | sphragistic |
sphyg- | pulse | Greek | σφύζειν (sphúzein), σφυγμός (sphugmós), (sphugmikós), (sphúxis) | asphyxia, sphygmic, sphygmochronograph, sphygmograph, sphygmomanometer, sphygmus |
spic- | spike | Latin | spica | spica, spicate, spicose, spicosity, spicular, spiculate, spicule, spiculiform |
spin- | thorn | Latin | spina | infraspinate, infraspinatus, interspinal, spinal, spine, spinel, spinescent, spiniferous, spiniform, spinose, spinous |
spir- | breathe | Latin | spirare | aspire, conspire, expire, inspire, perspire, respiration, spirit |
splen- | spleen | Greek | σπλήν (splḗn), splēnikós | asplenia, hypersplenism, hyposplenia, polysplenia, splenectomy, splenic, splenitis, splenoid, splenomegaly |
spond- | Greek | |||
spond-, spons- | a surety, guarantee; give assurance, promise solemnly | Latin | spondere , sponsus | correspond, correspondence, correspondent, corresponsive, cosponsor, despond, despondency, despondent, desponsage, desponsate, desponsation, disespouse, espousage, espousal, espouse, interspousal, irresponsibility, irresponsible, irresponsive, nonresponsive, respond, respondee, respondence, respondent, response, responsibility, responsible, responsion, responsive, responsivity, riposte, sponsal, sponsion, sponsional, sponsor, spousal, spouse |
spondyl- | vertebra | Greek | σπόνδυλος (spóndulos) | platyspondyly, spondylid, spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis, spondylopyosis, spondyloschisis, spondylosis, spondylosyndesis, Spondylus |
spor- | Greek | |||
spu-, sput- | spew, spit | Latin | spuere | exspuition, sputum |
squal- | scaly, dirty, filthy | Latin | squalere | squalid, squalidity, squalor |
squam- | scale | Latin | squama | squamous |
squarros- | spreading at tips | Latin | squarrosus | squarrose |
st- (ΣΤΑ) | cause to stand | Greek | ἵστημι histēmi, histánai, στατικός, στάσις, στατήρ, στήλη | acrostatic, actinostele, anastasis, antistatic, apostasy, apostate, astasia, astasis, astatic, astatine, catastasis, chronostasis, diastase, diastasis, diastatic, diasystem, ecstasy, ecstatic, epistasis, episteme, epistemic, epistemology, eustasis, eustatic, eustele, haplostele, homeostasis, homeostatic, hydrostatic, hypostasis, hypostasize, hypostatic, hypostatize, mesostatic, metastasis, metastasize, metastatic, metasystem, orthostates, orthostatic, protostele, stasimon, stasis, stater, static, statoblast, statocyst, statolith, stela, stele, systasis, system, systematic, systematize, systematology, systemic, teleutostatic |
st- | stand | Latin | stare "to stand", also causative form statuere "to enact, set", from status "condition, position" | antestature, arrest, arrestant, arrestee, bistability, bistable, bistate, circumstance, circumstantial, consist, constable, constabulary, constancy, constant, constitute, consubstantiation, contrast, distance, distant, equidistance, equidistant, establish, estate, extant, inconstancy, inconstant, instability, instance, instant, obstacle, presto, stable, stamen, stamina, stance, stanchion, stanza, state, station, stationary, statistic, statue, status, staunch, stay, substance, substantial, substantiality, substantiate, substantiation, substantive, substate, substation, substitute, superstation, superstition, superstitious, transubstantiate, transubstantiation, tristate |
stagn- | pool of standing water | Latin | stagnare | stagnant |
stala- | dripping, trickling | Greek | σταλακτός (stalaktós) and σταλαγμός (stalagmós), both from σταλάζειν (stalázein) "to drip" | stalactite, stalagmite |
stann- | tin | Latin | stannum | stannous |
staphyl- [47] | bunch of grapes | Greek | σταφυλή (staphulḗ) | staphyledema, staphylion, staphylococcus, staphyloderma, staphyloplasty |
statu-, -stitu- | stand | Latin | statuere | institution, statute |
steat- [48] | fat, tallow | Greek | στέαρ, στέατος (stéar, stéatos) | stearic acid, steatolysis, steatolytic, steatosis |
steg- [49] | cover | Greek | στέγειν, στέγη (stégē), στεγανός (steganós) | steganography, steganopod, Stegosaurus |
stell-, stol- [50] | send | Greek | στέλλω (stéllō), στάλσις (stálsis), στολή (stolḗ) | apostle, centrostaltic, diastole, epistle, epistolic, epistolize, epistolography, eusystole, hypodiastole, peristalsis, peristaltic, peristole, stole, systaltic, systole |
stell- | star | Latin | stella | constellate, constellation, stellar |
sten- | stand | Greek | στεναί (stenaí) | apostasy, apostate |
sten- [51] | narrow | Greek | στενός (stenós) | stenography, stenosis |
stere- [52] | solid | Greek | στερεός (stereós) | allosteric, stereochemistry, stereochromy, stereographic, stereography, stereoisomer, stereometry, stereophonic, stereopsis, stereoscope, stereoscopy, stereotaxis, stereotomy, stereotype, stereotypic, steric |
stern- [53] | breastbone | Greek | στέρνον (stérnon) | metasternum, prosternum, sternum |
stern-, strat- | spread, strew | Latin | sternere , stratus | consternation, prostrate, stratify, stratum, stratus, street |
steth- [54] | chest | Greek | στῆθος (stêthos) | stethoscope |
sthen- [55] | strength | Greek | σθένος (sthénos) | asthenia, asthenosphere, callisthenics, hyposthenia, sthène, sthenia |
stich- [56] | line, row | Greek | στείχειν (steíkhein), στίχος (stíkhos) | acrostic, cadastre, distich, distichous, haplostichous, hemistich, heptastich, monostich, monostichous, orthostichy, pentastich, polystichia, polystichous, stich, stichic, stichomancy, stichometry, stichomythia, telestich |
stich- [57] | tunic | Greek | στίχη (stíkhē), στιχάριον (stikhárion) | sticharion |
stig- [58] | mark, puncture | Greek | στίζειν (stízein), στίξις (stíxis), στίγμα, στίγματος (stígma, stígmatos) | anastigmat, anastigmatic, astigmatic, astigmatism, stigma , stigmata , stigmatic |
still- | drip | Latin | stilla , stillare | distillation, instill |
stimul- | goad, rouse, excite | Latin | stimulus | stimulate |
stin- | stand | Latin | stinare | destination, obstinate |
stingu-, stinct- | apart | Latin | stinguere | distinction, distinguish |
stoch- [59] | aim | Greek | στόχος (stókhos), στοχαστικός (stokhastikós), στόχασμα | stochastic |
stom- | mouth | Greek | στόμα, στόματος (stóma, stómatos) | anastomosis, anastomotic, deuterostome, monostomous, ozostomia, pentastomid, protostome, stoma, stomach, stomatalgia, stomatic, stomatoplasty, -stome |
stor- [60] (ΣΤΟΡ) [61] | spread, strew | Greek | στορέννυμι (storénnumi), στόρνυμι , στρῶμα (strôma) | biostrome, stroma |
strat- | army | Greek | στρατός (stratós), στρατηγία (stratēgía) | stratagem, strategic, strategist, strategus, strategy, stratocracy, stratography, stratonic |
streper- | noise | Latin | strepere | obstreperous |
streph-, stroph-, strob-, stromb- [62] | turn | Greek | στρέφειν (stréphein), στρεπτός (streptós), στροφή (strophḗ) | anastrophe, antistrophe, apostrophe, boustrophedon, catastrophe, catastrophic, catastrophism, epistrophe, monostrophe, monostrophic, strophe, strophic |
strept- | twisted | Greek | στρέφειν , στρεπτός (streptós), στρεψίς (strepsís) | Strepsiptera, strepsirrhine, streptococcus |
strig- | compress | Latin | strix , strigis | strigogyps |
strigos- | having stiff bristles | Latin | strigosus from striga | strigose |
string-, strict- | tight, upright, stiff | Latin | stringere , strictus | astringent, constrain, constrict, constringe, restrict, strain, strict, stringent |
stroph- | turn | Greek | ||
stru-, struct- | to make up, build | Latin | struere , structus | construct, construction, construe, destroy, destruct, instruct, obstruct, structure |
stud- | dedication | Latin | studere | étude, student |
stup- | wonder | Latin | stupere | stupid, stupor |
styg- [63] | Styx | Greek | Στύξ, Στυγός (Stúx, Stugós), Στύγιος | Stygian, stygiophobia |
styl- [64] | column, pillar | Greek | στῦλος (stûlos), στυλόω (stulóō) | amphiprostyle, amphistyly, anastylosis, araeostyle, araeosystyle, blastostyle, diastyle, epistyle, eustyle, hexastyle, hyostyly, hypostyle, monostylous, octastyle, orthostyle, peristyle, prostyle, pycnostyle, stylite, Stylites, stylobate, styloid, stylolite, stylus, systyle |
su-, sut- | sew | Latin | suere , sutus | couture, suture |
suad-, suas- | urge | Latin | suadere , suasus | persuasion |
suav- | sweet | Latin | suavis | assuage, suave, suavity |
sub-, su-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sus- | below | Latin | sub | submarine, submerge, suffix, suggest, support |
subter- | under | Latin | subter | subterfuge |
sucr- | sugar | Latin | succarum | sucrose |
sud- | sweat | Latin | sudare | exudate, exude, sudarium, sudoriferous, transudate |
sui- | self | Latin | sui | sui generis, suicide |
sulc- | furrow | Latin | sulcus | sulcus |
sum- | sum | Latin | summare "to sum up", from summa "sum" | consummate, consummation, sum, summa cum laude, summary, summation |
sum-, sumpt- | take | Latin | sumere , sumptus | assume, assumption, consume, consumption, presumption, subsume |
super- | above, over | Latin | super | insuperable, soprano, sovereign, summit, superable, superb, supercilious, supercomputer, superficial, superfluous, superimpose, superior, superlative, supermarket, supernal, supernatural, supernova, superposition, superpower, superscript, supersede, supersonic, superstition, supervene, supervise, supreme, supremum, surname, surplus, surround, survive |
supin- | lying back | Latin | supinus | supination, supine |
supra- | above, over | Latin | supra | supranationalism |
surd- | deaf | Latin | surdus | absurdity |
surg- | rise | Latin | surgere | insurgent, insurrection, resurgent, resurrection |
sybar- [65] | Sybaris | Greek | Σύβαρις, συβάρεως , ΣυβαρίτηςSybarī́tēs, Συβαριτικός | Sybarite, sybaritic, sybaritism |
syc- | fig | Greek | συκῆ, σῦκον (sûkon) | sycomancy, sycophant |
syn-, sy-, syg-, syl-, sym-, sys- [66] | with | Greek | σύν (sún) | syllogism, symbol, symmetry, sympathy, synonym, synchronous, system |
syring- | pipe | Greek | σύριγξ, σύριγγος (súrinx, súringos) | syringe, Syringodea, Syringoderma, Syringogaster, syringoma, syringomyelia, syrinx |
In Greek mythology, Eiresione or Iresione was the personification of an object very important in many Greek rituals and ceremonies: a branch of olive or laurel, covered with wool, fruits, cakes and olive flasks, dedicated to Apollo and carried about by singing boys during the festivals of Pyanopsia and Thargelia, and afterwards hung up at the house door. It could only be carried by children who had two living parents. The song they were singing during the ritual was also known as "eiresione":
Eiresione for us brings figs and bread of the richest,
brings us honey in pots and oil to rub off from the body,
Strong wine too in a beaker, that one may go to bed mellow.
In Greek mythology, the Ourea were the parthenogenetic offspring of Gaia (Earth), produced alongside Uranus (Sky), and Pontus (Sea).
Henry George Liddell was dean (1855–1891) of Christ Church, Oxford, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University (1870–1874), headmaster (1846–1855) of Westminster School, author of A History of Rome (1855), and co-author of the monumental work A Greek–English Lexicon, known as "Liddell and Scott", which is still widely used by students of Greek. Lewis Carroll wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland for Henry Liddell's daughter Alice.
Ancient Greek philosophy differentiates main conceptual forms and distinct words for the Modern English word love: agápē, érōs, philía, philautía, storgē, and xenía.
A Greek–English Lexicon, often referred to as Liddell & Scott or Liddell–Scott–Jones (LSJ), is a standard lexicographical work of the Ancient Greek language originally edited by Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, Henry Stuart Jones, and Roderick McKenzie and published in 1843 by the Oxford University Press.
Harpastum, also known as harpustum, was a form of ball game played in the Roman Empire. The Romans also referred to it as the small ball game. The ball used was small and hard, probably about the size and solidity of a softball and was stuffed with feathers. The word harpastum is the latinisation of the Greek ἁρπαστόν, the neuter of ἁρπαστός, "carried away", from the verb ἁρπάζω, "to seize, to snatch".
Snapping one's fingers is the act of creating a snapping or clicking sound with one's fingers. Primarily, this is done by building tension between the thumb and another finger and then moving the other finger forcefully downward, so it hits the palm of the same hand at a high speed.
Episkyros, or episcyrus was an Ancient Greek ball game. The game was typically played between two teams of 12 to 14 players each, being highly teamwork-oriented. The game allowed full contact and usage of the hands. While it was typically men who played, women also occasionally participated.