Maria-sama ga Miteru is a light novel series written by Oyuki Konno and illustrated by Reine Hibiki. Shueisha published 37 light novel volumes from April 1998 to April 2012 under their Cobalt imprint. There were also two additional volumes published, the first containing an overview of the series and interviews, and the second featuring an illustration collection. Also listed are short stories published in Shueisha's Cobalt magazine, which were included in later volumes of the novels. Konno also wrote the spin-off light novel series Oshaka-sama mo Miteru, which is also illustrated by Hibiki. Shueisha published 10 volumes of the spin-off from August 2008 to November 2013.
No. | Title | Japanese release date | Japanese ISBN | |
01 | Maria-sama ga Miteru The Virgin Mary Watches Over Us(マリア様がみてる) | April 24, 1998 [1] | 978-4-08-614459-9 | |
02 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Yellow Rose Revolution Kibara Kakumei(マリア様がみてる 黄薔薇革命) | February 3, 1999 [2] | 978-4-08-614554-1 | |
03 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Forest of Thorns Ibara no Mori(マリア様がみてる いばらの森) | April 27, 1999 [3] | 978-4-08-614591-6 | |
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04 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Rosa Canina Rosa Kanīna(マリア様がみてる ロサ・カニーナ) | December 1, 1999 [4] | 978-4-08-614661-6 | |
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05 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Valentine's Gift (Part I) Warentīnusu no Okurimono (Zenpen)(マリア様がみてる ウァレンティーヌスの贈り物(前編)) | March 3, 2000 [5] | 978-4-08-614695-1 | |
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06 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Valentine's Gift (Part II) Warentīnusu no Okurimono (Kōhen)(マリア様がみてる ウァレンティーヌスの贈り物(後編)) | April 25, 2000 [6] | 978-4-08-614715-6 | |
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07 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: The Loving Times (Part I) Itoshiki Toshitsuki (Zenpen)(マリア様がみてる いとしき歳月(前編)) | February 2, 2001 [7] | 978-4-08-614817-7 | |
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08 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: The Loving Times (Part II) Itoshiki Toshitsuki (Kōhen)(マリア様がみてる いとしき歳月(後編)) | April 3, 2001 [8] | 978-4-08-614841-2 | |
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09 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Cherry Blossom Cherī Burossamu(マリア様がみてる チェリーブロッサム) | July 27, 2001 [9] | 978-4-08-614895-5 | |
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10 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Rainy Blue Reinī Burū(マリア様がみてる レイニーブルー) | March 29, 2002 [10] | 978-4-08-600078-9 | |
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11 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Holding a Parasol Parasoru o Sashite(マリア様がみてる パラソルをさして) | July 1, 2002 [11] | 978-4-08-600136-6 | |
12 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Vacation of the Lambs Kohitsujitachi no Kyūka(マリア様がみてる 子羊たちの休暇) | December 25, 2002 [12] | 978-4-08-600210-3 | |
13 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: One Page of Midsummer Manatsu no Ichi Pēji(マリア様がみてる 真夏の一ページ) | March 28, 2003 [13] | 978-4-08-600243-1 | |
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14 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Cool Breeze Suzukaze Satsu-satsu(マリア様がみてる 涼風 (すずかぜ) さつさつ) | July 1, 2003 [14] | 978-4-08-600284-4 | |
15 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Ready, Go! Redī, Gō!(マリア様がみてる レディ、GO!) | October 31, 2003 [15] | 978-4-08-600337-7 | |
16 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Variety Gifts Baraetī Gifuto(マリア様がみてる バラエティギフト) | December 25, 2003 [16] | 978-4-08-600360-5 | |
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17 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Ciao Sorella! Chao Sorerra!(マリア様がみてる チャオ ソレッラ!) | March 31, 2004 [17] | 978-4-08-600399-5 | |
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18 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Just a Day Which is not Special Tokubetsu de nai Tada no Ichi-nichi(マリア様がみてる 特別でないただの一日) | October 1, 2004 [18] | 978-4-08-600484-8 | |
19 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: In Library In Raiburarī(マリア様がみてる インライブラリー) | December 25, 2004 [19] | 978-4-08-600527-2 | |
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20 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Sœur Audition Sūru Ōdishon(マリア様がみてる 妹オーディション) | April 1, 2005 [20] | 978-4-08-600568-5 | |
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21 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Rose Mille-Feuille Bara no Mirufīyu(マリア様がみてる 薔薇のミルフィーユ) | July 1, 2005 [21] | 978-4-08-600609-5 | |
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22 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: A Blank Map to the Future Mirai no Hakuchizu(マリア様がみてる 未来の白地図) | December 22, 2005 [22] | 978-4-08-600704-7 | |
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23 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: The Other Side of the Frosted Glass Kumori Garasu no Mukō-gawa(マリア様がみてる くもりガラスの向こう側) | March 31, 2006 [23] | 978-4-08-600743-6 | |
24 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Masked Actress Kamen no Akutoresu(マリア様がみてる 仮面のアクトレス) | June 30, 2006 [24] | 978-4-08-600784-9 | |
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25 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Large Door, Small Key Ōkina Tobira Chiisana Kagi(マリア様がみてる 大きな扉 小さな鍵) | October 3, 2006 [25] | 978-4-08-600823-5 | |
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26 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Crisscross Kurisukurosu(マリア様がみてる クリスクロス) | December 22, 2006 [26] | 978-4-08-600859-4 | |
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27 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: In Search of You Anata o Sagashi ni(マリア様がみてる あなたを探しに) | March 30, 2007 [27] | 978-4-08-600895-2 | |
28 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Frame of Mind Furēmu Obu Maindo(マリア様がみてる フレームオブマインド) | June 28, 2007 [28] | 978-4-08-601034-4 | |
29 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Crown of Roses Bara no Hana Kanmuri(マリア様がみてる 薔薇の花かんむり) | October 2, 2007 [29] | 978-4-08-601075-7 | |
30 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Sparkle, Sparkle, Twirl Kira Kira Mawaru(マリア様がみてる キラキラまわる) | December 26, 2007 [30] | 978-4-08-601110-5 | |
31 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Margaret and Ribbon Māgaretto ni Ribon(マリア様がみてる マーガレットにリボン) | April 1, 2008 [31] | 978-4-08-601144-0 | |
32 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Graduation in Fine Scenery Sotsugyō Mae Shōkei(マリア様がみてる 卒業前小景) | October 1, 2008 [32] | 978-4-08-601214-0 | |
33 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Hello Goodbye Harō Gubbai(マリア様がみてる ハローグッバイ) | December 26, 2008 [33] | 978-4-08-601244-7 | |
34 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Little Horrors Ritoru Horāzu(マリア様がみてる リトル ホラーズ) | July 1, 2009 [34] | 978-4-08-601305-5 | |
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35 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: My Nest Watashi no Su(マリア様がみてる 私の巣) | December 25, 2009 [35] | 978-4-08-601363-5 | |
36 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Step Suteppu(マリア様がみてる ステップ) | December 28, 2010 [36] | 978-4-08-601481-6 | |
37 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Farewell Bouquet Feauweru Būke(マリア様がみてる フェアウェルブーケ) | April 28, 2012 [37] | 978-4-08-601631-5 |
No. | Title | Japanese release date | Japanese ISBN | |
1 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Premium Book Puremiamu Bukku(マリア様がみてる プレミアムブック) | July 27, 2004 [38] | 978-4-08-600455-8 | |
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2 | Maria-sama ga Miteru: Illustration Collection Irasuto Korekushon(マリア様がみてる イラストコレクション) | July 28, 2006 [39] | 978-4-08-600797-9 |
These short stories by Oyuki Konno are published in the bimonthly edition of Cobalt , published by Shueisha.
Konno and Hibiki have also collaborated on the Oshaka-sama mo Miteru (お釈迦様もみてる, Buddha Watches Too) series of light novels. These books feature the same characters but focus on Yumi's younger brother Yūki and his schoolmates at Hanadera.
No. | Title | Japanese release date | Japanese ISBN |
1 | Oshaka-sama mo Miteru: Crimson or White Aka ka Shiro ka(お釈迦様もみてる 紅か白か) | August 1, 2008 [40] | 978-4-08-601192-1 |
2 | Oshaka-sama mo Miteru: School Toys Gakuin no Omocha(お釈迦様もみてる 学院のおもちゃ) | April 1, 2009 [41] | 978-4-08-601274-4 |
3 | Oshaka-sama mo Miteru: Wet or Dry Wetto or Dorai(お釈迦様もみてる ウェットorドライ) | October 2, 2009 [42] | 978-4-08-601335-2 |
4 | Oshaka-sama mo Miteru: Self Cheering Squad Jibun Ōendan(お釈迦様もみてる 自分応援団) | April 1, 2010 [43] | 978-4-08-601392-5 |
5 | Oshaka-sama mo Miteru: School Festivals Sukūru Fesutibaruzu(お釈迦様もみてる スクール フェスティバルズ) | July 1, 2010 [44] | 978-4-08-601422-9 |
6 | Oshaka-sama mo Miteru: S-kinship S-kinshippu(お釈迦様もみてる S-キンシップ) | October 1, 2010 [45] | 978-4-08-601451-9 |
7 | Oshaka-sama mo Miteru: Very Difficult Workbook Chōnankai Mondaishū(お釈迦様もみてる 超難解問題集) | December 1, 2011 [46] | 978-4-08-601585-1 |
8 | Oshaka-sama mo Miteru: Gracious Vote Isagiyoki Ippyō(お釈迦様もみてる 潔き一票) | November 30, 2012 [47] | 978-4-08-601684-1 |
9 | Oshaka-sama mo Miteru: On Your Marks On Yua Mākusu(お釈迦様もみてる オン ユア マークス) | August 1, 2013 [48] | 978-4-08-601743-5 |
10 | Oshaka-sama mo Miteru: Firefly Lights Hotaru no Hikaru(お釈迦様もみてる 蛍のヒカル) | November 30, 2013 [49] | 978-4-08-601768-8 |
Maria-sama ga Miteru, often shortened to Marimite (マリみて), is a Japanese light novel series written by Oyuki Konno with illustrations by Reine Hibiki. Originally written as a short story in 1997, Shueisha published 37 light novel volumes from April 1998 to April 2012. The story focuses on a group of teenage girls attending the Catholic Lillian Girls' Academy in Tokyo, Japan. Its storyline largely revolves around the lives and close relationships of the school's student council known as the Yamayuri Council.
Cobalt is a bimonthly anthology of shōjo fiction, published in Japan by Shueisha since May 1976. Shueisha also publish light novels under their Cobalt imprint, many of which were originally serialized in the magazine.
"Chercher" is Kotoko's sixth maxi single under Geneon Entertainment. The title track was used as an ending theme for OVA of Maria-sama ga Miteru. The lyrics of the song was written by the creator of Maria-sama ga Miteru, Oyuki Konno.
Kirei na Senritsu (きれいな旋律) is the seventh single by the singer Kotoko for Geneon Entertainment. The title track was used as the final ending theme for the OVA of Maria-sama ga Miteru. The lyrics to this song were written by Konno Oyuki, the creator of Maria-sama ga Miteru, and the melody was composed by the former Megadeth guitarist Marty Friedman.
Reine Hibiki is a Japanese illustrator, born November 15 in Hitachi, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. She is a graduate of Joshibi University of Art and Design Junior College. Her work includes illustrating the Maria-sama ga Miteru series of light novels.
Noburō Ōfuji was a Japanese film director and animator. One of the most notable auteurs of anime, he worked primarily with cutout and silhouette animation. He also made a number of films in traditional animation, using then-expensive, imported cels, while his earliest work known to have survived is a live-action/animated film. He trained under Jun'ichi Kōuchi before starting his own company. He is known for his employment of washi, especially the coloured and patterned Edo chiyogami, which gives his films a distinctively Japanese appearance. He was one of the first Japanese animators to earn international recognition for his work.
Kazune Kawahara is a Japanese manga artist who is best known for creating the romantic comedy shōjo manga High School Debut . Kawahara has also published and authored several other manga series, most notably Ai no Tame ni and Aozora Yell, and mostly specialises in the genre of romance.
Rinko Ueda is a Japanese manga artist who does mainly shojo manga. Her works are primarily serialized in Margaret magazine, with series published in collected volumes by Shueisha, though she has also been featured in fellow Shueisha publication Ribon, as well as illustrating the novel adaptation of her own Stepping on Roses series in Cobalt.
Maria-sama ga Miteru is a 2010 Japanese film co-written and directed by Kōtarō Terauchi. The film is based on the light novel series Maria-sama ga Miteru written by Oyuki Konno, with illustrations by Reine Hibiki. It was released in Japanese theaters on November 6, 2010, and later released on Blu-ray Disc and DVD on July 29, 2011 by Liverpool.
Honoka Yahagi, formerly known as Honoka Miki, is a Japanese actress, fashion model and voice actress. Yahagi is best known for her role as Kotoko Aihara in Mischievous Kiss: Love in Tokyo and its sequel Mischievous Kiss 2: Love in Okinawa as Kotoko Irie.
Haru is a Japanese actress and model from Adachi, Tokyo. She is known for the film Koizora (2007), Maria-sama ga Miteru (2010), the TV drama Asa ga Kita (2015-2016), and for co-hosting of the TBS talk show A-Studio.
Kaguya-sama: Love Is War is a Japanese romantic comedy manga series by Aka Akasaka. It began serialization in Shueisha's seinen manga magazine Miracle Jump in May 2015 and was transferred to Weekly Young Jump in March 2016. In North America, the manga is licensed in English by Viz Media.
Tatsuki Fujimoto is a Japanese manga artist, known for his works Fire Punch and Chainsaw Man.
'Tis Time for "Torture," Princess is a Japanese manga series written by Robinson Haruhara and illustrated by Hirakei. It started serialization on the Shōnen Jump+ manga website in April 2019. It has been published in nine tankōbon volumes.
The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten is a Japanese light novel series written by Saekisan and illustrated by Hanekoto. Originally published online on Shōsetsuka ni Narō, SB Creative has released six volumes of the series under their GA Bunko label since June 2019. Yen Press holds the license to publish the series in North America in English. A manga adaptation with art by Wan Shibata and composition by Suzu Yūki has been serialized via Square Enix's online manga magazine Manga UP! since January 2022. As of July 2022, its chapters have been collected in a single tankōbon volume. An anime television series adaptation by Project No.9 is set to premiere in 2023.