Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is a Japanese science fiction anime television series that originally aired on Nagoya Broadcasting Network between March 2, 1985, and February 22, 1986. Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam featured many new characters and several returning characters from the earlier Mobile Suit Gundam anime television series.
"Quattro" (Number 4 in Italian) as Casval Deikun's fourth alias name
Mobile Suit Gundam, also known as First Gundam, Gundam 0079 or simply Gundam '79, is an anime television series, produced and animated by Nippon Sunrise. Created and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino, it premiered in Japan on Nagoya Broadcasting Network and its affiliated ANN stations on April 7, 1979, and lasted until January 26, 1980, spanning 43 episodes. It was the first Gundam series, which has subsequently been adapted into numerous sequels and spin-offs. Set in the futuristic calendar year "Universal Century" 0079, the plot focuses on the war between the Principality of Zeon and the Earth Federation, with the latter unveiling a new giant robot known as the RX-78-2 Gundam piloted by the teenage civilian mechanic Amuro Ray.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack is a 1988 Japanese anime science fiction film directed and written by Yoshiyuki Tomino. It is set in the Universal Century timeline of the Gundam franchise. Featuring the talents of Shūichi Ikeda, Toru Furuya, Hirotaka Suzuoki, Maria Kawamura, Nozomu Sasaki, Kōichi Yamadera, among others, it focuses on Char Aznable's attempt of genocide on the planet Earth by pushing the asteroid called Axis into a collision with the planet. As a result, Char's rival from the Earth Federation Amuro Ray tries to defeat him in combat and avoid a slaughter in the process.
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam is a 1985 Japanese television anime series, the second installment in the Gundam franchise, and a sequel to the original Mobile Suit Gundam. The show was created and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino, with character designs by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, while the series' mechanical designs are split among Kunio Okawara, Mamoru Nagano, and Kazumi Fujita. The series was originally aired on Nagoya Broadcasting Network and its sister ANN stations between 1985 and 1986.
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ is the third installment in Sunrise's long running Gundam franchise and the last TV series in the franchise released in Japan's Shōwa period. A direct follow up to Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, it is directed and written by Yoshiyuki Tomino, and he assembled a new team consisting of character designer Hiroyuki Kitazume, who had been one of Zeta Gundam's animation directors, and mechanical designers Makoto Kobayashi, Yutaka Izubuchi and Mika Akitaka. Initially airing on Nagoya Broadcasting Network and affiliated ANN stations in Japan, the series was later aired by the anime satellite television network Animax across Japan and its respective networks worldwide, including Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, South Asia, and other regions. The now-defunct video streaming website Daisuki had the rights to stream the series worldwide. Sunrise themselves released the series on home video via Right Stuf Inc. to North America in 2015. On June 24, 2022, the series was made available for streaming on Crunchyroll.
Char Aznable, born Casval Rem Deikun and also known as Édouard Mass, is a fictional character from the Gundam franchise. He is originally one of the main antagonists in Mobile Suit Gundam working for the Principality of Zeon, named after his late father Zeon Zum Deikun, with the honorary title of "The Red Comet" during Gundam's One Year War. Despite having opposed Earth Federation soldier Amuro Ray several times, in the sequel Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam he becomes Quattro Bajeena, an Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG) pilot fighting alongside the series' main characters against the elitist Titans. In his final appearance in Char's Counterattack, he assumes leadership of the Neo Zeon movement, and becomes the titular antagonist of the film.
Amuro Ray is a fictional character introduced in Sunrise's 1979 anime series Mobile Suit Gundam. Amuro is a mechanic who becomes the pilot of the mecha known as RX-78-2 Gundam to protect himself from the Zeon forces invading his space colony during the war. He becomes an Earth Federation pilot in the war as well as the first Newtype, a type of human with special awareness which gives him great skills when fighting. The Gundam franchise explores Amuro's involvement in the wars piloting the titular mecha. He returns in the sequel, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam as an older retired soldier afraid of his past, and the 1988 feature film Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack where he takes part in new conflict against his rival Char Aznable. The character was present in several adaptations related to Gundam as well as video games.
Tōru Furuya is a Japanese actor, voice actor and narrator. As a child, he was a member of Gekidan Himawari, a children's acting troupe. He is currently employed by the talent management firm Aoni Production, since 1982.
Haro is the mechanical mascot of the Gundam science fiction anime franchise, and is the only character that appears in more than one timeline. Haro has since become a mascot for the Sunrise studio as a whole, often appearing in their recent idents.
The RX-78-2 Gundam is a fictional manned robot (mecha), introduced in 1979 in Yoshiyuki Tomino's and Sunrise's anime series Mobile Suit Gundam. In the series, it is a prototype weapon for the Earth Federation when it falls into the hands of Amuro Ray, the son of its designer in story, who goes on to pilot it in the Earth Federation's war against the Principality of Zeon.
SD Gundam G Generation is a series of strategy-RPG video games that focus on the Gundam anime franchise.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash, also known as Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway, is a novel series created and written by Yoshiyuki Tomino. Officially part of the Gundam metaseries, it was first published by Kadokawa Shoten under the Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko label from February 1, 1989 to April 1, 1990 with a total of three volumes. The story revolves around Hathaway Noa, who now goes by the name Mafty Navue Erin, as he starts a terrorist group to stop the abuses of the Earth Federation. The novel was notable for being the only semi-canonical Gundam work by Tomino. A three-part theatrical film adaptation was formally announced by Bandai Namco Filmworks as part of the "UC NexT 0100" project. The first film was released on June 11, 2021.
Gundam Evolve, also known as Mobile Suit Gundam Evolve, is a series of promotional short films set in the different timelines of the Gundam series. Originally there were only five Evolve episodes, produced from 2001 to 2003, Bandai created ten more Evolve episodes from 2004 to 2007. While the first two episodes took place in the Universal Century, some of the later clips also showed Gundams from the other timelines.
Kidō Senshi Z Gundam: Hot Scramble, also known as Mobile Suit Z Gundam: Hot Scramble, is a 1986 rail shooter video game developed by Game Studio and published by Bandai for the Family Computer. It is based on the anime Mobile Suit Z Gundam, and is one of the first Gundam video games.
SD Gundam Gaiden Sieg Zion Hen is a Japanese media project within the SD Gundam franchise produced between 1989 and 1990, centered on Bandai's plamo and Carddass trading cards. A manga drawn by Ryuuichi Hoshino and an anime adaptation of said manga by Sunrise were also released. It is the first work of the Knight Gundam series.
Gundam Ace is a monthly Japanese shōnen manga magazine published by Kadokawa Shoten. It largely focuses on the Gundam franchise. There was a Chinese version published by Kadokawa Media (Taiwan) Co., Ltd, discontinued in 2008.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight AXIS is a Japanese light novel series written by Kōjirō Nakamura and illustrated by ARK Performance, released by Sunrise under the Yatate Bunko imprint. It is the second Gundam media to feature a main female protagonist after Mobile Suit Gundam École du Ciel. Set after the events of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn and before the events of Mobile Suit Gundam F91, in which it focuses on two former Zeon remnants as they were hired to investigate the remains of the asteroid base Axis. The novel is loosely based on Richard Wagner's opera Tristan und Isolde.