List of Nazi Party organizations

Last updated

A list of organizations established by or closely associated with the Nazi Party, sortable by their German or English title.

German nameEnglish nameDescriptionDate founded
Ahnenerbe Ancestral Heritage A think tank to research the history of the Aryan race; see also List of Ahnenerbe institutes 1935
Flag of German American Bund.svg Amerikadeutscher Bund German American Bund An American Nazi organization
Anti-Komintern Anti-Comintern An agency for anti-Soviet propaganda1933
Allgemeiner BDM und JM-Wimpel 1935.svg Bund Deutscher Mädel League of German Girls The female branch of the Nazi youth movement
BDM Werk Glaube und Schönheit League of German Girls Belief and Beauty Society Organisation for girls aged 17 to 211938
Deutsche Arbeitsfront.svg Deutsche Arbeitsfront (DAF) German Labour Front Nazi trade union organization1933
Deutsche Christen Flagge.svg Deutsche Christenbewegung German Christians Movement A Nazi Christian pressure group and movement1931
Deutsche Glaubensbewegung German Faith Movement A non-Christian Nazi religious movement1933
Wimpel DRV.svg Deutscher Radfahrer-Verband German Cycling Association The cycling unit of the Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund für Leibesübungen
Deutsche Verkehrsfliegerschule (DVS) German Air Transport School A covert military training organization1925
Freigemeinschaft von Teutonia Free Society of Teutonia Pro-Nazi German American Association
Freundeskreis der Wirtschaft Circle of Friends of the Economy A group of industrialists who raised funds for Nazi racial research
Freunde des Neuen Deutschland Friends of New Germany An American Nazi organization1933
Hitlerjugend Allgemeine Flagge.svg Hitler Jugend Hitler Youth Male branch of the Nazi youth organization1922
Lebensborn Fount of Life An organization providing financial assistance to the wives of SS members1935
Flag of the Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund fur Leibesubungen.svg Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund für Leibesübungen (NSRL) National Socialist League of the Reich for Physical Exercise Nazi organization for sports
Propagandaministerium Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda One of the terms for the main Nazi propaganda organization1933
Schönheit der Arbeit Beauty of Labour A propaganda organization1934
Schutzstaffel (SS) Defense Squadron A paramilitary organisation directly commanded by Adolf Hitler, associated with the genocide of European Jews1933