List of Ottoman governors of Baghdad

Last updated

Ottoman walis (1638–1704)

Source: [1]

Mamluk of Iraq (1704–1831)

The Mamluks ruled the pashaliks of Baghdad, Basrah, and Shahrizor. [2] The pashalik of Mosul was ruled by the Iraqi Jalili dynasty.


Ottoman walis (1831–1917)

Midhat Pasha Midhat pasha.jpg
Midhat Pasha
Djemal Pasha with Anazzah tribal leaders, celebrating the completion of the al-Hindya dam on the Euphrates river near al-Hilla, south of Baghdad. JemalPasha.jpg
Djemal Pasha with Anazzah tribal leaders, celebrating the completion of the al-Hindya dam on the Euphrates river near al-Hilla, south of Baghdad.
Suleyman Nazif Suleyman nazif.jpg
Süleyman Nazif


PersonTime as governor
Ali Rıza Pasha 1831–1842
Najeb Pasha1842–1849
Abdul-Karim Pasha1849–1850
Mohamed Wajeh Pasha1850–1851
Mehmed Namık Pasha [3] 1851–1852
Rashid Pasha1852–1857
Omar Pasha 1858–1859
Mustafa Nuri Pasha1859–1861
Ahmed Tawfiq Pasha1861
Mehmed Namık Pasha1862–1867
Taqialden Pasha1867–1869
Midhat Pasha [4] 1869–1872
Mehmed Rauf Pasha bin Abdi Pasha 1872–1873
Radif Pasha1873–1875
Abdel Rahman Pasha 1875–1877
Akif Pasha1877–1878
Qadri Pasha1878
AbdelRahman Pasha1879–1880
Taqialden Pasha1880–1887
Mustafa Asim Pasha1887–1889
Sırrı Pasha 1890–1891
Hassan Pasha1891–1896
Atteallah Pasha Kawakeby1896–1899
Namık Pasha1899–1902
Source: [5]


PersonTime as governor
Ahmed Fayzi Pasha 1902–1904
Abdulwahab Pasha1904–1905
Abdulmajeed Pasha1905–1906
Abu Bakir Hazem Pasha1907–1908
Nadim I Pasha1908
Najemaldeen Beg1908–1909
Mohamed Fadil Pasha1909
Shawket Pasha1909–1910
Hussain Nadim Pasha1910–1911
Youssef Agah Pasha1911
Djemal Pasha 1911–1912
Ali Redha Pasha1912
Mohamed Zaki Pasha1912–1913
Mohamed Fadil Pasha1913–1914
Süleyman Nazif Pasha1914–1915
Nurialdeen Pasha1915
Khalil Pasha 1916–1917

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  1. "HUKAM (Arabic Language)".
  2. Coke, Richard (1927). Baghdad, The City of Peace. Taylor & Francis. pp. 232–233.
  3. Owem, Roger (31 December 1993). The Middle East in the world economy, 1800–1914. ISBN   9781850436584.
  4. Ágoston, Gábor; Masters, Bruce A. (2009). Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire. ISBN   9781438110257.
  5. "HUKAM (Arabic language)".

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