List of Radical Thinkers releases

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Radical Thinkers is a series of books released through Verso Books. The series was first released in October 2005. The series shifted towards themes in set 9 and began to release more frequently with fewer titles in each set. In 2010, Minima Moralia, For Marx, Aesthetics and Politics, and Culture and Materialism were reprinted in hardback under the Radical Thinkers Classics designation as part of Verso's 40th anniversary celebration.

Radical Thinkers SetTitleAuthorTranslator(s)Original Publication DatePagesISBN
Set 1 (January 2006) Minima Moralia: Reflections on a Damaged Life Theodor Adorno E. F. N. Jephcott1951256978-1844670512
For Marx Louis Althusser Ben Brewster1969259978-1844670529
The System of Objects Jean Baudrillard James Benedict1968224978-1844670536
Liberalism and Democracy Norberto Bobbio Martin Ryle and Kate Soper198594978-1844670628
The Politics of Friendship Jacques Derrida George Collins1994312978-1844670543
The Function of Criticism Terry Eagleton N/A1984136978-1844670550
Signs Taken for Wonders: Essays in the Sociology of Literary Forms Franco Moretti Susan Fischer, David Forgacs, and Davis Miller1983273978-1844670567
The Return of the Political Chantal Mouffe N/A19932409781844670574
Sexuality in the Field of Vision Jacqueline Rose N/A1986270978-1844670581
The Information Bomb Paul Virilio Chris Turner2000146978-1844670598
Culture and Materialism Raymond Williams N/A1980288978-1844670604
The Metastases of Enjoyment: Six Essays on Women and Causality Slavoj Žižek N/A1994228978-1844670611
Set 2 (January 2007)Infancy and History: On the Destruction of Experience Giorgio Agamben Liz Heron1978176978-1844675715
Politics and History: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Marx Louis Althusser Ben Brewster1972192978-1844675722
Fragments Jean Baudrillard Emily Agar1997148978-1844675739
Logics of Disintegration Peter Dews N/A1987331978-1844675746
Late Marxism: Adorno, or, The Persistence of the Dialectic Fredric Jameson N/A1990270978-1844675753
Emancipation(s) Ernesto Laclau N/A1996124978-1844675760
Political Descartes: Reason, Ideology and the Bourgeois Project Antonio Negri Matteo Mandarini and Alberto Toscano2007344978-1844675821
On the Shores of Politics Jacques Rancière Liz Heron1998107978-1844675777
Strategy of Deception Paul Virilio N/A199982978-1844675784
Politics of Modernism: Against the New Conformists Raymond Williams N/A1989220978-1844675807
The Indivisible Remainder Slavoj Žižek N/A1996254978-1844675814
Set 3 (January 2008)In Theory: Nations, Classes, Literatures Aijaz Ahmad N/A1992358978-1844672134
The Perfect Crime Jean Baudrillard Chris Turner1995156978-1859840443
A Realist Theory of Science Roy Bhaskar N/A1975262978-1844672042
A Study on Authority Herbert Marcuse Joris De Bres2008112978-1844672097
Spinoza and Politics Etienne Balibar and Warren Montag Peter Snowdon1985160978-1844672059
The Emergence of Social Space: Rimbaud and the Paris Commune Kristin Ross N/A1989190978-1844672066
Between Existentialism and Marxism Jean-Paul Sartre John Matthews1960302978-1844672073
Ghostly Demarcations: A Symposium on Jacques Derrida's Specters of Marx Michael Sprinker (editor)N/A1999278978-1844672110
What Does the Ruling Class Do When It Rules? Göran Therborn N/A1978290978-1844672103
Open Sky Paul Virilio Julie Rose1995162978-1844672080
For They Know Not What They Do Slavoj Žižek N/A1991288978-1844672127