List of Robot Wars robots

Last updated

This is a list of robots that appeared in the television series Robot Wars. The robots are listed via their debuting season with their subsequent appearances in following seasons listed as well. They are in alphabetical order, using the names they used in that series, if they competed in more than one series with the same robot that had a different name (e.g. robots that were numbered under the same name), then the name they used in that series is also listed. Series in which robots failed to qualify, as well as robots that failed to qualify for any series, are not listed. Robots that competed in the First, Second and Third World Championships, US, Dutch and German series are listed.


The First Wars

RobotUK Series Appearances
BarrySeries 1
BodyhammerSeries 1-2
BugsSeries 1
CruellaSeries 1-2
Cunning PlanSeries 1
DetonatorSeries 1, 4 [1]
DreadnautSeries 1-3
Series 4 (Dreadnaut XP-1)
ElvisSeries 1-2
Eubank the MouseSeries 1
Full Metal AnorakSeries 1
GruntSeries 1
KillertronSeries 1–2, 4, Extreme 1
Krayzee TokyoSeries 1
LeighbotSeries 1
MortisSeries 1-4
NemesisSeries 1-2
PlunderbirdSeries 1 (Plunderbird 1)
Series 2 (Plunderbird 2)
Series 3 (Plunderstorm)
Series 4 (Plunderbird 4)
Series 5, Extreme 1 (Plunderbird 5)
Prince of DarknessSeries 1
PsychosproutSeries 1
REALI-TSeries 1
RecyclopseSeries 1
RoadblockSeries 1-2
Series 3 (Beast of Bodmin)
Robot The BruceSeries 1
SAT'arnSeries 1
ScrapperSeries 1
ShogunSeries 1
SkarabSeries 1
T.R.A.C.I.E.Series 1
The BlobSeries 1
The DemolisherSeries 1
Series 2 (Demolisher) [2]
Torque of the DevilSeries 1
UglybotSeries 1
Vector of ArmageddonSeries 1
WedgehogSeries 1
WharthogSeries 1-2

The Second Wars

Red backgrounds denote robots that never competed in the main competition, but competed in a side or trial event

RobotUK Series Appearances
All TorqueSeries 2-3
Angel of DeathSeries 2
BehemothSeries 2-10, Extreme 1-2
BrootSeries 2
BumblebotSeries 2-3 [3]
CalibanSeries 2
CassiusSeries 2
Series 3 (Cassius 2)
ChallengerSeries 2
Series 3 (Challenger 2)
Chaos 2 Series 2 (Chaos)
Series 3–6, Extreme 1-2
Corporal PunishmentSeries 2-3
Death TrakSeries 2
Demolition DemonSeries 2
Series 3 (Demolition Demon 2) [4]
DemonSeries 2
DisruptorSeries 2
EnzymeSeries 2
Flirty SkirtySeries 2
ForkliftSeries 2
G.B.H.Series 2
Series 3 (Facet)
Series 6 (GBH 2)
GriffonSeries 2-3
GroundHogSeries 2
HaardvarkSeries 2-3
HavocSeries 2
InquisitorSeries 2
Series 3 (Inquisitor Mk 2) [5]
IvanhoeSeries 2
Series 4–5, Extreme 1 (Splinter)
Jim StrutsSeries 2
Kill DozerSeries 2
KillerhurtzSeries 2-4
Series 5–10, Extreme 2 (Terrorhurtz)
King BuxtonSeries 2-3
Series 4 (King B3)
Series 5, 7, Extreme 1 (King B Powerworks)
Series 8 (King B Remix)
Lateral ThoughtSeries 2
LeighviathanSeries 2
LimpetSeries 2
Series 5–7, Extreme 2 (13 Black)
Series 9 (Heavy Metal)
LocoSeries 2
Series 3 (Dundee)
MaceSeries 2
Series 3 (Mace 2)
Series 4–5, Extreme 1 (Gemini)
MaliceSeries 2
Mega HurtsSeries 2
Series 3 (Tut's Revenge)
Series 6 (Mega Hurts 2)
Series 7 (Mega Hurts L.T.)
Milly-Ann BugSeries 2-4
NapalmSeries 2-3
Series 5, Extreme 1 (Napalm 2)
OblivionSeries 2
Series 3-4 (Oblivion 2) [6]
Series 5–9 (Supernova)
OnslaughtSeries 2-5
ORACSeries 2
Series 3 (Orac's Revenge)
PainSeries 2
Panda MoniumSeries 2
Panic AttackSeries 2–7, Extreme 1-2
PenetratorSeries 2
PhoenixSeries 2
Piece De ResistanceSeries 2
Series 3 (Death Warmed Up)
Series 5 (Immortalis)
Series 7 (Metalis)
PrometheusSeries 2
Rameses IISeries 2
RampageSeries 2
RamrombitSeries 2
RazerSeries 2–6, 8, Extreme 1-2
R.O.C.S.Series 2–3, [7] 6-7
Robo DocSeries 2
Series 3–5, Extreme 1 (101)
Series 6 (Anarchy)
RonSeries 2
RottweilerSeries 2
SchumeySeries 2
Series 3 (Schumey Too)
Spin DoctorSeries 2
StingSeries 2
Series 3 (Sting 2)
Series 5–6, Extreme 2 (S3)
TalosSeries 2
TantrumSeries 2
Series 3 (T2)
TechnophobicSeries 2-3
Tender CaressSeries 2
The MuleSeries 2
Series 3 (The Big Cheese)
Series 4–5, Extreme 1 (Wheely Big Cheese)
The Parthian ShotSeries 2
The WizardSeries 2
Series 3 (The Witch)
VercingetorixSeries 2-4
Series 6, Extreme 1 (Comengetorix)
VictorSeries 2
Series 3 (Victor 2)
WheelosaurusSeries 2, 4
Whirling DervishSeries 2

The Third Wars

Red backgrounds denote robots that never competed in the main competition, but competed in a side or trial event

Blue backgrounds denote robots that never competed in a UK competition, but competed in an international event

RobotUK Series Appearances
AbaddonSeries 3
Agent OrangeSeries 3
AggrobotSeries 3
Series 4 (Aggrobot 2)
Series 6, Extreme 1 (Aggrobot 3)
Series 7 (Aggrobot 4)
AlienSeries 3
Ally GatorSeries 3
AnarachnidSeries 3
AnorakaphobiaSeries 3
Armour GeddonSeries 3
AtlasSeries 3
AxiosSeries 3
BackstabberSeries 3
Berserk 2Series 3-4
Series 5 (Twister)
Big BrotherSeries 3
Series 4–7 Extreme 1–2 (Bigger Brother)
BinkySeries 3
BladeSeries 3
BrimhurSeries 3
Bulldog BreedSeries 3
Series 4 (Bulldog Breed 2)
Series 5, Extreme 1 (Bulldog Breed 3)
Series 6–7, Extreme 2
CenturionSeries 3-4
CerberusSeries 3–4, Extreme 1-2
Crasha GnashaSeries 3
CripplerSeries 3
CrocodilotronSeries 3
CrusaderSeries 3 [8]
Series 4 (Crusader 2)
CrusherSeries 3
Daisy ChopperSeries 3
Darke DestroyerSeries 3
Series 4 (Darke Destroyer 2)
Depoppesaurus RexSeries 3
DiotoirSeries 3–5, 10, [9] Extreme 1-2
Dominator 2Series 3 (Dominator)
Series 4–6, Extreme 1-2
EricSeries 3-4
Evil WeevilSeries 3-4
ExcaliburSeries 3
Eye of NewtSeries 3
FirestormSeries 3
Series 4 (Firestorm 2)
Series 5, Extreme 1 (Firestorm 3)
Series 6, Extreme 2 (Firestorm 4)
Series 7 (Firestorm 5)
Flip Flop FlySeries 3
Series 5 (Tetanus)
Series 6 (Tetanus 2)
Series 7 (Tetanus Booster)
FlipperSeries 3
Forklift's RevengeSeries 3
General CarnageSeries 3
Series 5 (General Carnage 2)
GnasherSeries 3
GravediggerSeries 3-5
HammerheadSeries 3
HammertronSeries 3
HeftySeries 3
HenrySeries 3
Series 4 (Henry 2)
Hypno-DiscSeries 3–6, Extreme 1-2
InvertabratSeries 3-4
Judge ShredSeries 3
Series 4 (Judge Shred 2)
Series 6, Extreme 1 (Judge Shred 2½)
Series 7 (Judge Shred 3)
Kater KillerSeries 3-4
MalfunktionSeries 3
MammothSeries 3
Manic MutantSeries 3
Series 5–6, Extreme 2 (Shredder)
Series 7 (Shredder Evolution)
MaulerSeries 3
Max DamageSeries 3
MingSeries 3
Series 4 (Ming 2)
Series 5–6, Extreme 1 (Ming 3)
Series 7 (Ming Dienasty)
Miss IleSeries 3
Miss StrutsSeries 3
Mr PunchSeries 3
OverkillSeries 3
Series 4 (Overkill GTI)
PanzerSeries 3
Extreme 1 (Panzer Wraith)
PitbullSeries 3
PrizephitaSeries 3
Series 4 (Prizephita Mk 2)
Series 5 (Prizephita Mach 2)
PrometheusSeries 3
PsychokillerSeries 3
Purple PredatorSeries 3
Series 5 (Granny's Revenge)
Series 6 (Granny's Revenge 2)
PussycatSeries 3–5, 7, Extreme 1-2
Raizer BladeSeries 3-4
Rattus RattusSeries 3
Red DragonSeries 3
RobocowSeries 3
Extreme 1 (The Spider)
RobogeddonSeries 3
RobopigSeries 3
S.M.I.D.S.Y.Series 3–7, Extreme 1-2
ScarabSeries 3
Scutter's RevengeSeries 3
Series 4 (Spawn of Scutter)
Series 5–7, Extreme 1–2 (Spawn Again)
Sgt. MeikleSeries 3
Shark AttackSeries 3
Series 4 (Banshee)
Shell ShockSeries 3
ShrapnelSeries 3
Sir ChromalotSeries 3–6, Extreme 1-2
Six PacSeries 3
SonicSeries 3
SpectreSeries 3
SpikeSeries 3
StealthSeries 3
Steg-O-Saw-UsSeries 3
Series 4 (Steg 2)
Series 5, Extreme 1 (3 Stegs to Heaven)
StingerSeries 3–6, Extreme 1-2
StompSeries 3
Suicidal TendenciesSeries 3–5, Extreme 1
SumpthingSeries 3–6, Extreme 1-2
Techno-LeaseSeries 3
Terminal FerocitySeries 3
Terror AustralisSeries 3
TerrorpinSeries 3
The GeneralSeries 3, [10] 8
The Grim ReaperSeries 3, 7
The Iron MaskSeries 3
The Steel AvengerSeries 3–5, 7, Extreme 1-2
The WitchSeries 3
Thermidor 2Series 3 (Thermador)
Series 4–8, Extreme 1-2
Toe CutterSeries 3
TridentSeries 3
TriterobotSeries 3
Series 4–5, Extreme 1 (MouseTrap)
Series 7 (Black and Blue)
Twn TrwnSeries 3
Series 4 (The Creature)
UltorSeries 3
UndertakerSeries 3
VectorSeries 3
VelocirippaSeries 3–5, [11] 7, Extreme 1-2
WeeliwakoSeries 3
Weld-DorSeries 3
Series 4 (Weld-Dor 2)
Series 6, Extreme 2 (Weld-Dor 3)
Wild ThingSeries 3 (Thing 2)
Series 4–6, Extreme 1
Wild WillySeries 3
Series 6 (Cyrax)
X-TerminatorSeries 3
Series 4–5, Extreme 1 (X-Terminator 2)
Series 6–7, Extreme 1-2
ZeusSeries 3
Series 4 (Cronos)

The Fourth Wars

Blue backgrounds denote robots that never competed in a UK competition, but competed in an international event

RobotUK Series Appearances
Arnold, Arnold TermineggerSeries 4
Extreme 1 (Arnold A. Terminegger)
AtomicSeries 4
Series 5, Extreme 1 (Atomic 2)
Series 7 (Atomic 3)
Attila the DrumSeries 4
Series 7 (Jackson Wallop)
Bolt from the BlueSeries 4
Clawed HopperSeries 4-5
Destruct-A-BubbleSeries 4-5
Disc-O-InfernoSeries 4, 6–7, Extreme 1
Fat Boy TinSeries 4
FrenzySeries 4
Ghetto-BotSeries 4
Hammer & TongSeries 4
HumphreySeries 4
Extreme 2 (Nasty Humphrey)
IndefatigableSeries 4
Iron-AweSeries 4
Series 5, Extreme 1 (Axe-Awe)
Series 6, Extreme 2 (Iron-Awe 2)
Series 7 (Iron-Awe 2.1)
Series 10 (Iron-Awe 6)
KnightmareSeries 4
Extreme 1 (Spirit of Knightmare)
Series 6, Extreme 2 (Raging Reality)
Series 7 (Raging Knightmare)
Kronic the WedgehogSeries 4
Series 5-6 (Kronic 2)
Series 7
Little FlySeries 4
Major TomSeries 4–6, Extreme 1-2
Series 7 (Major Tom 3)
MaverickSeries 4
Series 5 (Rick)
MazakariSeries 4
Medusa 2000Series 4
Millennium BugSeries 4
RambotSeries 4
RammsteinSeries 4
ReactorSeries 4
Series 5 (Reactor 2)
ReptirronSeries 4
Series 6-7 (Reptirron The Second)
RobochickenSeries 4
Series 5 (Robochicken Evo)
Series 6–7, Extreme 2
Saw PointSeries 4
ScarSeries 4
ScorpionSeries 4, Extreme 1
Series 6 (Spirit of Scorpion)
Series 7
Shadow of NapalmSeries 4
Small TorqueSeries 4
SpikasaurusSeries 4
Terror BullSeries 4, 6
The MangulatorSeries 4
The MorgueSeries 4
Extreme 1 (Mega Morg)
Series 5, Extreme 2 (Mini Morg)
Series 7 (Mega Morg)
The PredatorSeries 4
TiberiusSeries 4
Series 5 (Tiberius 2)
Series 6–7, Extreme 2 (Tiberius 3)
TornadoSeries 4–7, Extreme 1-2
V-MaxSeries 4
WarhogSeries 4-6

Extreme Series 1

Blue backgrounds denote robots that never competed in a UK competition, but competed in an international event

RobotUK Series Appearances
3 Stegs to HeavenSeries 5, Extreme 1
AjjayExtreme 1
Alien DestructorExtreme 1
AnsgarExtreme 1
Series 6 (Ansgar's Revenge)
Series 7 (Ansgar 3)
AnvilExtreme 1
Axe-AweSeries 5, Extreme 1
Cataclysmic VariabotExtreme 1
Extreme 2 (C.V.)
ComengetorixSeries 6, Extreme 1
DravenSeries 8–9, Extreme 1
DrillzillaExtreme 1
Fighting TorqueExtreme 1
Series 5 (Hippobotamus)
Flensburger PowerExtreme 1
FluffySeries 5–7, Extreme 1-2
GolemExtreme 1
MantaExtreme 1
MastiffExtreme 1
MaximillExtreme 1
Mega-HurtsExtreme 1
Nasty WarriorExtreme 1
NEAT MachineExtreme 1
Series 7 (NEATer Machine)
OblarkExtreme 1
Panzer MkExtreme 1
PhilipperExtreme 1
Extreme 2 (Philipper 2)
RhinoExtreme 1
Shear KhanExtreme 1
ShockwaveExtreme 1
Sub-VersionExtreme 1
Series 7 (Sub-Version 1.1)
The ExecutionerSeries 5, 7, Extreme 1
The RevolutionistExtreme 1
Whirlpool 70Extreme 1
YeboroboExtreme 1

The Fifth Wars

RobotUK Series Appearances
8645TSeries 5
Series 7 (8645T 2)
Series 8 (Beast)
Axe-C-DentSeries 5
Series 6 (Axe-C-Dent 2)
Barber-OusSeries 5
Series 6, Extreme 2 (Barber-Ous 2)
Series 7 (Barber-Ous 2'n A Bit)
Bee-CapitatorSeries 5
Big NipperSeries 5, 7–8, 10
Black WidowSeries 5
Bot Out Of HellSeries 5
CorkscrewSeries 5–6, Extreme 2
Series 7 (Corkscrew Two)
CrushtaceanSeries 5–7, 9, Extreme 2
DerekSeries 5
Series 6 (Derek 2)
DomeSeries 5
ElevenSeries 5
EvolutionSeries 5
HydraSeries 5–7, Extreme 2
Juggernot 2Series 5
Kan-OpenerSeries 5–8, Extreme 2
Kat 3Series 5–7, Extreme 2
KliptoniteSeries 5
LambsySeries 5, Extreme 2
MonadSeries 5
ObsidianSeries 5
RohogSeries 5
Ruf Ruf DougalSeries 5-6
SabretoothSeries 5–6, 8-10
ShredderSeries 5-6
Series 7 (Shredder Evolution)
Storm ForceSeries 5
T-BoneSeries 5
The AlienSeries 5-7
The Tartan TerrorSeries 5
Tip-TopSeries 5
Trouble 'n' StrifeSeries 5
Series 6–7, Extreme 2 (Revenge of Trouble 'n' Strife)
V.I.P.E.R. 01Series 5
Widow's RevengeSeries 5
WolverineSeries 5
WowotSeries 5

The Sixth Wars

Blue backgrounds denote robots that never competed in a UK competition, but competed in an international event

RobotUK Series Appearances
259Series 6
4X4Series 6
A-KillSeries 6
AnarchySeries 6
ArmadrilloSeries 6
Barbaric ResponseSeries 6–7, Extreme 2
Brutus MaximusSeries 6-7
Cedric SlammerSeries 6, Extreme 2
ChompalotSeries 6, 8, Extreme 2
ColossusSeries 6-7
DantomkiaSeries 6–8, Extreme 2
Das GepäckSeries 6
DelldogSeries 6
Demolition ManSeries 6-7
DestructosaurSeries 6
Doctor FistSeries 6, Extreme 2
Double TroubleSeries 6
DynamiteSeries 6
Edge HogSeries 6–7, Extreme 2
Hot PantsSeries 6
ICUSeries 6, Extreme 2
Infernal ContraptionSeries 6–8, Extreme 2
InfinitySeries 6, Extreme 2
InshredableSeries 6
Killer Carrot 2Series 6–7, Extreme 2
Mighty MouseSeries 6–7, Extreme 2
Mr NastySeries 6, Extreme 2
RevolutionSeries 6, Extreme 2 (Revolution 2)
Series 7 (Revolution 3)
RiptilionSeries 6–7, Extreme 2
RoobarbSeries 6–7, Extreme 2
Short CircuitSeries 6
SpamSeries 6
Spin DoctorSeries 6–7, Extreme 2
St. AgroSeries 6-7
The Hassocks HogSeries 6
Series 7 (Hassocks Hog 2)
The StagSeries 6-7
ThorSeries 6-10, Extreme 2
UFOSeries 6-7
VaderSeries 6–7, Extreme 2
W.A.S.P.Series 6

Extreme Series 2

Blue backgrounds denote robots that never competed in a UK competition, but competed in an international event

RobotUK Series Appearances
Bash GordonExtreme 2
Black HoleExtreme 2
Bondi TitchExtreme 2
ChipSeries 7, Extreme 2
ChopperExtreme 2
Direct ActionExtreme 2
Fatal TractionExtreme 2
Hell's TeethExtreme 2
LightningSeries 7, Extreme 2
Mad DogExtreme 2
MaximusExtreme 2
MuteSeries 7, Extreme 2
Night RaiderExtreme 2
NiteriderExtreme 2
PiranhaExtreme 2
PressureExtreme 2
PulverizeRSeries 7, Extreme 2
RawbotSeries 7, Extreme 2
RT81Extreme 2
Saw PointExtreme 2
Series 7 (Saw Point 2)
Snake BiteSeries 7, Extreme 2
Storm 2Series 7–8, Extreme 2
Terror TurtleSeries 7–8, 10, [12] Extreme 2
Typhoon 2Series 7, Extreme 2
ZeusExtreme 2

The Seventh Wars

Red backgrounds denote robots that never competed in the main competition, but competed in a side or trial event

Blue backgrounds denote robots that never competed in a UK competition, but competed in an international event

RobotUK Series Appearances
ArakniaSeries 7
Bamm BammSeries 7
B.O.D.Series 7
CerosSeries 7
CobraSeries 7
ConstrictorSeries 7
Cygnus X-1Series 7
Daisy-CutterSeries 7
DevastatorSeries 7
DiabolusSeries 7
DisConstructorSeries 7-8
Ewe 2Series 7
FlippaSeries 7
GravitySeries 7
GyrobotSeries 7
Hammerhead 2Series 7
HardSeries 7
HellbentSeries 7
HerbinatorSeries 7
Hodaf The BadSeries 7
I Bot One BetaSeries 7
IG-88Series 7
JabberSeries 7
Jackson WallopSeries 7
KillerkatSeries 7
Leveller 2Series 7
M2Series 7
MantisSeries 7
MayhemSeries 7
Mean StreakSeries 7
MechaniacSeries 7
MobotSeries 7
PinserSeries 7
Reaper NP2Series 7
RhinoSeries 7
RipperSeries 7
Scarey-Go-RoundSeries 7
ScraptosaurSeries 7
Shell ShockSeries 7
SpartacusSeries 7
TartarusSeries 7
The KrakenSeries 7
The ScrapperSeries 7
ThunderpantsSeries 7
TomahawkSeries 7
Series 9-10 (TMHWK) [13]
TopbotSeries 7
Tough As NailsSeries 7–8, 10
TraxSeries 7
TsunamiSeries 7
T-WrecksSeries 7
U.R.O.Series 7
XenomorphSeries 7
ZorroSeries 7

Series 8

RobotUK Series Appearances
ApolloSeries 8-10
BonkSeries 8
CarbideSeries 8-10
ChimeraSeries 8
Series 9 (Chimera2)
Crazy Coupe 88Series 8
EruptionSeries 8-10
FoxicSeries 8-9
GabrielSeries 8
Series 10 (Gabriel 2)
GlitterbombSeries 8
Ironside3Series 8-9
Kill-E-Crank-ESeries 8
M.R. Speed SquaredSeries 8-9
NutsSeries 8
Series 9-10 (Nuts 2)
Or TeSeries 8
OverdozerSeries 8
PP3DSeries 8-9
PulsarSeries 8-9
Sweeney ToddSeries 8
TR2Series 8

Series 9

Red backgrounds denote robots that never competed in the main competition, but competed in a side or trial event

RobotUK Series Appearances
AftershockSeries 9-10
ApexSeries 9-10
Arena CleanerSeries 9
CherubSeries 9
CobraSeries 9-10 [14]
ConcussionSeries 9-10
CoyoteSeries 9-10
Crackers 'n' SmashSeries 9-10
Crank-ESeries 9
DeeSeries 9
ExpulsionSeries 9-10
FrostbiteSeries 9
HIGH-5Series 9
HobgoblinSeries 9-10
Interstellar: MMLSeries 9
JARSeries 9
JellyfishSeries 9
Kadeena MachinaSeries 9
MeggamouseSeries 9
Ms NightshadeSeries 9
Push to ExitSeries 9-10
RapidSeries 9-10
Robo SavageSeries 9
RustySeries 9
Soldier AntSeries 9
TauronSeries 9
Series 10
The CatSeries 9
Trolley RageSeries 9
WyrmSeries 9

Series 10

Red backgrounds denote robots that never competed in the main competition, but competed in a side or trial event

RobotUK Series Appearances
Androne 4000Series 10
ApocalypseSeries 10
Bucky the RobotSeries 10
CathadhSeries 10
Donald ThumpSeries 10
MagnetarSeries 10
Rabid M8Series 10
THE BASHSeries 10
The KegsSeries 10
The SwarmSeries 10
Track-tionSeries 10
VultureSeries 10
WeberSeries 10

Other Weight Classes

Alongside the main championship, there were also tournaments for alternate weight classes. Below is a list of Antweight, Featherweight, Lightweight, Middleweight and Super Heavyweights including the series they competed in.


This category featured robots weighing up to 150g

RobotUK Series Appearances
AntoExtreme 1
Anty BExtreme 1-2
Anty GeddonExtreme 2
BuzzantExtreme 2
ChromaExtreme 2
Combat AntExtreme 1-2
HadesExtreme 2
LegionExtreme 1
Little NipperExtreme 1
LowerExtreme 2
Mesmer 2Extreme 2
MilitantExtreme 2
MinimalisticExtreme 2
PantsExtreme 1-2
RazzlerExtreme 1
SerpantExtreme 2


This category featured robots weighing up to 12 kg

RobotUK Series Appearances
AlienatorSeries 7
AlphaSeries 7
AM CVExtreme 2
AnarchySeries 2
Argh!Extreme 2
ArmadilloSeries 2
Beef-CakeExtreme 1
BernardSeries 7, Extreme 2
CutletSeries 7, Extreme 2
CygnusSeries 7
DemolisherSeries 2
DragonExtreme 2
DTKSeries 7
Eddy EvolutionExtreme 2
FlybotExtreme 2
Gi-Ant-OSeries 7, Extreme 2
GladiatorExtreme 2
Series 7 (G2)
KatnipExtreme 2
KittySeries 7, Extreme 2
MammothSeries 7
Micro-MuteSeries 7, Extreme 2
Mini MaulSeries 7
NeotericExtreme 2
Prince of AweSeries 7
Rampage 2Series 7
RC WarriorExtreme 1
RipSeries 7
RipperSeries 2
StagletSeries 7
Typhoon CadetSeries 7
WhipperSeries 7


This category featured robots weighing up to 27 kg

RobotUK Series Appearances
DamaclesSeries 2
Ellie's Little Pink BotExtreme 2
RosebudSeries 2
Shadow FiendSeries 2
Slippery StranaSeries 2
SpartacusSeries 2
Typhoon ThunderExtreme 2
Typhoon LightningExtreme 2


This category featured robots weighing up to 54 kg

Yellow backgrounds denote lightweight robots that were entered into the middleweight class

RobotUK Series Appearances
259Extreme 2
A-KillSeries 3
BroadswordExtreme 2
DoodlebugSeries 2
DoomExtreme 1
Extreme 2 (Doom Too)
GenesisExtreme 1
GrinderSeries 3
Hard CheeseSeries 2–3, Extreme 1
Malc 1.5Extreme 2
MammothExtreme 1-2
PhoenixSeries 7
Ripper's RevengeSeries 3
Steel SandwichSeries 7, Extreme 2
TentoumushiSeries 3
TyphoonSeries 7, Extreme 1-2
Typhoon TwinsExtreme 2
WharthogSeries 2
ZapExtreme 1

Super Heavyweight

This category featured robots weighing up to 154 kg

Yellow backgrounds denote heavyweight robots that were entered into the super heavyweight class

RobotUK Series Appearances
Automatic JackSeries 2
BerserkSeries 2
BottweilerSeries 2
Death JesterSeries 2
Demon DuckSeries 2
Kick RobutSeries 2
MinotaurSeries 2
Reckless EndangermentSeries 2
Roter OchseSeries 2
SirenSeries 2
Soc'emSeries 2
ThudSeries 2

International Series Competitors

To suite its specific audience, three more Robot Wars series were produced for the American, Dutch and German audience. Below is a list of all competitors in all these series.

US Season 1

Red backgrounds denote robots that never competed in the US Championship, but competed in side events

Blue backgrounds denote robots that never competed in any US competition, but competed in an international event

RobotUS Series Appearances
6 Million Dollar MouseSeason 1
AnsgarSeason 1
Bot-UglySeason 1
Chaos 2Season 1
Close EnoughSeason 1
Coffin-BotSeason 1
Conquering ClownSeason 1
Season 2 (Conquering Clown 2)
CycloneSeason 1-2
DiotoirSeason 1
DrillzillaSeason 1
FalconSeason 1
Season 2 (Falcon Mark 2)
Firestorm 3Season 1
Flensburger PowerSeason 1
General ChompsalotSeason 1
Season 2 (General Chompsalot 2)
HumdrumSeason 1 (Joker)
Mad CowSeason 1
MantaSeason 1-2
MastiffSeason 1
Medusa OblongataSeason 1
Season 2 (Medusa Oblongotta)
NEAT MachineSeason 1
Panzer MkSeason 1 (Panzer Mk 2)
Season 2 (Panzer Mk 4)
PhilipperSeason 1
Plunderbird 5Season 1
PussycatSeason 1
RazerSeason 1-2
Red VirusSeason 1
Rippa RaptorSeason 1
Rosie the RiveterSeason 1
Season 2, Nickelodeon (Rosie the Riveter 2)
Rot BoxSeason 1
Season 2 (Bang)
Run AwaySeason 1–2, Nickelodeon
ShurikenSeason 1
Silver BoxSeason 1
Nickelodeon (Zanzara)
SkullmaniaSeason 1
Spawn AgainSeason 1
SobekSeason 1
SpartacusSeason 1
SpikeSeason 1
StingerSeason 1
The BruteSeason 1
Season 2 (Brute)
The Green HouseSeason 1
Nickelodeon (Vert-I-Go)
The Green MouseSeason 1
Nickelodeon (Squirmin Vermin)
The RevolutionistSeason 1–2, Nickelodeon
Tiger CatSeason 1
TornadoSeason 1-2
TricerabotSeason 1
Season 2 (Tricerabot 3.0)
Tut TutSeason 1, Nickelodeon
UnibiteSeason 1
Season 2 (Unibite 2.0)
Whirlpool 70Season 1
YeboroboSeason 1

US Season 2

Red backgrounds denote robots that never competed in the US Championship, but competed in side events

Blue backgrounds denote robots that never competed in any US competition, but competed in an international event

RobotUS Series Appearances
BasenjiSeason 2, Nickelodeon
Black WidowSeason 2
BrawlerSeason 2
Bunny AttackSeason 2, Nickelodeon
BuzzSeason 2
DarknessSeason 2
Destructive CriticismSeason 2, Nickelodeon
DiskotekSeason 2, Nickelodeon
DragbotSeason 2
G-ForceSeason 2
HyperactiveSeason 2
JokerSeason 2, Nickelodeon
Kat 3Season 2, Nickelodeon
King of DiamondsSeason 2
Lightning TracksSeason 2
Mad Cow BotSeason 2
MarauderSeason 2
MechadroidSeason 2
Night StalkerSeason 2
NinjitsuSeason 2, Nickelodeon
Paul BunyanSeason 2
ProbophobiaSeason 2
Propeller-HeadSeason 2
Psycho ChickenSeason 2
RevengeSeason 2
Rocky-Bot-BoaSeason 2
Sir Force A LotSeason 2
Snake BiteSeason 2
SnookumsSeason 2
Spin DoctorSeason 2, Nickelodeon
Techno TrousersSeason 2, Nickelodeon
Texas TornadoSeason 2
The BatSeason 2
The GapSeason 2
The TermiteSeason 2
Thor's HammerSeason 2
TrackzillaSeason 2
TrilobyteSeason 2
TyranabotSeason 2, Nickelodeon
WowotSeason 2
XylonSeason 2, Nickelodeon


Blue backgrounds denote robots that never competed in any US competition, but competed in an international event

RobotUS Series Appearances
Bigger BrotherNickelodeon
Ming 3Nickelodeon
The PiecemakerNickelodeon

Dutch Series 1

RobotDutch Series Appearances
Alien DestructorSeries 1
Series 2 (Alien Destructor 2)
Arena KillerSeries 1
Bamm BammSeries 1-2
BlueSeries 1
BotworkSeries 1
El-MowerSeries 1
EnderbotSeries 1
FlextremeSeries 1
HammerheadSeries 1
Series 2 (Hammerhead 2)
LizzardSeries 1-2
MaximillSeries 1
Maximum TorqueSeries 1
MeshuggahSeries 1
NEAT MachineSeries 1
Series 2 (Neater)
PatheticaSeries 1
PhilipperSeries 1
Series 2 (Philipper 2)
PikaSeries 1 (Pika 2)
Series 2 (Pika 3)
Project OneSeries 1
PulverizeRSeries 1 (Pullverizer)
Series 2
Pyramid of ChaosSeries 1
RatSeries 1
RCCSeries 1
SaterSeries 1
ScraptosaurSeries 1
Series 2 (Scrap-2-Saur)
ShapeshifterSeries 1-2
SlicerSeries 1
SniperSeries 1
The Lethal SwanSeries 1-2
Twisted MetalSeries 1
Series 2 (Twisted Metal Evo)
X-BotSeries 1

Dutch Series 2

RobotDutch Series Appearances
√3Series 2
AmokSeries 2
BeaverbotSeries 2
Blackdevil WarzoneSeries 2
Bloody Murder WeaponSeries 2
BluemaxSeries 2
CycloneSeries 2
Das GepäckSeries 2
FlepserSeries 2
GravitySeries 2
HardSeries 2
HootSeries 2
IDOSeries 2
ImpactSeries 2
InfinitySeries 2
Krab-BotSeries 2
NamazuSeries 2
ODT-ZeroSeries 2
Project Two: Hex'emSeries 2
ScarabSeries 2
SlamtiltSeries 2
TartarusSeries 2
The Black BeastSeries 2
Tough As NailsSeries 2
TrazmaniacSeries 2
TwisterSeries 2
Vortex InducerSeries 2

German Series

Green backgrounds denote robots that never competed in the German championship, but competed in a side event or special episode

RobotGerman Series Appearances
259Series 1
Absolut KrankhaftSeries 1
AnsgarSeries 1
Ansgar's RevengeSeries 1
Black HoleSeries 1
Chaos 2Series 1
CorkscrewSeries 1
Das GepäckSeries 1
DelldogSeries 1
DynamiteSeries 1
Flensburger PowerSeries 1
FluffySeries 1
GolemSeries 1
HydrotecSeries 1
Judge Shred 2½Series 1
Junkyard QueenSeries 1
MantaSeries 1
MastiffSeries 1
Nasty WarriorSeries 1
Not PerfectSeries 1
Philipper 2Series 1
PulverizeRSeries 1
RawbotSeries 1
RazerSeries 1
Snake BiteSeries 1
Son of ArmageddonSeries 1
ThorgrimSeries 1
TornadoSeries 1
TsunamiSeries 1
TykeSeries 1
ZeusSeries 1

List of foreign Robot Wars robots

This is a list of Robot Wars robots from outside Great Britain that competed in the series, thus including the US, German and Dutch versions.

The second foreign robot to win a title in the UK series was Diotoir from Ireland, the most successful Irish robot, who won Tag Team Terror with Pussycat in Extreme 1. Ironically, all the World Championships have also been won by British robots, despite the competition being available to robots worldwide.


4x4IrelandUK, Series 601
Bondi TitchAustraliaUK, Extreme 201
Krab-Bot [15]
South Africa
UK, Series 5–7
Dutch, Series 2
Diotoir IrelandUK, Series 4 to Extreme 2
US, Season 1 [16]
1311Extreme 1, Tag Team Terror
Flensburger PowerGermanyUK, Extreme 1 [17]
German, Series 1 [18]
MastiffItalyUK, Extreme 101
MechaniacAustriaUK, Series 701
MonadIrelandUK, Series 501
NemesisIrelandUK, Series 1 to 202
PikaBelgiumDutch, Series 1 to 233
Riptilion [19] New ZealandUK, Series 6 to 703
Slicer NetherlandsDutch, Series 160Dutch Series 1
Snake BiteSwitzerlandUK, Extreme 2 to Series 7
German, Series 1 [20]
Supernova [21] Sri LankaUK, Series 5 to 754
TartarusNetherlandsDutch, Series 2
UK, Series 7
TentomushiUnited StatesUK, Series 320Series 3, Midweight Melee
Terror Australis [22] AustraliaUK, Series 303 (1 draw)
Terror Turtle [23] CanadaUK, Extreme 2 to Series 704
The RevolutionistUnited StatesUS, Season 1 and 2
UK, Extreme 1 [24]
YeboroboSouth AfricaUK, Extreme 101

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  1. Competed in War of Independence special.
  2. Competed in Featherweight Championship only.
  3. Competed in Reserve Rumble only in Series 2.
  4. Competed in Football trial event only.
  5. Competed in Pinball trial event only.
  6. Competed in Pinball trial event only in Series 3.
  7. Competed in Pinball trial event only in Series 3.
  8. Competed in Pinball trial event only.
  9. Competed in World Series specials.
  10. Competed in Football trial event only.
  11. Competed in Football trial event only in Series 3.
  12. Competed in World Series specials.
  13. Competed in World Series specials, filmed as part of Series 10.
  14. Competed in World Series specials, filmed as part of Series 10.
  15. Crushtacean competed in Dutch Robot Wars under the name Krab-Bot.
  16. Diotoir entered the Second World Championship that was broadcast in the UK and USA.
  17. Flensburger Power entered the Second World Championship that was broadcast in the UK and USA.
  18. Flensburger Power entered the German Melee that was also shown in Germany.
  19. Entered the Third World Championships under New Zealand.
  20. The European Championship was also broadcast as an episode of German Robot Wars.
  21. Entered the Third World Championships under Sri Lanka.
  22. Later took part using a recycled version of Team Nemesis' old robot Nemesis.
  23. Entered the Third World Championships under Canada, as team captain John Frizell is originally Canadian.
  24. The Revolutionist entered the Second World Championship that was broadcast in the UK and USA.