The following are collected volumes in the Showcase Presents line from DC Comics. All titles begin with the phrase Showcase Presents. Note that when a volume reprints issues which were themselves reprints (e.g., 80-Page Giant specials), only the cover art is included.
Title | Volume | Years covered | Issues collected | Pages | ISBN | Date published |
Adam Strange | Vol. 1 | 1958–1963 | Adam Strange stories from:
| 512 | 1-4012-1313-8 | August 2007 |
All-Star Comics | Vol. 1 | 1976–1979 | All-Star Comics #58–74; JSA stories from: Adventure Comics #461–466 | 448 | 1-4012-3303-1 | September 2011 |
All-Star Squadron | Vol. 1 | 1981–1983 | Justice League of America #193, All-Star Squadron #1–18, All-Star Squadron Annual #1 | 528 | 1-4012-3436-4 | April 2012 |
Ambush Bug | Vol. 1 | 1982–1992 | Ambush Bug stories from:
| 488 | 978-1-4012-2180-5 | March 2009 |
Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld | Vol. 1 | 1983–1985 | preview story from Legion of Super-Heroes #298, Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld #1–12, Amethyst Annual #1, DC Comics Presents #63, Amethyst #1–11 | 648 | 1-4012-3677-4 | September 2012 |
Aquaman | Vol. 1 | 1959–1962 | Aquaman stories from:
| 544 | 1-4012-1363-4 | February 2007 |
Vol. 2 | 1962–1965 | Aquaman stories from:
| 528 | 1-4012-1712-5 | January 2008 | |
Vol. 3 | 1965–1968 | Aquaman stories from:
| 448 | 1-4012-2181-5 | February 2009 | |
Atom | Vol. 1 | 1961–1965 | Atom stories from:
| 528 | 1-4012-1363-4 | June 2007 |
Vol. 2 | 1965–1968 | The Atom #18–38 | 528 | 1-4012-1363-4 | August 2008 | |
Batgirl | Vol. 1 | 1967–1975 | Batgirl stories from:
| 520 | 1-4012-1367-7 | July 2007 |
Bat Lash | Vol. 1 | 1968–1982 | Bat Lash stories from:
| 240 | 1-4012-2295-1 | July 2009 |
Batman | Vol. 1 | 1964–1965 | Batman stories from:
| 552 | 1-4012-1086-4 | August 2006 |
Vol. 2 | 1965–1966 | Batman stories from:
| 512 | 1-4012-1362-6 | June 2007 | |
Vol. 3 | 1967–1968 | Batman stories from:
| 552 | 1-4012-1719-2 | June 2008 | |
Vol. 4 | 1968–1969 | Batman stories from:
| 520 | 1-4012-2314-1 | July 2009 | |
Vol. 5 | 1969–1971 | Batman stories from:
| 448 | 1-4012-3236-1 | November 2011 | |
Vol. 6 | 1971–1972 | Batman stories from:
| 584 | 1401251536 | January 2016 | |
Batman and the Outsiders | Vol. 1 | 1983–1985 | Batman and the Outsiders #1–19, Annual #1 New Teen Titans #37 preview story from The Brave and the Bold #200 | 552 | 1-4012-1546-7 | September 2007 |
Blackhawk | Vol. 1 | 1957–1958 | Blackhawk #108–127 | 512 | 1-4012-1983-7 | October 2008 |
Blue Beetle | Vol. 1 | 1986–1988 | Blue Beetle #1–24 Secret Origins (vol. 2) #2 | 590 | 978-1-4012-5147-5 | January 2015 |
Booster Gold | Vol. 1 | 1986–1988 | Booster Gold #1–25 Action Comics #594 | 624 | 1-4012-1655-2 | March 2008 |
The Brave and the Bold: The Batman Team-Ups | Vol. 1 | 1965–1969 | The Brave and the Bold #59, 64, 67–71, 74–87 | 528 | 1-4012-1209-3 | January 2007 |
Vol. 2 | 1970–1973 | The Brave and the Bold #88–108 | 528 | 1-4012-1675-7 | December 2007; out of print | |
Vol. 3 | 1973–1977 | The Brave and the Bold #109–134 | 520 | 1-4012-1985-3 | December 2008 | |
Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew! | Vol. 1 | 1982–1983 | Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew! #1–20 preview story from New Teen Titans #16 Captain Carrot and His Amazing Zoo Crew! in The Oz-Wonderland War #1–3 | 668 | 1-4012-1547-5 | September 2014 |
Challengers of the Unknown | Vol. 1 | 1957–1960 | Showcase #6, 7, 11–12 Challengers of the Unknown #1–17 | 540 | 1-4012-1087-2 | September 2006 |
Vol. 2 | 1961–1964 | Challengers of the Unknown #18–37 | 528 | 1-4012-1725-7 | April 2008 | |
DC Comics Presents: The Superman Team-Ups | Vol. 1 | 1978–1980 | DC Comics Presents #1–26 | 512 | 1-4012-2535-7 | November 2009 |
Vol. 2 | 1980–1982 | DC Comics Presents #27–50 and Annual #1 | 568 | 1-4012-4048-8 | July 2013 | |
Doc Savage | Vol. 1 | 1975 | Marvel Comics black and white Doc Savage magazine #1–8 | 448 | 1-4012-3125-X | July 2011 |
Dial H for Hero | Vol. 1 | 1966–1968 | Dial H for Hero stories from:
| 288 | 1-4012-2648-5 | April 2010 |
Doom Patrol | Vol. 1 | 1963–1965 | Doom Patrol stories from:
| 520 | 1-4012-2182-3 | April 2009 |
Vol. 2 | 1966–1968 | Doom Patrol #102–121 | 511 | 1-4012-2770-8 | August 2010 | |
Eclipso | Vol. 1 | 1963–1966 | Eclipso stories from:
| 296 | 1-4012-2315-X | August 2009 |
Elongated Man | Vol. 1 | 1960–1968 | Elongated Man stories from:
| 560 | 1-4012-1042-2 | July 2006 |
Enemy Ace | Vol. 1 | 1965–1982 | Enemy Ace stories from:
| 552 | 1-4012-1721-4 | February 2008 |
The Flash | Vol. 1 | 1949, 1956–1961 | Silver Age Flash stories from:
Golden Age Flash story from Flash Comics #104 | 512 | 1-4012-1327-8 | May 2007 |
Vol. 2 | 1961–1963 | The Flash #120–140 | 552 | 1-4012-1805-9 | June 2008 | |
Vol. 3 | 1963–1966 | The Flash #141–161 | 520 | 978-1-4012-2297-0 | August 2009 | |
Vol. 4 | 1966–1968 | The Flash #162–184 | 528 | 1-4012-3679-0 | October 2012 | |
Ghosts | Vol. 1 | 1971–1973 | Ghosts #1–18 | 512 | 1-4012-3317-1 | February 2012 |
The Great Disaster featuring the Atomic Knights | Vol. 1 | 1960–1983 | Great Disaster stories from:
Atomic Knights stories from:
"The Day After Doomsday" stories from:
Hercules Unbound #1–10 | 576 | 1-4012-1560-2 | June 2014 |
Green Arrow | Vol. 1 | 1958–1969 | Green Arrow stories from:
| 528 | 1-4012-0785-5 | January 2006 |
Green Lantern | Vol. 1 | 1959–1962 | Showcase #22–24 Green Lantern #1–17 | 528 | 1-4012-0759-6 | October 2005; new printing in November 2010 |
Vol. 2 | 1963–1965 | Green Lantern #18–38 | 552 | 1-4012-1264-6 | February 2007 | |
Vol. 3 | 1965–1968 | Green Lantern #39–59 | 528 | 1-4012-1792-3 | May 2008 | |
Vol. 4 | 1968–1970 | Green Lantern #60–75 | 392 | 1-4012-2278-1 | June 2009 | |
Vol. 5 | 1970–1977 | Green Lantern/Green Arrow stories from:
Green Lantern stories from:
| 496 | 1-4012-3023-7 | April 2011 | |
Haunted Tank | Vol. 1 | 1961–1965 | Haunted Tank stories from:
| 560 | 1-4012-0789-8 | May 2006; out of print |
Vol. 2 | 1966–1973 | Haunted Tank stories from G.I. Combat #120–157 | 560 | 978-1-4012-1793-8 | June 2008 | |
Hawkman | Vol. 1 | 1961–1965 | Hawkman stories from:
| 560 | 1-4012-1280-8 | March 2007 |
Vol. 2 | 1965–1969 | Hawkman stories from:
| 560 | 978-1-4012-1817-1 | August 2008 | |
House of Mystery | Vol. 1 | 1968–1971 | House of Mystery #174–194 | 552 | 1-4012-0786-3 | February 2006; new printing in January 2009 |
Vol. 2 | 1971–1973 | House of Mystery #195–211 | 552 | 1-4012-1238-7 | March 2007 | |
Vol. 3 | 1973–1975 | House of Mystery #212–226 | 520 | 1-4012-2183-1 | January 2009 | |
House of Secrets | Vol. 1 | 1969–1972 | House of Secrets #81–98 | 544 | 978-1-4012-1818-8 | August 2008 |
Vol. 2 | 1972–1975 | House of Secrets #99–119 | 496 | 1-4012-2523-3 | October 2009 | |
Jonah Hex | Vol. 1 | 1970–1976 | Jonah Hex stories from:
(Billy the Kid) outlaw stories from All-Star Western #2–8 | 528 | 1-4012-0760-X | November 2005; out of print |
Vol. 2 | 1976–1979 |
| 544 | 1-4012-4106-9 | March 2014 | |
Justice League of America | Vol. 1 | 1960–1962 | The Brave and the Bold #28–30 Justice League of America #1–16 Mystery in Space #75 | 544 | 1-4012-0761-8 | December 2005 |
Vol. 2 | 1963–1965 | Justice League of America #17–36 | 520 | 1-4012-1203-4 | January 2007 | |
Vol. 3 | 1965–1968 | Justice League of America #37–38; #40–47; #49–57; #59–60 | 528 | 1-4012-1718-4 | December 2007 | |
Vol. 4 | 1968–1970 | Justice League of America #61–66; #68–75; #77–83 | 544 | 978-1-4012-2184-3 | March 2009 | |
Vol. 5 | 1970–1973 | Justice League of America #84; #86–92; #94–106 | 528 | 1-4012-3025-3 | February 2011 | |
Vol. 6 | 1973–1976 | Justice League of America #107–132 | 528 | 1-4012-3835-1 | February 2013 | |
Legion of Super-Heroes | Vol. 1 | 1958–1964 | Legion of Super-Heroes stories from:
"The Origin and Powers of the Legion of Super-Heroes" feature from Adventure Comics #316 [a] While it lists Superboy #117 on the title page, there is no story from it in the Table of Contents nor in the body of the book. | 560 | 1-4012-1382-0 | April 2007 |
Vol. 2 | 1964–1966, 1968 | Legion of Super-Heroes stories from:
"The Origin and Powers of the Legion of Super-Heroes" feature from Adventure Comics #365 [b] | 528 | 978-1-4012-1724-2 | April 2008 | |
Vol. 3 | 1966–1968 | Legion of Super-Heroes stories from:
| 496 | 978-1-4012-2185-0 | April 2009 | |
Vol. 4 | 1968–1972 | Legion of Super-Heroes stories from:
| 527 | 1-4012-2941-7 | October 2010 | |
Vol. 5 | 1973–1976 | Legion of Super-Heroes stories from:
| 517 | 978-1-4012-4297-8 | November 2014 | |
The Losers | Vol. 1 | 1969–1974 | The Losers stories from:
| 432 | 1-4012-3437-2 | March 2012 |
Martian Manhunter | Vol. 1 | 1955–1962 | Martian Manhunter stories from:
| 522 | 1-4012-1368-5 | July 2007 |
Vol. 2 | 1962–1968 | Martian Manhunter stories from:
| 592 | 1-4012-2256-0 | May 2009 | |
Men of War | Vol. 1 | 1977–1980 | Men of War #1–26 | 496 | 978-1401243883 | April 2014 |
Metal Men | Vol. 1 | 1962–1965 | Metal Men stories from:
| 528 | 1-4012-1559-9 | September 2007; out of print |
Vol. 2 | 1965–1969 | Metal Men #16–36 The Brave and the Bold #66 | 528 | 1-4012-1976-4 | September 2008 | |
Metamorpho | Vol. 1 | 1965–1967 | The Brave and the Bold #57–58, 66, 68 Metamorpho #1–17 Justice League of America #42 | 560 | 1-4012-0762-6 | October 2005; out of print |
Our Army at War | Vol. 1 | 1952–1954 | Our Army at War #1–20 | 512 | 1-4012-2942-5 | December 2010 |
Phantom Stranger | Vol. 1 | 1969–1972 | Showcase #80 Phantom Stranger (vol. 2) #1–21 | 544 | 1-4012-1088-0 | October 2006 |
Vol. 2 | 1972–1978 | Phantom Stranger stories from:
Frankenstein stories from Phantom Stranger (vol. 2) #23–30 | 496 | 1-4012-1722-2 | March 2008 | |
Rip Hunter, Time Master | Vol. 1 | 1959–1963 | Rip Hunter, Time Master stories from:
| 512 | 1401235212 | August 2012 |
Robin, the Boy Wonder | Vol. 1 | 1964–1975 | Robin solo stories from:
| 512 | 1-4012-1676-5 | January 2008 |
Sea Devils | Vol. 1 | 1960–1964 | Sea Devils stories from:
| 512 | 1401235220 | July 2012 |
Secrets of Sinister House | Vol. 1 | 1972–1974 | The Sinister House of Secret Love #1–4 Secrets of Sinister House #5–18 | 496 | 1-4012-2626-4 | February 2010 |
Sgt. Rock | Vol. 1 | 1959–1962 | Sgt. Rock stories from:
| 544 | 978-1-4012-1713-6 | November 2007; out of print |
Vol. 2 | 1962–1964 | Sgt. Rock stories from:
| 544 | 1-4012-1984-5 | November 2008; out of print | |
Vol. 3 | 1964–1967 | Sgt. Rock stories from:
| 512 | 1-4012-2771-6 | August 2010 | |
Vol. 4 | 1967–1970 | Sgt. Rock stories from:
| 520 | 1-4012-3811-4 | March 2013 | |
Shazam! | Vol. 1 | 1973–1978 | Shazam! #1–33 | 528 | 1-4012-1089-9 | December 2006 |
Showcase | Vol. 1 | 1956–1959 | Showcase #1–21 | 544 | 1-4012-3523-9 | July 2012 |
The Spectre | Vol. 1 | 1966–1969, 1974–1975, 1981, 1983 | Spectre stories from:
| 616 | 1-4012-3417-8 | April 2012 |
Strange Adventures | Vol. 1 | 1955–1956 | Strange Adventures #54–73 | 512 | 1-4012-1544-0 | December 2008 |
Vol. 2 | 1956–1958 | Strange Adventures #74–93 | 520 | 1-4012-3846-7 | December 2013 | |
Super Friends | Vol. 1 | 1976–1979 | Super Friends #1–24 | 448 | 978-1-4012-2257-4 | May 2014 |
Supergirl | Vol. 1 | 1958–1961 | Supergirl stories from:
| 528 | 1-4012-1717-6 | November 2007 |
Vol. 2 | 1961–1965 | Supergirl stories from:
| 512 | 1-4012-1980-2 | November 2008 | |
Superman | Vol. 1 | 1958–1959 | Action Comics #241–257 Superman #122–133 | 560 | 1-4012-0758-8 | October 2005; new printing in October 2010 |
Vol. 2 | 1959–1961 | Action Comics #258–275 Superman #134–145 | 576 | 1-4012-1041-4 | June 2006 | |
Vol. 3 | 1961–1962 | Action Comics #276–292 Superman #146–156 | 560 | 1-4012-1271-9 | April 2007 | |
Vol. 4 | 1962–1964 | Action Comics #293–310 Superman #157–167 | 528 | 1-4012-1847-4 | September 2008 | |
Superman Family | Vol. 1 | 1954–1957 | Lois Lane stories from:
| 576 | 1-4012-0787-1 | March 2006 |
Vol. 2 | 1957–1959 | Lois Lane stories from: Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #23–34 | 520 | 1-4012-1656-0 | February 2008 | |
Vol. 3 | 1959–1960 | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #35–44 Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #8–16 | 520 | 978-1-4012-2188-1 | February 2009 | |
Vol. 4 | 1960–1961 | Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #45–53 Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #17–26 | 520 | 1-4012-3837-8 | April 2013 | |
Tales of the Unexpected | Vol. 1 | 1956–1957 | Tales of the Unexpected #1–20 | 512 | 1401235204 | August 2012 |
Teen Titans | Vol. 1 | 1964–1968 | The Brave and the Bold #54, 60 Showcase #59 Teen Titans #1–18 | 528 | 1-4012-0788-X | April 2006 |
Vol. 2 | 1969–1971 | Teen Titans #19–36 The Brave and the Bold #83, 94 World's Finest Comics #205 | 512 | 1-4012-1252-2 | October 2007 | |
The Trial of the Flash | Vol. 1 | 1983–1985 | The Flash #323–327, 329–336, 340–350 | 592 | 1-4012-3182-9 | August 2011 |
The Unknown Soldier | Vol. 1 | 1970–1975 | Unknown Soldier stories from:
| 560 | 1-4012-1090-2 | November 2006 |
Vol. 2 | 1975–1978 |
| 552 | 1-4012-4081-X | November 2014 | |
Warlord | Vol. 1 | 1975–1979 | 1st Issue Special #8 Warlord #1–28 | 528 | 1-4012-2473-3 | September 2009 |
The War that Time Forgot | Vol. 1 | 1960–1968 | "The War that Time Forgot" stories from:
| 560 | 1-4012-1253-0 | May 2007 |
Weird War Tales | Vol. 1 | 1971–1974 | Weird War Tales #1–21 | 576 | 1-4012-3694-4 | January 2013 |
The Witching Hour | Vol. 1 | 1969–1972 | The Witching Hour #1–19 | 544 | 1-4012-3022-9 | March 2011 |
Wonder Woman | Vol. 1 | 1958–1960 | Wonder Woman #98–117 | 528 | 1-4012-1373-1 | August 2007; out of print |
Vol. 2 | 1960–1963 | Wonder Woman #118–137 | 528 | 1-4012-1948-9 | October 2008 | |
Vol. 3 | 1963–1966 | Wonder Woman #138–156 | 496 | 1-4012-2524-1 | December 2009 | |
Vol. 4 | 1966–1968 | Wonder Woman #157–177 | 520 | 1-4012-3289-2 | December 2011 | |
World's Finest Comics | Vol. 1 | 1952, 1954–1960 | Superman and Batman team-up stories from:
| 552 | 1-4012-1697-8 | October 2007 |
Vol. 2 | 1960–1964 | Superman and Batman team-up stories from:
| 520 | 1-4012-1981-0 | October 2008 | |
Vol. 3 | 1964–1968 | Superman and Batman team-up stories from:
| 496 | 1-4012-2585-3 | March 2010 | |
Vol. 4 | 1968–1971 | Superman and Batman team-up stories from:
Superman team-up stories from:
| 528 | 1-4012-3736-3 | November 2012 | |
Young Love | Vol. 1 | 1963–1966 | Young Love #39–56 | 544 | 1-4012-3438-0 | February 2012 |
Title | Volume | Years covered | Issues collected | Pages | ISBN | Status |
House of Secrets | Vol. 3 | 1975–197? | House of Secrets #120-? | 528 | 1-4012-4104-2 | September 2013 (Never Released) |
Secret Society of Super Villains | Vol. 1 | 1976–1978 | Secret Society of Super Villains stories from:
Captain Comet stories from:
| 520 | 978-1-4012-1587-3 | Replaced with two full-color hardcover collections: ISBN 9781401231095 , 9781401231101 |
Suicide Squad | Vol. 1 | 1987–1988 | Suicide Squad #1-18 Doom Patrol and Suicide Squad Special #1 Secret Origins (vol. 2) #14 Justice League International #13 | 528 | 1-4012-2730-9 | Replaced with full-color trade paperbacks: ISBN 9781401258313 , 9781401258337 and part of ISBN 9781401260910 |
Who's Who | Vols. 1–2 | 1985–1988 | Who's Who in the DC Universe #1–26 Who's Who Update '87 #1–5 Who's Who Update '88 #1–4 | N/A | 1-4012-1266-2 | Replaced with full color omnibus: ISBN 9781779505996 |