This is a list of games in the 2017 version of British game show The Crystal Maze, sorted by zone. [1] The coloured backgrounds denote the type of game:
ALIS - Automatic Lock-in Situation
Name of game | Explanation | Time | ALIS |
Balancing scales | Use a raft to retrieve sandbags and balance a set of scales to release the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Word wheel | Turn concentric wheels to make twelve 8 letter words | 2:00 | None |
Water pipes | Make three pipes to divert water into containers. As the containers fill with water, the contestant can grab keys to release the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Dragon totem pole | Stack four blocks of a totem pole in the correct order to release the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Raise the balls | Use ropes to raise a tray of balls and direct them into a pipe to release the crystal | 3:00 | By allowing three balls to fall onto the floor |
Log balance | Carry parts of a temple across a log to release the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Sliding planks | Slide planks to create a walkway to reach the crystal | 2:30 | By touching the floor covered in fog or jumping across sections without using the sliding planks |
Memory blocks | Navigate a water obstacle course whilst remembering the order of blocks with symbols | 3:00 | None |
Face symbols | Arrange blocks so each face shows all four symbols | 3:00 | None |
Symbol wheels | Spin wheels so all the adjacent symbols match | 2:00 | None |
Water transport | Carry water across a balance beam, avoiding swinging rocks | 3:00 | None |
Water symbols | Move symbols into the correct section to release the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Skull swing | Swing a skull to knock down five gold skulls | 2:30 | By knocking off three black skulls |
Tile words | Spin tiles to create five words, then rearrange the last letter of each word to release the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Vine swing | Clamber through hanging vines to reach the crystal | 2:00 | By touching the floor covered in fog |
Unique symbols | Find three unique symbols from a wall of 100 symbols | 2:30 | None |
Fossil assemble | Assemble a spiral fossil then guide the crystal round it | 3:00 | None |
Triple symbol match | Turn both wheels to find the matching three symbols on different sides of a rope ladder | 3:00 | None |
Consonant crossword | Complete the words by placing the consonants into the crossword | 2:30 | None |
Ball roll | Roll three balls over a zigzag platform into a net. | 3:00 | None |
Water symbols | Walk along a flat chord over water with a few ropes for support, put the four magnetic puzzle pieces hanging from the ceiling into the right place | 3:00 | None |
Underwater labyrinth | Navigate the chained crystal through a labyrinth which goes under water and across the walls | 2:00 | None |
Red sand | Throw bean bags at the targets which will release red sand into the hourglass which already contains sand but is losing sand, to release the crystal the red sand must be up to the white line | 2:00 | None |
Lasso swing | Throw a lasso at a hook and use this to swing across to the crystal | 2:00 | By touching the floor |
Name of game | Explanation | Time | ALIS |
Planet swing | Swing between five planets to reach the crystal | 3:00 | By falling off the planets onto the floor |
Radioactive chamber | Use grabs to pass the crystal along a chamber without touching the top or bottom | 2:30 | By touching the top or bottom with the capsule three times |
Block grid | Place blocks into a grid, whilst adhering to a set of rules | 3:00 | None |
Laser maze | Navigate a maze of laser gates to reach the crystal. Each gate opens for a fixed amount of time, during which you can pass through. Breaking a laser beam three times means the contestant is locked in. | 2:00 | By breaking a laser beam three times |
Laser shards | Pass through laser beams, collecting shards to release the crystal | 3:00 | By breaking a laser beam three times |
Piano tune | Memorise a tune, fix the piano then play back the tune to release the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Microchip motherboard | Navigate a maze, plugging in microchips to release the crystal | 2:00 | None |
Chemical riddles | Answer two out of three riddles correctly to release the crystal | None | None |
Asteroid fuel | Connect a flexible pipe to release the crystal | 2:00 | By disturbing three asteroids |
Laser guide | Guide a ring along a laser beam | 2:30 | By breaking the laser beam three times |
Planet balance | Balance across five wobbly planets to reach the crystal | 2:00 | By falling off the planets onto the floor |
Decoy balls | Spin dials to the correct position to open a container, then find the crystal within the balls | 3:00 | None |
Laser targets | Shoot a laser at numbered targets to add up to 100 | 2:30 | None |
Ball sort | Sort coloured balls into the correct tubes to release the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Tube spectrum | Arrange coloured tubes in the correct order to create a colour spectrum | 3:00 | None |
Button combination | Press the correct combination of buttons to illuminate the word CRYSTAL | 2:30 | None |
Moving blocks | Stop all of the coloured blocks moving within their perimeter using different coloured buttons | 3:00 | None |
Virtual reality | Navigate through a virtual obstacle course that can only be seen by assisting team mates, going back to the start if player accidentally touches an obstacle | 3:00 | None |
Planet ropes | Swing across the planets hanging from the ceiling to get to the crystal | 3:00 | By falling off the planets onto the floor |
Countdown | Press every numbered button on the wall from 100 to 1 | 3:00 | By pressing the wrong button |
Planet order | Slide the 8 planets into the correct distance from the sun | 3:00 | None |
Button sequence | Whilst sitting on a spinning chair, memorise a sequence of eight coloured buttons, then repeat the sequence within ten seconds. If the wrong button is pressed or the sequence isn't repeating in ten seconds, the sequence will be played again. | 3:00 | None |
Stroop balls | Place each coloured ball into the tube stated on the screen, each tube will be a certain colour with a different colour written on the side in a different colour. The name of the colour written on the screen must match the name colour written on the side of the tube to be correct. Put twenty balls in the correct place to release the crystal | 2:00 | None |
Name of game | Explanation | Time | ALIS |
Reactor box | Navigate five spinning podiums, pressing buttons along the way to release the crystal | 2:00 | By falling onto the floor three times |
Reset buttons | Press a combination of buttons to turn off lights and reveal a code to release the crystal | 2:30 | None |
Carousel generator | Turn a carousel to access tools used to open a box containing the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Pipe maze | Navigate the crystal along a pipe to release it | 2:00 | None |
Number pairs | Connect wires between pairs that are the same value | 3:00 | None |
Pathway roll | Stop moving blocks to create a pathway for the crystal to roll down and be released | 2:00 | None |
Clock calculation | Add and subtract various times to clocks in a sequence to release the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Door codes | Calculate the code to open a series of doors. The code to each door must be remembered to be able to exit. | 3:00 | None |
Phone sequence | Answer phones in a sequence, each giving a clue to the next one to answer. | 3:00 | None |
Word grid | Place shapes on a grid of letters to make four four-letter words | 2:00 | None |
Ball drop | Collect balls as they drop from various mechanisms and fill a tube to release the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Air jet maze | Use an air jet to navigate a ball around a maze | 3:00 | None |
Pipework puzzle | Use puzzle pieces to complete a pipe network on the floor | 3:00 | None |
Shutter maze | Navigate a shutter maze to find the crystal and then escape the room | 2:00 | None |
Pathway gaps | Raise bridges in the correct order as the crystal rolls down a pathway | 3:00 | None |
See-saw balance | Balance on see-saws to guide and release the crystal | 2:30 | None |
Rope swing | Swing on a rope to reach and press ten buttons within ten seconds | 3:00 | By touching the floor |
Crate crawl | Navigate through a three dimensional maze of crates to get to the crystal | 2:00 | None |
Moving path | Stop the moving parts in the right place to make a path for the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Incinerator | Reverse the conveyor belt that's carrying the crystal to the incinerator by connecting the correct numbers, letters and symbols using the correctly coloured wires. | 2:30 | None |
Upside down puzzle | Complete the puzzle (such as jigsaw or slide) on top of a transparent window on the floor, then go underneath the window to see the eight digit code that opens the safe that the crystal is in | 3:00 | None |
Letter search | Find the eight letters hidden around the room which are an anagram of the password that will release the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Spinning maze | Whilst lying on top of a suspended plank, roll the crystal to the middle of a rotating maze | 2:00 | By falling onto the floor |
Stop clock | Stop all of the clocks in the room (each starting with different times) at exactly 28 seconds | 2:00 | If three clocks are not stopped after 28 seconds |
Ball pipes | Move the red pipes so fifteen balls can each fall into the matching coloured container | 2:30 | If three balls fall into the wrong coloured container |
Name of game | Explanation | Time | ALIS |
Riddle scrolls | Answer two out of three riddles correctly to escape with the crystal | None | By answering two out of three riddles incorrectly |
Balancing tree | Balance twelve apples on a tree to release the crystal | 2:00 | None |
Word chain | Use objects to form a word chain and release the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Drawbridge | Put planks in the wall to make a bridge to escape with the crystal | 2:00 | By touching the floor covered in fog |
Room escape | Follow the clues to escape the room | 3:00 | None |
Cannon anagram | Fire a cannon at targets to reveal an anagram of the crystal location | 2:30 | None |
Fan assemble | Build a fan to blow a target and release the crystal | 2:00 | None |
Synonym dominoes | Arrange the dominoes so adjacent words are synonyms to release the crystal | 3:00 | None |
Numeral grid | Arrange Roman Numerals in a 3x3 grid such that the numbers in each 2x2 grid add up to a specific value | 2:00 | None |
Portcullis maze | Navigate a maze of portcullises, raising each one fully before passing through | 3:00 | Being touched by the knight |
Key collection | Use a hook to collect keys through a grill to open a chest | 3:00 | None |
King's wages | Solve riddles to distribute coins between five containers | 3:00 | None |
Potion riddles | Answer two out of three riddles correctly to release the crystal | None | None |
Closing walls | Guide keys through mazes to unlock gates and escape the room with the crystal | 2:00 | None |
Jester's puzzle | Decode instructions to find where in the room the crystal is located | 2:30 | None |
Jewel mine | Transport jewels up a hill in a mine cart to release the crystal | 3:00 | By touching the floor covered in fog |
Angled mirrors | Move mirrors to direct the beam of light to a target | 2:00 | None |
Map string | Place flags on a world map in answer to five questions. Then join a string between the flags and open the box with the same shape. | 2:30 | None |
Name of game | Explanation | Time | ALIS |
Spot the difference | Spot the five differences between two adjacent rooms by placing a large ring on each difference | 3:00 | None |
Candle pathway | Raise the gates to move the candle along a conveyor belt to burn the string | 2:30 | None |
Yin Yang | Roll a black ball and a white ball down a ramp onto the correct place on a spinning Yin Yang | 2:30 | None |
Dragon tube | Use levers to shake the crystal uphill through the dragon tube | 2:00 | None |
Tiered house | Build a tiered house on the hinged platform making sure the platform stays upright using the rope. | 3:00 | By letting three pieces of the house fall on the floor |
Cannon and gong | Use a cannon to fire a rock at the gong so it will bounce off and knock the crystal off of its stand | 2:00 | None |
Knick-knack riddles | Answer two out of three riddles correctly by putting the correct objects on the table to be transported into the basket | None | None |
Number Tower | Rotate the blocks so that each side of the tower adds up to 15 | 3:00 | None |
A maze is a path or collection of paths, typically from an entrance to a goal. The word is used to refer both to branching tour puzzles through which the solver must find a route, and to simpler non-branching ("unicursal") patterns that lead unambiguously through a convoluted layout to a goal. The term "labyrinth" is generally synonymous with "maze", but can also connote specifically a unicursal pattern. The pathways and walls in a maze are typically fixed, but puzzles in which the walls and paths can change during the game are also categorised as mazes or tour puzzles.
Pac-Man, originally called Puck Man in Japan, is a 1980 maze video game developed and released by Namco for arcades. In North America, the game was released by Midway Manufacturing as part of its licensing agreement with Namco America. The player controls Pac-Man, who must eat all the dots inside an enclosed maze while avoiding four colored ghosts. Eating large flashing dots called "Power Pellets" causes the ghosts to temporarily turn blue, allowing Pac-Man to eat them for bonus points.
Richard O'Brien is a British-New Zealand actor, writer, musician, and television presenter. He wrote the musical stage show The Rocky Horror Show in 1973, which has since remained in continuous production. He also co-wrote the screenplay along with director Jim Sharman for the film adaptation, The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975), and appeared on-screen as Riff Raff. The film became an international success and has received a large cult following. O'Brien co-wrote the musical Shock Treatment (1981) and appeared in the film as Dr. Cosmo McKinley.
The Adventure Game was a game show originally broadcast on UK television channels BBC1 and BBC2 between 24 May 1980 and 18 February 1986. The story in each show was that the two celebrity contestants and a member of the public had travelled by spaceship to the planet Arg. Their overall task varied with each series. For example, the team might be charged with finding a crystal to power their ship to return to Earth. The programme is often considered to have been a forerunner of The Crystal Maze.
The Crystal Maze is a British game show devised by Jacques Antoine, based upon his format for the French game show Fort Boyard, and produced for Channel 4. The programme focuses on teams of contestants, a mixed group of men and women, attempting a range of challenges to earn time required to help them complete one final challenge, which if completed successfully earns them a prize. The premise of the show is themed around challenges set to different periods of human history within a fictional labyrinth of time and space, and is notable for the use of golf ball-sized Swarovski glass crystals as a reward for each challenge successfully completed by contestants, and lock-in conditions for contestants that ran out of time or broke a three-strikes rule on a challenge.
Crystal Castles is an arcade video game released by Atari, Inc. in 1983. The player controls Bentley Bear who has to collect gems located throughout trimetric-projected rendered castles while avoiding enemies, some of whom are after the gems as well.
Edward Felix Tudor-Pole is an English musician, television presenter and actor.
Barry Robert Pepper is a Canadian-American actor. He played Private Daniel Jackson in Saving Private Ryan (1998), Corrections Officer Dean Stanton in The Green Mile (1999), Roger Maris in 61* (2001), Joseph L. Galloway in We Were Soldiers (2002), Sergeant Michael Strank in Flags of Our Fathers (2006), DEA Agent Cooper in Snitch (2013), Vince in Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015) and Maze Runner: The Death Cure (2018), Lucky Ned Pepper in the remake of the western True Grit (2010) and David Keller in Crawl (2019). He has been nominated for three Screen Actors Guild Awards and a Golden Globe Award. For his role as Robert F. Kennedy in the miniseries The Kennedys (2011), Pepper won the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series or Movie.
Tina Maze is a retired Slovenian World Cup alpine ski racer. She is the most successful Slovenian ski racer in history with a career that culminated with two gold medals at the 2014 Winter Olympics. Maze was awarded the title of the Slovenian Sportswoman of the Year in 2005, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014 and 2015, and with her four medals she is the most decorated Slovenian athlete at the Winter Olympics.
The Tower of Druaga is a 1984 arcade action role-playing maze game developed and published in Japan by Namco. Controlling the golden-armored knight Gilgamesh, the player is tasked with scaling 60 floors of the titular tower in an effort to rescue the maiden Ki from Druaga, a demon with eight arms and four legs, who plans to use an artifact known as the Blue Crystal Rod to enslave all of mankind. It ran on the Namco Super Pac-Man arcade hardware, modified with a horizontal-scrolling video system used in Mappy.
Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness is a 2000 maze video game developed and published by Namco Hometek for the PlayStation. It was later released for the Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, and Game Boy Advance. A remake of General Computer Corporation's Ms. Pac-Man (1982), players control the titular character in her quest to stop a witch named Mesmerelda from stealing the Gems of Virtue. The game was well-received upon release, with critics applauding its simplicity and faithfulness to the arcade original. A sequel was in development around 2006, but was cancelled for unknown reasons.
Crystal Palace Park is a large park in south-east London, Grade II* listed on the Register of Historic Parks and Gardens. It was laid out in the 1850s as a pleasure ground, centred around the re-location of The Crystal Palace -- the largest glass building of the time -- from central London to this area on the border of Kent and Surrey; the suburb that grew around the park is known by the same name.
"In the Walls of Eryx" is a short story by American writers H. P. Lovecraft and Kenneth J. Sterling, written in January 1936 and first published in Weird Tales magazine in October 1939. It is a science fiction story involving space exploration in the near future.
Nathalie Joanne Emmanuel is a British actress. Emmanuel began her acting career appearing in theatre in the late 1990s, acquiring roles in various West End productions such as the musical The Lion King. In 2006, she began her on-screen career by starring as Sasha Valentine in soap opera Hollyoaks, after which she appeared in various British television series until her debut film appearance in Twenty8k (2012).
Jamie Thomson is a British writer, editor and game developer, and winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize 2012.
Marble Saga: Kororinpa is a video game for Nintendo's Wii video game console. It was released in North America on March 17, 2009, roughly two years after the original title Kororinpa: Marble Mania. The game was released in Europe under the title Marbles! Balance Challenge and in Japan as Kororinpa 2: Anthony to Kiniro Himawari no Tane.
Inspector Gadget: Gadget's Crazy Maze is a puzzle video game based on the television show of the same name.
1001 Crystal Mazes Collection is a logic puzzle game developed by Teyon for the Nintendo DSiWare. It was available in the Nintendo DSi Shop for 500 Nintendo DSi Points.
Adam Conover is an American actor, writer and comedian. He created and hosted the half-hour truTV show Adam Ruins Everything, based on the CollegeHumor series of the same name. He was also the host of the American version of The Crystal Maze on Nickelodeon. In 2022, Conover's limited series The G Word with Adam Conover debuted on Netflix. Conover currently serves on the board of the Writers Guild of America West.