List of bishops of Poznań

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NameYears on bishops throneNotes
Jordan 968 – ca.983Missionary bishop of Poland with seat in Poznań, probably subordinate directly to the pope [1] or subordinate to the archbishop of Mainz. [2] Date of death uncertain (between 982 and 984) [3]
Unger ca.983/992–1012At first missionary bishop of Poland, from 1000 ordinary bishop of Poznań independent of the archdiocese of Gniezno; after 1004 subordinate to a metropolitan archbishop of Magdeburg. [4] [5] [6] Date of ingres unclear, consecrated certainly in 982 or 983, but arrived to Poland perhaps only in 992
Romanus [7] (?) – 1030Unsure if he was bishop of Poznań. Date of ingres unknown (perhaps 1012)
Ederam [8] 1030s.Exact dates unknown. Destruction of the diocese ca. 1038 due to pagan uprising and invasion of Bretislaus I, Duke of Bohemia. [9] Bishop Ederam died before 1049 [10]
Franko [11] ca.1085First known bishop of Poznań, subordinate to a metropolitan archbishop of Gniezno, after the diocese was reestablished in 1076. Dates of ingres and death unknown (perhaps 1076 and ca. 1100)
Eckhard [12] ca. 1100–1103?Date of ingres uncertain (between 1097 and 1102). Date of the end of the episcopate unsure (he may have been deposed in 1103) [13]
Heinrich von Siegburg [14] ca. 1105Dates of ingres and death unknown (perhaps 1103 and ca. 1109)
Paweł [15] ca. 1112/1113Dates of ingres and death unknown (the first probably before 1110)
Bogufał I  ? -1146date of ingres is unknown
Pean 1146–1152
Stefan 1152–1159
Bernard 1159–1164
Radwan 1164–1172
Cherubin 1172–1180date of end of service is unsure
Arnold I 1180–1186date of ingres is unsure
Świętosław ca.1186?Name and date unsure [16]
Gerward ca.1187?Name and date unsure [16]
Benedykt 1193Dates of ingres and death unknown (first perhaps 1187, the second 1193/95) [17]
Mrokota  ? – 1196Date of ingres unknown (between 1193 and 1196)
Arnold II1201–1211Date of ingres unknown (perhaps 1196) [18]
Bogufał II 1242–1253
Bogufał III of Czerniejewo 1254–1264
Falanta 1265–1267
Mikołaj I 1267–1278
Jan I of Wysokowce, Łodzia coat of arms 1278–1285
Jan II Gerbicz, Nałęcz coat of arms 1285–1297
Andrzej Zaremba 1297–1317date of end of service is unsure
Domarat Grzymała 1318–1324date of ingres in unsure
Jan III, Doliwa coat of arms 1324–1335
Jan IV of Kępa, Łodzia coat of arms 1335–1346
Andrzej of Wiślica 1347–1348later bishop of Zwierzyniec
Wojciech Pałuka 1348–1355
Jan V of Lutogniewo, Doliwa coat of arms 1356–1374
Mikołaj II of Górka (of Kórnik) Łodzia coat of arms 1375–1382
Jan Kropidło 1382–1384 Duke of Opole, later bishop of Włocławek, Kamień, Chełmno, nominated archbishop of Gniezno and again bishop of Włocławek
Dobrogost of Nowy Dwór Nałęcz coat of arms 1384–1395later archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland
Mikołaj Kurowski, Szreniawa coat of arms 1395–1399later bishop of Włocławek, archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland
Wojciech Jastrzębiec 1399–1412
Piotr Wysz Radoliński, Leszczyc coat of arms 1413–1414
Andrzej Łaskarz Gosławski, Godziemba coat of arms 1414–1426
Mirosław Brudzewski, Nałęcz coat of arms 1426–1427
Stanisław Ciołek of Żelichowo and Ostrołęka1428–1437
Andrzej Bniński, Łodzia coat of arms 1438–1479
Uriel Górka, Łodzia coat of arms 1479–1498
Jan Lubrański, Godziemba coat of arms 1498–1520fundator of Lubrański Academy
Piotr Tomicki, Łodzia coat of arms 1520–1525later bishop of Cracow
Jan Latalski1525–1536later bishop of Cracow, archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland
John of the Lithuanian Dukes 1536–1538Illegitimate son of Sigismund I the Old, King of Poland
Stanisław Oleśnicki of Pinczów1538–1539
Sebastian Branicki1539–1544
Paweł Dunin Wolski1544–1546
Benedykt Izdbieński 1546–1553
Andrzej Czarnkowski1553–1562
Adam Konarski1562–1574
Łukasz Kościelecki1577–1597
Jan Tarnowski 1598–1600later bishop of Włocławek, archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland
Wawrzyniec Goślicki, Grzymała coat of arms 1601–1607
Andrzej Opaliński 1607–1623
Jan Wężyk 1624–1627later archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland
Maciej Łubieński 1627–1631later bishop of Włocławek, archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland
Adam Nowodworski 1631–1634
Henryk Firlej 1635
Andrzej Szołdrski 1636–1650
Florian Kazimierz Czartoryski 1650–1655later bishop of Włocławek, archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland
Wojciech Tolibowski 1655–1663
Stefan Wierzbowski 1664–1687
Stanisław Witwicki 1688–1698
Mikołaj Święcicki 1699–1707
Mikołaj Bartłomiej Tarło 1710–1715
Krzysztof Antoni Szembek 1716–1720later bishop of Włocławek, archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland
Piotr Tarło 1721–1722
Jan Joachim Tarło 1722–1732
Stanisław Józef Hozjusz 1733–1738
Teodor Kaziemirz Czartoryski 1739–1768
Andrzej Stanisław Młodziejowski 1768–1780
Antoni Onufry Okęcki 1780–1793
Ignacy Raczyński 1794–1807later archbishop of Gniezno and Primate of Poland
Tymoteusz Gorzeński 1809–1821later archbishop of Gniezno, Primate of Poland.
In 1821 raised to status of metropolis and personal union with Gniezno archbishopric, primates of Poland.
Tymoteusz Gorzeński 1821–1825
Teofil Wolicki 1828–1829
Marcin Dunin 1831–1842
Leon Przyłuski 1845–1865
Mieczysław Halka Ledóchowski 1866–1886 cardinal
Juliusz Dinder 1886–1890
Florian Oksza Stablewski 1891–1906
Edward Likowski 1914–1915
Edmund Dalbor 1915–1926 cardinal
August Hlond 1926–1946 cardinal, after 1946 Archbishop of Gniezno and Warsaw, primate of Poland
In 1946 dissolution of personal union between archbishoprics of Poznań and Gniezno
Walenty Dymek 1946–1956
Antoni Baraniak 1957–1977
Jerzy Stroba 1978–1996
Juliusz Paetz 1996–2002
Stanisław Gądecki since 2002

Auxiliary Bishops

See also


  1. Paul Fridolin Kehr, Das Erzbistum Magdeburg und die erste Organisation der Christlichen Kirche in Polen, (in:) Abhandlungen der Königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1920, passim; Jerzy Strzelczyk: Mieszko I, Poznań 1992, p.142-143; Stanisław Trawkowski: Początki Kościoła w Polsce za panowania Mieszka I, (in:) Civitas Schinesghe. Mieszko I i początki państwa polskiego. Poznań – Gniezno 2004, p. 49-70
  2. Stanisław Szczur, Historia Polski. Średniowiecze, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 2002, ISBN   83-08-03272-9
  3. Kehr, p. 25
  4. cf. Paul Fridolin Kehr, Das Erzbistum Magdeburg und die erste Organisation der Christlichen Kirche in Polen , (in:) Abhandlungen der Königlich preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1920, p. 45-47; and Jerzy Strzelczyk: Mieszko I, Poznań 1992, p.142-143
  5. Poland – Ecclesiastical organization
  6. Bistum Magdeburg: Gebiet mit großer Geschichte Archived 10 February 2013 at
  7. Kętrzyński, Studia..., p. 311; Kehr, p. 53.
  8. Wasilewski, p. 751; cf. Kętrzyński, Studia..., p. 311; and Abraham, p. 84
  9. Karwowski, Najstarsi..., p. 332
  10. Wasilewski, p. 751
  11. Abraham, p.83; Wasilewski, p. 751
  12. Wasilewski, s. 752; cf. Walter Gesler (ed.): Der Bericht des Monachus Hamerslebiensis uber die "Kaiserliche Kapelle" S. Simon und Juda in Goslar und die Beforderung ihrer Mitglieder, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat, 1914, p. 84.
  13. Papal legate Gualon deposed two out of only four Polish bishops in 1103. One of them was Czasław of Kraków, the identity of the second one is uncertain, it may have been bishop of Poznań or of Płock.
  14. Wasilewski, s. 752
  15. Abraham, p. 83-84; Wasilewski, p. 748
  16. 1 2 Cf. Maciejewski, p. 253
  17. He appears in one undated document (issued certainly after 1187, probably in 1192) and in the bull of Celestine III dated 9 April 1193. He died on 10 December of uncertain year
  18. He first appears in the bull of Innocent III dated 2 August 1201
  19. "Bishop Stanisław Dzedziński" . David M. Cheney. Retrieved 21 March 2016

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