List of film festivals in Taiwan

Last updated

This is a list of film festivals in Taiwan.

Active festivals

Annual Screwdriver International Student Short Film Festival青春影展2001 Tainan Competition
Chiayi International Art Doc Film Festival嘉義國際藝術紀錄影展2014 Chiayi City International Art Documentaries
Golden Horse Film Festival and Awards 台北金馬影展1962 Taipei CompetitionIt is one of the four major Chinese-language film awards, also among the most prestigious and respected film awards in the Chinese-speaking film industry. It is also one of the major annual awards presented in Taiwan along with Golden Bell Awards for television production and Golden Melody Awards for music.
Kaohsiung Film Festival 高雄電影節2001 Kaohsiung MixedThe festival screens both locally produced and international films, in all genres and lengths. The festival also has an international competition section where it hands out awards for outstanding short films.
South Taiwan Film Festival 南方影展2001TainanMixedSTFF, the oldest indie film festival in Taiwan, has been carrying its legacy for over 20 years since 2001. It screens panorama programs featuring films from around the world and hosts the South Award-Chinese film competition every two years. The STFF team views the festival as more than just entertainment or a cinephile activity; it's a media platform for public discussion and a reflection of modern societies. Their goal is to provide the audience with a diverse range of perspectives and showcase radical, avant-garde, and innovative aesthetics and spirits in films.
Taichung International Animation Festival臺中國際動畫影展2015 Taichung Animated films
Taipei Film Festival 台北電影節1998TaipeiMixedTaipei Film Festival is the only festival in Taiwan that offers a New Talent Competition for aspiring directors from around the world and a Taipei Awards competition for Taiwanese filmmakers.
Taiwan International Documentary Festival 台灣國際紀錄片影展1998TaipeiCompetition
Taiwan International Ethnographic Film Festival 台灣國際民族誌影展2001TaipeiInternationalEach year the festival organizes around a central theme, curating a selection of films and organizing discussions that explore a specific aspect of human life. TIEFF also includes a “New Visions” category that showcases notable ethnographic films made within the past two years.
Taiwan International Queer Film Festival 臺灣國際酷兒影展2014TaipeiSpecial interestIt is the first and LGBTQ film festival in Taiwan.
Taoyuan Film Festival桃園電影節2013 Taoyuan Special interest
Women Make Waves 台灣國際女性影展1993TaipeiSpecial interestIt is the first and only women's film festival in the country as well as the largest women's film festival in Asia
Youth Film Festival青春影展2004KaohsiungCompetitionA Taiwanese student film competition film festival.


New Taipei City Film Festival新北市電影節2012-2014 New Taipei Mixed
Taiwan International Animation Festival台灣國際動畫影展2003-2008 Taipei Animated films