List of hammerhead sharks

Last updated

This is a list of hammerhead sharks.



NameBinomial NameStatusDistribution
Bonnethead Sphyrna tiburoLR/lcNorthern South American coast, Gulf of Mexico, Southern California coast
Great hammerhead Sphyrna mokarranENTropical and subtropical coasts
Scalloped bonnethead Sphyrna coronaNTCalifornia and Northwest South American coasts
Scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewiniENTropical and subtropical coasts worldwide
Carolina hammerhead Sphyrna gilberti ?western Atlantic Ocean
Scoophead Sphyrna mediaDDCalifornia and northern South American coast
Smalleye hammerhead Sphyrna tudesVUeastern South American coast
Smooth hammerhead Sphyrna zygaenaVUworldwide subtropical coasts, southern South America, Australia and New Zealand coast
Whitefin hammerhead Sphyrna couardiDDwestern Spain coast, west African coast


Winghead shark Eusphyra blochiiLC/ntSoutheast Asian coasts
