List of medieval Hebrew astronomers

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The following is a list of prominent Jewish astronomers of the Middle Ages, with the approximate periods of their activity, arranged in alphabetical order of first names.

NameDateKnown for
Abraham de Balmes Translator
Abraham ibn Ezra
Abraham bar Hiyya Ha-Nasi
Abraham of Toledo
Abraham Zacuto ben Samuel
Andruzagar ben Zadi Faruch
Augustinius Ricius
Baruch Sklow
Baruch ben Solomon ben Joab
Bonet de Lattes
Caleb Afendopolo
David Gans
David Kalonymus ben Jacob
David ibn Nahmias
David Nieto
Dayyan Ḥasan
Elijah Mizrachi
Emanuel ben Jacob
Ephraim Mizraḥi
Farissol Moses Botarel
Hananeel ben Ḥushiel
Ḥayyim Lisker
Ḥayyim Vital Calabrese
Isaac ben Aaron
Isaac Abu al-Khair ben Samuel
Isaac Albalia ben Baruch
Isaac ibn al-Ḥadib
Isaac Israeli ben Joseph
Isaac ben Meir Spira
Isaac ben Moses Efodaeus, Proflat Duran
Isaac ibn Sid
Israel Lyons
Israel Samose
Jacob Anatoli
Jacob Carsi (Jacob al-Corsono ben Abi Abraham Isaac)
Jacob ben David ben Yom-Ṭob Poel
Jacob ben Elia
Jacob ben Judah Cabret
Jacob ben Makir, Proflat Tibbon
Jacob ben Samson
Jacob ben Tarik or Yaʿqūb ibn Ṭāriq Said to have founded a school of astrology and astronomy in Baghdad
Jeremiah Cohen of Palermo
Joseph ben Eleazar
Joseph ben Isaac ben Moses ibn Wakkar
Joseph ben Israeli ben Isaac
Joseph ibn Nahmias
Joseph Parsi
Joseph Taytazak
Judah Farissol
Judah ha-Levi
Judah ben Israeli
Judah ben Moses Cohen
Judah ben Rakufial
Judah ben Samuel Shalom
Judah ben Solomon Cohen
Judah ibn Verga
Kalonymus ben David of Naples
Kalonymus ben Kalonymus
Levi ben Abraham ben Ḥayyim
Levi ben Gershon (Gersonides)
Maimon of Montpellier.
Manoah ben Shemariyah
Mattathia Delacrut
Meier Neumark
Meir Spira
Menahem (Emanuel) Zion Porto
Meshullam Kalonymus
Mordecai Comtino
Mordecai Finzi
Moses ben Abraham of Nîmes
Moses Almosnino
Moses Galeno ben Elia
Moses Goli ben Judah
Moses Ḥandali
Moses Isserles
Moses ibn Tibbon
Nathan Hamati ben Eliezer
Raphael Leki Hannover
Sahl (Rabban) al-Ṭabari
Samuel ibn Abbas ben Judah
Samuel Abulafia
Samuel Ha-Levi
Samuel ben Judah of Marseilles
Shalom ben Joseph
Shalom ben Solomon Yerushalmi
Shabbethai Donnolo
Sheshet ben Isaac ben Gerundi
Sind ben Ali
Solomon Abigdor ben Abraham
Solomon Davin of Rodez
Solomon ben Elijah
Solomon Esobi (Azubius)
Solomon ben Moses Melgueil
Solomon ibn Pater Cohen of Burgos
Solomon Shalom ben Moses
Tobias Cohen

PD-icon.svg This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain :  Singer, Isidore; et al., eds. (1901–1906). "Astronomy". The Jewish Encyclopedia . New York: Funk & Wagnalls.

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