List of memorials and monuments at Mount Herzl

Last updated

A list of the monuments and the memorials at the Mount Herzl national cemetery and the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem.

The Garden of the Missing in Action is a memorial garden with memorial board and memory stones. It is planned that the National Memorial Hall will be built at the entrance to the cemetery.

KHnykt hykl hzkrvn hmmlkty 1738.jpg National Memorial Hall For Israel's Fallen National memorial for all soldiers who gave their lives establishing and defending the State of Israel Kimmel Eshkolot Architects 2017
EthiopianJewryMemorial-12A.jpg Beta Israel Memorial A stone structure in the shape of an Ethiopian village Gabriel Curtis 2007
PikiWiki Israel 12296 old city memorial in mount herzl.jpg Defenders of the Old City of Jerusalem 1948 War Memorial A structure in the shape of an alley with the names of the fallen Asher Hirem 1957
Garden of the Missing in Action IMG 1290.JPG Garden of the Missing in Action Empty graves with a memorial board of the names Moshe Oren 2004
PikiWiki Israel 12292 dakar submarine memorial in mount herzl.jpg INS Dakar Memorial A structure in the shape of a submarine David Anatol Brotzkos 1970
PikiWiki Israel 4263 Monument in memory of Jewish fighters armies Polan.jpg Memorial for the Jewish Soldiers in the Polish army in World War 2 A memorial board with the names of the fallen1988
PikiWiki Israel 12305 monument to jewish soldiers in the red army who fe.jpg Memorial for the Jewish Soldiers in the Soviet army in World War 2 A memorial board with the names of the fallen Yizhak Rachelin 1989
Memorial for the Yeshuv volunteers in World War II IMG 1327.JPG Yeshuv Volunteers in World War 2 A memorial board with the names of the fallenAsher Hirem1973
Jadvasjem12022013 002.jpg Memorial for the Last of Kin A structure in the shape of a reversed house with a memorial board of the names of the fallen Micha Ullman 2004
Memorial for the Kaf Gimel (23) Boat Seamen IMG 1330.JPG Operation Boatswain Memorial A stone in the shape of a boat in a pool with the names of the fallenAsher Hirem1951
PikiWiki Israel 12298 SS Erinpura memorial on mount herzl.jpg SS Erinpura Memorial A structure in the shape of a ship in a pool with the names of the fallenAsher Hirem1985
Victims of Acts of Terror Memorial IMG 1245.JPG Victims of Acts of Terror Memorial A memorial board with the names of the victimsMoshe Oren1998
PikiWiki Israel 12121 monument to the victims on immigrants ship quot;.jpg Monument for the Egoz immigration ship A memorial board with the names of the fallen1992
PikiWiki Israel 12120 monument to the victims on immigrants ship salvado.jpg Monument for the Salvador immigration ship A memorial board with the names of the fallen1964

Monuments and Memorials in Yad Vashem

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