List of parishes in Region Zealand

Last updated

This is a list of parishes in Region Zealand. As of 2022, there are 2,133 parishes (Danish : Sogn) within the Church of Denmark, approximately 419 of which are within the Region Zealand. [1] They are listed below by municipality.



Map of the parishes in Faxe Municipality. Faxe municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Faxe Municipality.
  1. Øde Førslev Parish
  2. Terslev Parish
  3. Tureby Parish
  4. Teestrup Parish
  5. Haslev Parish
  6. Freerslev Parish
  7. Sønder Dalby Parish
  8. Karise Parish
  9. Bråby Parish
  10. Ulse Parish
  11. Øster Egede Parish
  12. Alslev Parish
  13. Spjellerup Parish
  14. Smerup Parish
  15. Vester Egede Parish
  16. Kongsted Parish
  17. Faxe Parish
  18. Hylleholt Parish
  19. Vemmetofte Parish
  20. Roholte Parish


Map of the parishes in Greve Municipality. Greve municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Greve Municipality.
  1. Tune Parish
  2. Greve Parish
  3. Kildebrønde Parish
  4. Karlslunde Parish
  5. Karlslunde Strand Parish
  6. Mosede Parish


Map of the parishes in Guldborgsund Municipality. Guldborgsund municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Guldborgsund Municipality.
  1. Vålse Parish
  2. Kippinge Parish
  3. Nørre Vedby Parish
  4. Nørre Alslev Parish
  5. Gundslev Parish
  6. Vigsnæs Parish
  7. Brarup Parish
  8. Nørre Kirkeby Parish
  9. Torkilstrup Parish
  10. Lillebrænde Parish
  11. Stubbekøbing Parish
  12. Maglebrænde Parish
  13. Åstrup Parish
  14. Sakskøbing Parish
  15. Tårs Parish
  16. Majbølle Parish
  17. Stadager Parish
  18. Ønslev Parish
  19. Eskilstrup Parish
  20. Falkerslev Parish
  21. Horbelev Parish
  22. Våbensted Parish
  23. Radsted Parish
  24. Tingsted Parish
  25. Systofte Parish
  26. Nørre Ørslev Parish
  27. Horreby Parish
  28. Karleby Parish
  29. Sønder Kirkeby Parish
  30. Sønder Alslev Parish
  31. Engestofte Parish
  32. Slemminge Parish
  33. Fjelde Parish
  34. Toreby Parish
  35. Nykøbing F Parish
  36. Idestrup Parish
  37. Godsted Parish
  38. Musse Parish
  39. Døllefjelde Parish
  40. Bregninge Parish
  41. Kettinge Parish
  42. Væggerløse Parish
  43. Vester Ulslev Parish
  44. Øster Ulslev Parish
  45. Herritslev Parish
  46. Vantore Parish
  47. Nysted Parish
  48. Skelby Parish
  49. Gedesby Parish
  50. Gedser Parish


Map of the parishes in Holbaek Municipality. Holbaek municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Holbæk Municipality.
  1. Hjembæk-Svinninge Parish
  2. Kundby Parish
  3. Gislinge Parish
  4. Hagested Parish
  5. Hørby Parish
  6. Udby Parish
  7. Orø Parish
  8. Butterup-Tuse Parish
  9. Søstrup Parish
  10. Tveje Merløse Parish
  11. Sankt Nicolai Parish
  12. Vipperød Parish
  13. Jyderup Parish
  14. Stigs Bjergby Parish
  15. Mørkøv Parish
  16. Nørre Jernløse Parish
  17. Holmstrup Parish
  18. Skamstrup-Frydendal Parish
  19. Sønder Jernløse Parish
  20. Kvanløse Parish
  21. Søndersted Parish
  22. Undløse Parish
  23. Ugerløse Parish
  24. Tølløse Parish
  25. Soderup Parish
  26. Store Tåstrup Parish
  27. Kirke Eskilstrup Parish


Map of the parishes in Kalundborg Municipality. Kalundborg municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Kalundborg Municipality.
  1. Sejerø Parish
  2. Røsnæs Parish
  3. Raklev Parish
  4. Bregninge Parish
  5. Føllenslev Parish
  6. Særslev Parish
  7. Vor Frue Parish
  8. Nyvang Parish
  9. Tømmerup Parish
  10. Værslev Parish
  11. Viskinge Parish
  12. Bjergsted Parish
  13. Årby Parish
  14. Rørby Parish
  15. Ubby Parish
  16. Aunsø Parish
  17. Svallerup Parish
  18. Lille Fuglede Parish
  19. Jorløse Parish
  20. Buerup Parish
  21. Store Fuglede Parish
  22. Gørlev Parish
  23. Bakkendrup Parish
  24. Hallenslev Parish
  25. Sæby Parish
  26. Reerslev Parish
  27. Kirke Helsinge Parish
  28. Finderup Parish
  29. Drøsselbjerg Parish
  30. Gierslev Parish
  31. Solbjerg Parish
  32. Ørslev Parish
  33. Alleshave Parish
  34. Reersø Parish


Map of the parishes in Koge Municipality. Koge municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Køge Municipality.
  1. Borup Parish
  2. Ejby Parish
  3. Højelse Parish
  4. Ølsemagle Parish
  5. Kimmerslev Parish
  6. Nørre Dalby Parish
  7. Gørslev Parish
  8. Bjæverskov Parish
  9. Lellinge Parish
  10. Boholte Parish
  11. Køge Parish
  12. Vollerslev Parish
  13. Lidemark Parish
  14. Sædder Parish
  15. Herfølge Parish


Map of the parishes in Lejre Municipality. Lejre municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Lejre Municipality.
  1. Kirke Hyllinge Parish
  2. Sæby Parish
  3. Gershøj Parish
  4. Rye Parish
  5. Lyndby Parish
  6. Herslev Parish
  7. Kirke Sonnerup Parish
  8. Kirke Såby Parish
  9. Gevninge Parish
  10. Kornerup Parish
  11. Kirke Hvalsø Parish
  12. Kisserup Parish
  13. Allerslev Parish
  14. Rorup Parish
  15. Glim Parish
  16. Særløse Parish
  17. Osted Parish


Map of the parishes in Lolland Municipality. Lolland municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Lolland Municipality.
  1. Købelev Parish
  2. Vindeby Parish
  3. Utterslev Parish
  4. Horslunde Parish
  5. Fejø Parish
  6. Femø Parish
  7. Sandby Parish
  8. Herredskirke Parish
  9. Løjtofte Parish
  10. Vesterborg Parish
  11. Birket Parish
  12. Askø Parish
  13. Branderslev Parish
  14. Stormarks Parish
  15. Nordlunde Parish
  16. Halsted Parish
  17. Stokkemarke Parish
  18. Bandholm Parish
  19. Sankt Nikolai Parish
  20. Avnede Parish
  21. Gurreby Parish
  22. Skovlænge Parish
  23. Søllested Parish
  24. Østofte Parish
  25. Hunseby Parish
  26. Kappel Parish
  27. Vestenskov Parish
  28. Arninge Parish
  29. Græshave Parish
  30. Landet Parish
  31. Ryde Parish
  32. Vejleby Parish
  33. Skørringe Parish
  34. Hillested Parish
  35. Maribo Parish
  36. Bursø Parish
  37. Krønge Parish
  38. Tillitse Parish
  39. Dannemare Parish
  40. Gloslunde Parish
  41. Tirsted Parish
  42. Nebbelunde Parish
  43. Sædinge Parish
  44. Holeby Parish
  45. Fuglse Parish
  46. Rødby Parish
  47. Ringsebølle Parish
  48. Tågerup Parish
  49. Torslunde Parish
  50. Rødbyhavn Parish
  51. Olstrup Parish
  52. Errindlev Parish
  53. Langø Parish
  54. Nøbbet Parish


Map of the parishes in Naestved Municipality. Naestved municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Næstved Municipality.
  1. Vrangstrup Parish
  2. Næsby Parish
  3. Tyvelse Parish
  4. Sandby Parish
  5. Haldagerlille Parish
  6. Tystrup Parish
  7. Bavelse Parish
  8. Glumsø Parish
  9. Tybjerg Parish
  10. Aversi Parish
  11. Ting Jellinge Parish
  12. Krummerup Parish
  13. Fuglebjerg Parish
  14. Førslev Parish
  15. Gunderslev Parish
  16. Skelby Parish
  17. Herlufmagle Parish
  18. Hårslev Parish
  19. Kvislemark Parish
  20. Hyllinge Parish
  21. Vallensved Parish
  22. Rislev Parish
  23. Fensmark Parish
  24. Fyrendal Parish
  25. Marvede Parish
  26. Karrebæk Parish
  27. Fodby Parish
  28. Herlufsholm Parish
  29. Holsted Parish
  30. Holme-Olstrup Parish
  31. Toksværd Parish
  32. Sankt Peders Parish
  33. Sankt Mortens Parish
  34. Sankt Jørgens Parish
  35. Rønnebæk Parish
  36. Næstelsø Parish
  37. Everdrup Parish
  38. Vejlø Parish
  39. Vester Egesborg Parish
  40. Mogenstrup Parish
  41. Snesere Parish
  42. Hammer Parish


Map of the parishes in Odsherred Municipality. Odsherred municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Odsherred Municipality.
  1. Odden Parish
  2. Højby Parish
  3. Nykøbing Sj Parish
  4. Rørvig Parish
  5. Nørre Asmindrup Parish
  6. Vig Parish
  7. Egebjerg Parish
  8. Fårevejle Parish
  9. Asnæs Parish
  10. Grevinge Parish
  11. Vallekilde Parish
  12. Hørve Parish
  13. Lumsås Parish


Map of the parishes in Ringsted Municipality. Ringsted municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Ringsted Municipality.
  1. Gyrstinge Parish
  2. Allindemagle Parish
  3. Haraldsted Parish
  4. Valsølille Parish
  5. Jystrup Parish
  6. Vigersted Parish
  7. Bringstrup Parish
  8. Ringsted Parish
  9. Benløse Parish
  10. Kværkeby Parish
  11. Sigersted Parish
  12. Høm Parish
  13. Nordrupøster Parish
  14. Vetterslev Parish
  15. Sneslev Parish
  16. Farendløse Parish
  17. Ørslev Parish


Map of the parishes in Roskilde Municipality. Roskilde municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Roskilde Municipality.
  1. Jyllinge Parish
  2. Gundsømagle Parish
  3. Kirkerup Parish
  4. Hvedstrup Parish
  5. Ågerup Parish
  6. Himmelev Parish
  7. Sankt Jørgensbjerg Parish
  8. Roskilde Domsogn Parish
  9. Svogerslev Parish
  10. Roskilde Søndre Parish
  11. Vindinge Parish
  12. Vor Frue Parish
  13. Dåstrup Parish
  14. Syv Parish
  15. Gadstrup Parish
  16. Snoldelev Parish
  17. Ørsted Parish


Map of the parishes in Slagelse Municipality. Slagelse municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Slagelse Municipality.
  1. Nordrupvester Parish
  2. Kirke Stillinge Parish
  3. Havrebjerg Parish
  4. Sønderup Parish
  5. Sorterup Parish
  6. Hejninge Parish
  7. Sankt Peders Parish
  8. Nørrevang Parish
  9. Gudum Parish
  10. Ottestrup Parish
  11. Kindertofte Parish
  12. Sankt Mikkels Parish
  13. Antvorskov Parish
  14. Halskov Parish
  15. Tårnborg Parish
  16. Vemmelev Parish
  17. Slots Bjergby Parish
  18. Gerlev Parish
  19. Sludstrup Parish
  20. Sørbymagle Parish
  21. Kirkerup Parish
  22. Hemmeshøj Parish
  23. Lundforlund Parish
  24. Fårdrup Parish
  25. Skørpinge Parish
  26. Gimlinge Parish
  27. Sankt Povls Parish
  28. Boeslunde Parish
  29. Eggeslevmagle Parish
  30. Flakkebjerg Parish
  31. Høve Parish
  32. Hyllested Parish
  33. Skælskør Parish
  34. Sønder Bjerge Parish
  35. Venslev Parish
  36. Agersø Parish
  37. Magleby Parish
  38. Tjæreby Parish
  39. Ørslev Parish
  40. Holsteinborg Parish
  41. Omø Parish Parish


Map of the parishes in Solrod Municipality. Solrod municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Solrød Municipality.
  1. Havdrup Parish
  2. Solrød Parish
  3. Karlstrup Parish
  4. Kirke Skensved Parish
  5. Jersie Parish


Map of the parishes in Soro Municipality. Soro municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Sorø Municipality.
  1. Niløse Parish
  2. Stenlille Parish
  3. Stenmagle Parish
  4. Ruds Vedby Parish
  5. Skellebjerg Parish
  6. Tersløse Parish
  7. Munke Bjergby Parish
  8. Kirke Flinterup Parish
  9. Bromme Parish
  10. Pedersborg Parish
  11. Bjernede Parish
  12. Sorø Parish
  13. Slaglille Parish
  14. Fjenneslev Parish
  15. Lynge Parish
  16. Vester Broby Parish
  17. Alsted Parish


Map of the parishes in Stevns Municipality. Stevns municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Stevns Municipality.
  1. Valløby Parish
  2. Strøby Parish
  3. Vråby Parish
  4. Endeslev Parish
  5. Himlingøje Parish
  6. Tårnby Parish
  7. Hårlev Parish
  8. Varpelev Parish
  9. Magleby Stevns Parish
  10. Holtug Parish
  11. Hellested Parish
  12. Store Heddinge Parish
  13. Frøslev Parish
  14. Lyderslev Parish
  15. Havnelev Parish
  16. Lille Heddinge Parish
  17. Højerup Parish


Map of the parishes in Vordingborg Municipality. Vordingborg municipality numbered.svg
Map of the parishes in Vordingborg Municipality.
  1. Køng Parish
  2. Lundby Parish
  3. Bårse Parish
  4. Præstø Parish
  5. Sværdborg Parish
  6. Udby Parish
  7. Beldringe Parish
  8. Skibinge Parish
  9. Jungshoved Parish
  10. Allerslev Parish
  11. Vordingborg Parish
  12. Kastrup Parish
  13. Ørslev Parish
  14. Øster Egesborg Parish
  15. Mern Parish
  16. Stensby Parish
  17. Kalvehave Parish
  18. Nyord Parish
  19. Stege Parish
  20. Keldby Parish
  21. Elmelunde Parish
  22. Borre Parish
  23. Magleby Parish
  24. Bogø Parish
  25. Fanefjord Parish
  26. Damsholte Parish
  27. Svinø Parish

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  1. "Sogn". Kirkeministeriet (in Danish).