List of water beetle species recorded in Britain

Last updated

Suborder Adephaga

Note: the family Carabidae (ground beetles), is also part of this suborder; a list of these is at List of ground beetle (Carabidae) species recorded in Britain.


Family Gyrinidae

Family Haliplidae

Family Noteridae

Family Paelobiidae

Family Dytiscidae

Suborder Polyphaga

Infraorder Elateriformia

Superfamily Byrrhoidea

Family Elmidae
Family Dryopidae
Family Limnichidae

Infraorder Staphyliniformia

Superfamily Hydrophiloidea

Family Helophoridae
Family Georissidae
Family Hydrochidae
Family Spercheidae
Family Hydrophilidae

Superfamily Staphylinoidea

Family Hydraenidae

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