This article relies largely or entirely on a single source .(July 2012) |
This is an incomplete list of works by the German painter, Georg Baselitz .
Original title | English title | Date |
Ohne Titel | Untitled | 1958 |
Der Orientale - Kranker Orientale - Vision - Glaubensträger | The Oriental - Sick Oriental - Vision - Upholder of the Faith | 1959 |
Paranoia | Paranoia | 1960 |
Russische Frauenliebe | Russian Women's Love | 1960 |
Rayski Kopf | Rayski Head series | 1960–61 |
G.-Kopf | G.-Head | 1960–61 |
Auf einer Landschaft | On a Landscape | 1961 |
Der Acker | The Field | 1962 |
Drei Köpfe | Three Heads | 1962 |
Brustkorb | Ribcage | 1962 |
Hommage à Charles Méryon | Homage to Charles Méryon | 1962–63 |
Die große Nacht im Eimer | The Big Night Down the Drain | 1962–63 |
Tränenbeutel | Tear Sac | 1963 |
Schweinekopf | Pig's Head | 1963 |
Aus Der Traum | The Dream is Over | 1963 |
Drei Herzen | Three Hearts | 1963 |
Hommage à Wrubel | Homage to Vrubel | 1963 |
1 P.D. - Der Fuß | 1st P.D. - The Foot | 1963 |
2. P.D. Fuß - Alte Heimat | 2nd P.D. Foot - Old Native Country | 1960–63 |
Dritter P.D. Fuß | Third P.D. Foot | 1963 |
Vierter P.D. Fuß - Alte Heimat (Scheide der Existenz) | Fourth P.D. Foot - Old Native Country (Border of Existence) | 1960/63 |
Fünfter P.D. Fuß - Russischer Fuß | Fifth P.D. Foot - Russian Foot | 1963 |
6. P.D. Fuß | 6th P.D. Foot | 1963 |
P.D. Fuß - Kelte | P.D. Foot - Celt | 1963 |
Achtes P.D. - Die Hand | Eighth P.D. - The Hand | 1963 |
P.D. | P.D. | 1960/63 |
P.D. Fuß | P.D. Foot | 1963 |
Gruß aus der Zukunft | Greetings from the Future | 1963 |
Geschlecht mit Klössen | Sex With Dumplings | 1963 |
Idol | Idol | 1963 |
P.D. Idol | P.D. Idol | 1964 |
Oberon - 1. Orthodoxer Salon 64 - E. Neijsvestnij | Oberon - 1st Orthodox Salon 64 - E Neizvestny | 1963/64 |
Weihnachten | Christmas | 1964 |
Die poetische Kugel | The Poetic Sphere | 1964 |
Das Herz | The Heart | 1964 |
Das Kreuz | The Cross | 1964 |
Gottes Horn - Ich bin unumgänglich | God's Horn - I Am Indispensable | 1964 |
Die Peitschenfrau | The Whip Woman | 1965 |
Bild für die Väter | Picture for the Fathers | 1965 |
Die Banane | The Banana | 1965 |
Mann im Mond - Franz Pforr | Man in the Moon - Franz Pforr | 1965 |
Das Blumenmädchen | The Flower Girl | 1965 |
Der Dichter | The Poet | 1965 |
Die Hand - Das brennende Haus | The Hand - The Burning House | 1964/65 |
Die Hand - Die Hand Gottes | The Hand - The Hand of God | 1964/65 |
Rotgrüner - Die rote Fahne - Der Rot-Grüne | Red-Green Man - The Red Flag - The Red-Green Man | 1965 |
Der Hirte | The Shepherd | 1965 |
Ökonomie | Economy | 1965 |
Ralf 1 | Ralf 1 | 1965 |
Der Hirte | The Shepherd [2] | 1965 |
Die großen Freunde | The Great Friends | 1965 |
Rebell | Rebel | 1965 |
Der Hirte | The Shepherd [4] | 1965 |
Das große Pathos | The Great Pathos | 1965 |
Ludwig Richter auf dem Weg zur Arbeit | Ludwig Richter on his way to work | 1965 |
Ein Vesperrter | A Blocked One | 1965 |
Der Baum 1 | The Tree 1 | 1965/66 |
Falle | Trap | 1966 |
Das Hirte | The Shepherd | 1966 |
Schwarzgründig | Black Grounded | 1966 |
Exote | Exotic | 1966 |
Schwarz Weiß | Black White | 1966 |
Lockiger | Curly One | 1966 |
Zwei geteilte Kühe II | Two Divided Cows II | 1966 |
Drei Streifen - Der Maler im Mantel - Zweites Frakturbild | Three Strips - The Painter in a Coat - Second Fracture Painting | 1966 |
M.M.M. in G und A | M.M.M. in G und A | 1961/62/66 |
Großer Kopf | Large Head | 1966 |
Der Jäger | The Hunter | 1966 |
Drei Köpfe mit Schnecke | Heads Heads with Slug | 1966 |
Kullervos Füße | Kullervo's Feet | 1967 |
Mann mit Gitarre. Paranoiamarsch | Man with Guitar. Paranoia March | 1967 |
Katzenkopf | Cat's Head | 1966/67 |
Kullervos Beine - Füße | Kullervo's Legs - Feet | 1967 |
Ein Grüner | Green One | 1967 |
B für Larry | B for Larry | 1967 |
Hunde im Gebüsch | Dogs in the Bushes | 1967/68 |
Ein Jäger | A Hunter | 1968 |
Waldarbeiter | Woodmen | 1968 |
Meissener Waldarbeiter | Meissen Woodmen | 1968 |
Die Kuh - Nr. 2 | The Cow - No. 2 | 1969 |
Der Wald auf dem Kopf | The Wood on Its Head | 1969 |
Der Mann am Baum | The Man by the Trees | 1969 |
Da. Porträt - Franz Dahlem | Da. Portrait - Franz Dahlem | 1969 |
D. Hildebrand - Kopfbild | D. Hildebrand - Upside-Down Picture | 1969 |
Der werktätige Dresdener - Porträt M.G.B. | The Dresden Workman - Portrait M.G.B. | 1969 |
Fünfziger Jahre Porträt - M.W. | Fifties Portrait - M.W. | 1969 |
Birke | Birch | 1970 |
Kaspar und Ilka König | Kaspar and Ilka König | 1970/71 |
Der Falke | The Falcon | 1971 |
Fingermalerei I - Adler - à la | Finger Painting I - Eagle - à la | 1971/72 |
Fingermalerei Birken - 4. Bild | Finger Painting Birches - 4th Picture | 1972 |
Elke II - Fingermalerei an Elkes Kopf | Elke II - Finger Painting on Elke's Head | 1972 |
Fingermalarei - Interieur | Finger Painting - Interior | 1973 |
Akt Elke | Nude Elke | 1974 |
Birken Piskowitz | Birches Piskovitz | 1974 |
Männlicher Akt | Male Nude | 1975 |
Schlafzimmer | Bedroom | 1975 |
Brauna | Brauna | 1975 |
Elke V. | Elke V. | 1976 |
Stilleben | Still Life | 1976/77 |
Männlicher Akt - Schwarz | Male Nude - Black | 1977 |
Elke 4 | Elke 4 | 1977 |
Die Flasche - der Adler (3. Paar) | The Bottle - The Eagle (3rd Pair) | 1978 |
Adler | Eagle | 1978 |
Birnbaum Nr. 1-4 (1. Gruppe) | Pear Tree No. 1-4 (1st Group) | 1978 |
Birnbaum Nr. 1-4 (2. Gruppe) | Pear Tree No. 1-4 (2nd Group) | 1978 |
Die Ährenleserin | The Gleaner | 1978 |
Trümmerfrau | Rubble Woman | 1978 |
Adler | Eagle [2] | 1978 |
Der Baum - Akt (13. Gruppe) | The Tree - Nude (13th Group) | 1979 |
Das Straßenbild | The Street Picture | 1979/80 |
Modell für eine Skulptur | Model for a Sculpture | 1979/80 |
Ohne Titel | Untitled | 1979/80 |
Ohne Titel | Untitled | 1979/80 |
Frau am Strand - Night in Tunisia | Woman on Beach - Night in Tunisia | 1980 |
Blick aus dem Fenster nach draußen - Strandbild, 7 | Look Outwards of the Window - Beach Picture, 7 | 1981 |
Orangenesser I | Orange-Eater I | 1981 |
Orangenesser IV | Orange-Eater IV | 1981 |
Flaschentrinker | Bottle Drinking Man | 1981 |
Glastrinker | Drinking Man | 1981 |
Glastrinker | Glass Drinking Man | 1981 |
Kaffeekanne und Orange | Coffeepot and Orange | 1981 |
Buckliger Trinker | Humpbacked Drinker | 1981 |
Adler | Eagle | 1982 |
Frau am Strand | Woman on the Beach | 1982 |
Die Mädchen von Olmo I | The Girls of Olmo I | 1982 |
Mann im Bett | Man in Bed | 1982 |
Adieu | Adieu | 1982 |
Mann auf rotem Kopfkissen | Man on Red Pillow | 1982 |
Nacht mit Hund | Night with Dog | 1982 |
Adler im Bett | Eagle in Bed | 1982 |
Franz in Bett | Franz in Bed | 1982 |
Rotschopf | Redhead | 1982 |
Maler mit Segelschiff | Painter with Sailing-Ship | 1982 |
Maler mit Fäustling | Painter with Mitten | 1982 |
Ohne Titel | Untitled[1 - 5+] | 1982/83 |
Blauer Kopf | Blue Head | 1983 |
Schwarz Säule | Black Post | 1983 |
Nachtessen in Dresden | Dinner in Dresden | 1983 |
Blauer Mann | Blue Man | 1983 |
Der Brückechor | The Brücke Chorus | 1983 |
Die Dornenkrönung | The Crowning with Thorns | 1983 |
Der Bote | The Herald | 1984 |
Lazarus | Lazarus | 1984 |
Der rote Mann | The Red Man | 1984/85 |
Scheibenkopf | Segment Head | 1986 |
Die Beweinung | The Lamentation | 1983 |
Der Abgarkopf | The Abgar Head [1-3] | 1984 |
Die Verspottung | The Mocking | 1984 |
Vier Hände | Four Hands | 1984 |
Zwei Rehe | Two Deer | 1985 |
Das Liebespaar | Loving Couple | 1984 |
Die Nacht | The Night | 1984/85 |
Zwei Frauen im Zimmer | 1985 | |
Mutter und Kind | Mother and Child | 1985 |
Italienische Frau | Italian Woman | 1985 |
Weibliche Landschaft | Female Landscape | 1985 |
Der Hase | The Hare | 1986 |
Pastorale - Der Tag | Pastorale - The Day | 1986 |
Pastorale - Die Nacht | Pastorale - The Night | 1985/86 |
Dolores | Dolores | 1986 |
Besuch in Dresden | Visit to Dresden | 1986 |
Zerbrochene Brücke - Wendenbraut | Shattered Bridge - Wendish Bride | 1986 |
Zwei schwarze Bäume | Two Black Trees | 1986 |
Gruß aus Oslo | Greetings from Oslo | 1986 |
Adler im Keller | 1987 | |
Die Riesin | The Giantess | 1987 |
Der Fisch | The Fish | 1987 |
Alte Sachen | Old Things | 1987 |
G.-Kopf | G.-Head | 1987 |
Selbstporträt Desaster | Self-Portrait Disaster | 1987 |
1897 | 1897 | 1986/87 |
Sieben mal Paula | Seven Times Paula | 1987 |
Dicke Blonde | Fat Blonde | 1987 |
Das Malerbild | The Painter's Picture | 1988 |
Die Mühle brennt - Richard | The Burning Mill - Richard | 1988 |
Arnsberg is a town in the Hochsauerland county, in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. It is the location of the Regierungsbezirk Arnsberg administration and one of the three local administration offices of the Hochsauerlandkreis district.
Georg Baselitz is a German painter, sculptor and graphic artist. In the 1960s he became well known for his figurative, expressive paintings. In 1969 he began painting his subjects upside down in an effort to overcome the representational, content-driven character of his earlier work and stress the artifice of painting. Drawing from myriad influences, including art of Soviet era illustration art, the Mannerist period and African sculptures, he developed his own, distinct artistic language.
Stommeln is a village (Stadtteil), part of the town of Pulheim, in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It has a population of 8,462 (2021).
Die große Nacht im Eimer is an oil on canvas painting by the German painter Georg Baselitz. It was painted in 1962–1963 and is now held in the Museum Ludwig in Cologne.
Sir Norman Rosenthal is a British independent curator and art historian. From 1970 to 1974 he was Exhibitions Officer at Brighton Museum and Art Gallery. In 1974 he became a curator at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, leaving in 1976. The following year, in 1977, he joined the Royal Academy in London as Exhibitions Secretary where he remained until his resignation in 2008. Rosenthal has been a trustee of numerous different national and international cultural organisations since the 1980s; he is currently on the board of English National Ballet. In 2007, he was awarded a knighthood in the Queen's Birthday Honours List. Rosenthal is well known for his support of contemporary art, and is particularly associated with the German artists Joseph Beuys, Georg Baselitz, Anselm Kiefer and Julian Schnabel, the Italian painter Francesco Clemente, and the generation of British artists that came to prominence in the early 1990s known as the YBAs.
Ralf Winkler, alias A. R. Penck, who also used the pseudonyms Mike Hammer, T. M., Mickey Spilane, Theodor Marx, "a. Y." or just "Y" was a German painter, printmaker, sculptor, and jazz drummer. A neo-expressionist, he became known for his visual style, reminiscent of the influence of primitive art.
The Cologne Fine Art Award was awarded annually as part of the art exposition ART Cologne. It was awarded by the Cologne Trade Fair Company and the Federal Association of German Art Publishers. Eligible were reproducible works, such as art printing or photography.
In 1963, Michael Werner opened his first gallery, Werner & Katz, in Berlin, Germany with the first solo exhibition of Georg Baselitz. Galerie Michael Werner was later established in Cologne in 1969. Since then, Galerie Michael Werner has worked with several of the most important artists of the twentieth century.
Martin Disler was a Swiss painter, draughtsman and writer. He is associated with the Neue Wilde painting style.
The Villa Romana Prize, German: Villa-Romana-Preis, is an art prize awarded by the Deutscher Künstlerbund. It was established in 1905 and is the oldest German art award. The prize consists of a one-year artistic residence in the Villa Romana, a nineteenth-century villa on the Via Senese in the southern outskirts of Florence, in Tuscany in central Italy.
The Staatliche Graphische Sammlung in Munich (München), Germany, is a large collection of drawings, prints and engravings. It contains 400,000 sheets starting from the 15th century from various artists around the world. Along with Kupferstichkabinett Berlin and Kupferstichkabinett Dresden, it is the most important collection of its kind in Germany. It is owned by the government of Bavaria and located within the Kunstareal, a museum quarter in the city centre of Munich.
The State Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe is an art school located in Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
The Rostock Art Gallery was opened on 15 May 1969 as a museum of contemporary art in Rostock in the German federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It is in the grounds of the park around the Schwanenteich lake in the quarter of Reutershagen.
Hans Neuendorf is a German entrepreneur and art dealer and art exhibitionist, he has released several publications
The German pavilion houses Germany's national representation during the Venice Biennale arts festivals.
Italia und Germania is an allegorical painting of the painter Friedrich Overbeck, finished in 1828. The painting shows two women inclining to each other, symbolizing the friendship between the two countries or cultures they represent: Italia and Germania. At that time, both Italy and Germany were cultural regions but not unified national states.
Maximilian Franzke is a German professional footballer who plays as a winger.
The Lower Saxony State Prize has been awarded by the State of Lower Saxony since 2002. From 1978 to 1999 it was called the Lower Saxony Prize. The award is presented by the Prime Minister of Lower Saxony. The prize has been awarded to personalities who have made outstanding services to the state through their outstanding work in the fields of culture, women, social affairs, science, the environment or the economy. The award is endowed with €35,000 and can be shared. The award winners are selected by a voluntary jury consisting of up to ten people from Lower Saxony.
Since 1975, the Goslarer Kaiserring award has been given, by the city of Goslar, to a distinguished international artist of modern and contemporary art. The award is for artists whose work has given the contemporary art significant impetus. The prize consists of an aquamarine set in gold, in which the seal of Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor (1050–1106) is engraved. It is made every year by the goldsmith Hadfried Rinke from Worpswede.
Rebel is an oil on canvas painting by German artist Georg Baselitz, created in 1965. The painting has the dimensions of 162.7 cm by 130.2 cm and is held at the Tate Modern, in London.