Logic of class

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The logic of class is a branch of logic that distinguishes valid from invalid syllogistic reasonings by the use of Venn Diagrams. [1]

In syllogistic reasoning each premise takes one of the following forms, referring to an individual or class of individuals. For example:

Using Venn diagrams can be viewed as reasoning. If the argument is valid and the conclusion must be determined from the premises that are represented in the diagram [3]

Each form of reasoning has a convertient, a premise that is equivalent but with opposite [4] Example:

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  1. N. Chavez, A. (2000) Introduction to Logic. Lima: Noriega.
  2. 1 2 3 4 Garcia Zarate, Oscar. (2007) Logic. Lima: UNMSM.
  3. Ravello Rea, Bernardo. (2003) Introduction to Logic. Lima: Mantaro.
  4. Perez, M. (2006) Logic and Argumentation Daily Classic. Bogota: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.