Luisa Ottolini

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Luisa Ottolini (born July 10, 1954, in Tortona, province of Alessandria, Italy) is an Italian physicist.



In 1978, Luisa Ottolini graduated in Physics at the University of Pavia. From 1982 to 1986, she was the Head of the Structuristic Section at the Istituto Sperimentale dei Metalli Leggeri (I.S.M.L.) in Novara. [1] In 1987, she activated the Strategic Project of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) An Ion Microprobe for Advanced Researches in the Earth Sciences with the installation at the “Centro di Studio per la Cristallografia Strutturale” in Pavia of the first, and so far, the only one National Laboratory of Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) in the Earth Sciences. Since that time she has been the Head of the SIMS Lab. Starting from 1989, she activated the National SIMS service for University and CNR Institutions offering the Earth Science Committee (05), following more than 90 research projects. [2] In 2002-2005 she coordinated a research Unit in Pavia, sponsored by the European Framework Project EUROMELT [3] (European Community’s Human Potential Programme, contract HPRN-CT-2002-00211). Between December 2005 and September 2017 she was the Head of CNR-Institute of Geosciences and Geo-resources (IGG)-Section of Pavia.

She has co-authored more than 150 international ISI publications, of which 5 in Nature ; [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] more than 200 Abstracts at International and National Meetings, 35 monographs and inner reports. [9]

Main scientific interests

Her research activities mainly concerned the use of SIMS for the quantitative measurement of low-concentration constituents, of light (Lithium, Beryllium and Boron) and volatile elements (Hydrogen, Fluorine, Chlorine, Carbon) in geological samples, with particular reference to the investigation of the physical/chemical processes underlying the production of secondary ions, aiming at overcoming the limitations of the technique (interferences and non-linear effects, “matrix effects”); the development, set up and optimization of SIMS procedures for trace elements, [10] light and volatile elements, [11] [12] and ultra-trace elements [13] in the frame of petrologic, geochemical and crystal-chemical studies, with particular reference to the investigation of melt inclusions, [14] [15] silicate minerals, [16] [17] artificial glasses, [18] chemically-complex silicate [19] and non-silicate matrixes, [20] experimental charges. [21] [22]

Awards and honors

Related Research Articles

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  1. scegliere, Niklas Andersson, Lorena Nurzia - Conosci per. "CNR - Comitato per le Pari Oportunità - ricercatrici d'eccelenza - Luisa Ottolini".{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. "CNR-->Storia del CNR al femminile".
  3. EUROMELT, January 2013
  4. Schiano, Pierre; Clocchiatti, Roberto; Ottolini, Luisa; Busà, Tiziana (2001). "Transition of Mount Etna lavas from a mantle-plume to an island-arc magmatic source". Nature. 412 (6850): 900–904. Bibcode:2001Natur.412..900S. doi:10.1038/35091056. PMID   11528476. S2CID   4425759.
  5. Rampone, Elisabetta; Bottazzi, Piero; Ottolini, Luisa (1991). "Complementary Ti and Zr anomalies in orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene from mantle peridotites". Nature. 354 (6354): 518. Bibcode:1991Natur.354..518R. doi:10.1038/354518a0. S2CID   4335564.
  6. Ligi, Marco; Bonatti, Enrico; Cipriani, Anna; Ottolini, Luisa (2005). "Water-rich basalts at mid-ocean-ridge cold spots". Nature. 434 (7029): 66–69. Bibcode:2005Natur.434...66L. doi:10.1038/nature03264. PMID   15744299. S2CID   254959.
  7. Bonatti, Enrico; Ligi, Marco; Brunelli, Daniele; Cipriani, Anna; Fabretti, Paola; Ferrante, Valentina; Gasperini, Luca; Ottolini, Luisa (2003). "Mantle thermal pulses below the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and temporal variations in the formation of oceanic lithosphere". Nature. 423 (6939): 499–505. Bibcode:2003Natur.423..499B. doi:10.1038/nature01594. PMID   12774114. S2CID   4416441.
  8. Spengler, Dirk; Roermund, Herman L. M. van; Drury, Martyn R.; Ottolini, Luisa; Mason, Paul R. D.; Davies, Gareth R. (2006). "Deep origin and hot melting of an Archaean orogenic peridotite massif in Norway". Nature. 440 (7086): 913–917. Bibcode:2006Natur.440..913S. doi:10.1038/nature04644. PMID   16612379. S2CID   4419956.
  9. Web of Knowledge, January 2013
  11. Ottolini, Luisa.; Bottazzi, Piero.; Vannucci, Riccardo. (1 August 1993). "Quantification of lithium, beryllium, and boron in silicates by secondary-ion mass spectrometry using conventional energy filtering". Analytical Chemistry. 65 (15): 1960–1968. doi:10.1021/ac00063a007.
  12. Ottolini, Luisa; Bottazzi, Piero; Zanetti, Alberto; Vannucci, Riccardo (1 January 1995). "Determination of hydrogen in silicates by secondary ion mass spectrometry". Analyst. 120 (5): 1309. Bibcode:1995Ana...120.1309O. doi:10.1039/AN9952001309.
  13. Ottolini, Luisa; Le Fèvre, Brieuc; Vannucci, Riccardo (2004). "Direct assessment of mantle boron and lithium contents and distribution by SIMS analyses of peridotite minerals" (PDF). Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 228 (1–2): 19. Bibcode:2004E&PSL.228...19O. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2004.09.027.
  14. Gioncada, A.; Clocchiatti, R.; Sbrana, A.; Bottazzi, P.; Massare, D.; Ottolini, L. (6 April 1998). "A study of melt inclusions at Vulcano (Aeolian Islands, Italy): insights on the primitive magmas and on the volcanic feeding system". Bulletin of Volcanology. 60 (4): 286–306. Bibcode:1998BVol...60..286G. doi:10.1007/s004450050233. S2CID   128674809.
  15. Pierre, Schiano; Robert, Clocchiatti; Luisa, Ottolini; Alessandro, Sbrana (1 March 2004). "The relationship between potassic, calc-alkaline and Na-alkaline magmatism in South Italy volcanoes: A melt inclusion approach". Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 220 (1–2): 121. Bibcode:2004E&PSL.220..121S. doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(04)00048-2.
  16. Ottolini, Luisa; Cámara, Fernando; Bigi, Simona (1 January 2000). "An investigation of matrix effects in the analysis of fluorine in humite-group minerals by EMPA, SIMS, and SREF". American Mineralogist. 85 (1): 89–102. Bibcode:2000AmMin..85...89O. doi:10.2138/am-2000-0110. S2CID   53442574.
  17. Ottolini, Luisa; Hawthorne, Frank C. (2 November 2001). "SIMS ionization of hydrogen in silicates: a case study of kornerupine". Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 16 (11): 1266–1270. doi:10.1039/B105674N.
  18. Fevre, Brieuc Le; Ottolini, Luisa (1 September 2006). "Preparation of Reference Glasses for in-situ Analysis of Lithium and Boron". Microchimica Acta. 155 (1–2): 189–194. doi:10.1007/s00604-006-0541-x. S2CID   96668352.
  19. Ottolini, Luisa; Cámara, Fernando; Devouard, Bertrand (1 April 2004). "New SIMS Procedures for the Characterization of a Complex Silicate Matrix, Na3(REE,Th,Ca,U)Si6O15·2.5H2O (Sazhinite), and Comparison with EMPA and SREF Results". Microchimica Acta. 145 (1–4): 139–146. doi:10.1007/s00604-003-0143-9. S2CID   97979248.
  20. Cámara, Fernando; Ottolini, Luisa (2000). "New data on the crystal-chemistry of fluoborite by means of SREF, SIMS, and EMP analysis" (PDF). American Mineralogist. 85 (1): 103. Bibcode:2000AmMin..85..103C. doi:10.2138/am-2000-0111. S2CID   101968776.
  21. Médard, Etienne; Schmidt, Max W.; Schiano, Pierre; Ottolini, Luisa (1 March 2006). "Melting of Amphibole-bearing Wehrlites: an Experimental Study on the Origin of Ultra-calcic Nepheline-normative Melts". Journal of Petrology. 47 (3): 481–504. Bibcode:2005JPet...47..481M. doi: 10.1093/petrology/egi083 . hdl: 20.500.11850/1394 .
  22. Kägi, Ralf; Müntener, Othmar; Ulmer, Peter; Ottolini, Luisa (1 April 2005). "Piston-cylinder experiments on H2O undersaturated Fe-bearing systems: An experimental setup approaching fO2 conditions of natural calc-alkaline magmas". American Mineralogist. 90 (4): 708–717. Bibcode:2005AmMin..90..708K. doi:10.2138/am.2005.1663. S2CID   128650303.
  23. History of the Women in the CNR
  24. Abstract on Ferri-ottoliniite from American Mineralogist, May 2004
  25. Barthelmy, Dave. "Ferri-ottoliniite Mineral Data".