Mandrin Cave

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Mandrin Cave (sky view) Mandrin Cave (from the sky).jpg
Mandrin Cave (sky view)

Mandrin Cave (French: "Grotte Mandrin") is a cave in France where habitation alternating between Neanderthals and Initial Upper Paleolithic Modern Humans has been documented, and the presence of modern humans has been dated to between 56,800 and 51,700 years ago, about 10,000 years before previously accepted dates for the colonization of Europe by modern humans. [1] [2]

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  1. Slimak, Ludovic; Zanolli, Clément (11 February 2022). "Modern human incursion into Neanderthal territories 54,000 years ago at Mandrin, France". Science Advances. 8 (6): eabj9496. Bibcode:2022SciA....8J9496S. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abj9496. hdl: 2440/134613 . ISSN   2375-2548. PMC   8827661 . PMID   35138885.
  2. Price, Michael (9 February 2022). "Did Neanderthals and modern humans take turns living in a French cave?".