Mara-Daria Cojocaru (born 7 January 1980 in Hamburg, Germany) is a German poet and university lecturer for philosophy. [1] [2]
Cojocaru studied political science, theatre studies and law as well as philosophy at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. In 2012, she graduated with a doctor's degree. Her thesis dealt with political philosophy. [3] In July 2022, Cojocaru was habilitated at the Munich School of Philosophy. [4] During her habilitation, she worked as a scholar at the University of Sheffield, the University of Brighton and the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna as well as a lecturer at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. [5]
During her academic years, she worked also as a translator of reference books. [6]
In 2008, Cojocaru published her first poetry collection, Näherungsweise (By approximation). Her second poetry collection, Anstelle einer Unterwerfung (Instead of a Submission), was published in 2016 and has gained her much attention. Her poems have been translated into English, Estonian and Italian. [7]
In her philosophical work as well as in her literary work, Cojocaru focuses on animal ethics and animals as our counterparts with whom we share an animalistic nature. From a Christian standpoint, Cojocaru criticises any belittlement or instrumentalisation of animals. For Cojocaru, conflicts between animals and humans occur predominantly when we neglect the aspect of our animalistic nature. Thus, in a world of over-civilisation and environmental degradation, we turn out to be increasingly estranged from our fellow creatures. Against this background, Cojocaru is "convinced that both intellectual and moral progress can be achieved by cultivating our sensibilities towards the suffering and the needs of non-human animals as realistically as required (überzeugt davon, dass sich sowohl intellektueller als auch moralischer Fortschritt daran festmachen lassen, dass wir unsere Sensibilitäten gegenüber dem Leiden und den Bedürfnissen von nicht-menschlichen Tieren so realistisch wie nötig ausbilden)." [8] [9]
For her artistic work on this subject matter in her poetry collection Anstelle einer Unterwerfung (Instead of a Submission), Cojocaru was granted the Bavarian arts and literary prize in 2017. [10]
Cojocaru is a member of the international, transdisciplinary network Minding Animals [11] and of the German Pragmatism Network GERPRAG.
"Noch weiß man nicht recht, wohin das frische Talent diese Autorin führen wird; aber man sollte sie im Auge behalten. (We don't just yet quite know where this author's fresh talent will take her; but one should keep an eye on her.)"
– The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung about Näherungsweise (Approximately) [12]
"Cojocarus Verse sind Rätsel. Schillernd, irisierend. Sie scheinen zu atmen. Ein pulsierender Rhythmus verbindet die Worte. (Cojocaru's verses are riddles. Iridescent, opalescent. They seem to be breathing. A vibrant rhythm connects the words.)"
– Simone Guski about Anstelle einer Unterwerfung (Instead of a Submission) [13]
"Wer aber den Mut aufbringt, die Literatur derart eindringlich und zugleich voller Sprachlust an ihre Pflichten, an die Krise der Ethik im 21. Jahrhundert und an die potenzielle Rolle der Kunst bei der Wiederherstellung eines ethischen Wertesystems zu erinnern, sollte unbedingt gelesen werden. (But anyone who has the courage to remind literature of its duties, of the crisis of ethics in the 21st century and of the potential role of the arts in restoring an ethical system of values in such a keen way that is at the same time full of love for language should definitely be read.)"
– Alexandru Bulucz about Anstelle einer Unterwerfung (Instead of a Submission) [14]
Dominik Perler is Professor of Philosophy at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and co-director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities Human Abilities.
Otfried Höffe is a German philosopher and professor.
Franz Hohler is a Swiss author and cabaret performer based in Zürich.
Reinhart Klemens Maurer is a philosopher and professor from Xanten, Germany.
Hedwig Conrad-Martius was a German phenomenologist who became a Christian mystic.
Kurt Flasch is a German philosopher, who works mainly as a historian of medieval thought and of late antiquity. Flasch was professor at the Ruhr University Bochum. He was / is a member of several German and international Academies. In 2000, he was awarded the Sigmund Freud Prize by the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung.
Brigitte Kronauer was a German writer who lived in Hamburg. Her novels, written in the tradition of Jean Paul with artful writing and an ironic undertone, were awarded several prizes, including in 2005 the Georg Büchner Prize, in 2011 the Jean-Paul-Preis and in 2017 the Thomas Mann Prize.
Mirko Bonné is a German writer and translator.
Ruth Hagengruber is a German philosopher, currently professor and head of philosophy at the University of Paderborn. She specialises in the history of women philosophers as well as philosophy of economics and computer science and is a specialist on Émilie Du Châtelet. Hagengruber is the director of the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists and founder of the research area EcoTechGender. She invented the Libori Summer School and is the creator of the Encyclopedia of Concise Concepts by Women Philosophers, for which she holds the position of editor in chief together with Mary Ellen Waithe.
Silke Scheuermann is a German poet and novelist. She was educated in Frankfurt, Leipzig, and Paris. She is best known for her debut novel Die Stunde zwischen Hund und Wolf, which has been translated into ten languages including English. She has won numerous German and European literary prizes and fellowships, including the Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-Preis, the Leonce-und-Lena-Preis, the Hölty Prize, the Bertolt-Brecht-Literaturpreis, and a Villa Massimo fellowship.
Otto Pöggeler was a German philosopher. He specialized in phenomenology and commenting on Heidegger. In 1963 he authored the acclaimed Martin Heidegger’s Path of Thinking, one of the first rigorous attempts at tracing the development of Heidegger's thought. He also published a study of poetry of Paul Celan, and was director of the Hegel-Archiv at the Ruhr University in Bochum.
Heinrich Rombach was a German philosopher and professor of philosophy at the University of Würzburg. He is known for developing structural ontology.
Joseph Vogl is a German philosopher who has written on literature, culture and media. He is professor of modern German literature, literary, media and cultural studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin.
Burkhard Spinnen is a German author.
Klaus Modick is a German author and literary translator.
Wolfgang Cramer was a German philosopher and mathematician.
Ulrike Almut Sandig is a German writer. She was born in Großenhain in the former GDR, and has lived in Riesa, Leipzig and Berlin. She studied religious studies and indology at university, and then studied at the German Institute for Literature in Leipzig.
Svenja Flaßpöhler is a German philosopher, journalist, and author. She has been editor-in-chief of Philosophie Magazin since 2018.
The Merano Poetry Prize is an international literary prize for German-language poetry that was founded by Alfred Gruber (1929–1998), a South Tyrolian catholic priest and writer. The biennial competition was established in 1993 and is awarded by the South Tyrolean provincial government in the city of Merano ever since. In addition to the main award, which is endowed with €8,000, usually two further prizes are awarded, the Alfred Gruber Prize and the Media Prize of the RAI broadcaster South Tyrol.
Slata Roschal, also known as Slata Kozakova, is a German writer and literary scholar.