Marc Herman

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Marc Herman
Marc Herman.jpg
Marc Maloens

Leuven, Belgium

Marc Herman, whose real name is Marc Maloens, is a Belgian humorist born in Leuven in 1947.



In 1997 he adopted the "stand-up" style and played a good-natured and slightly clumsy Fleming who relates us the every-day life of the average people, but which experienced by the humorist become sketches. For this character he uses the name "Luc Dierrieckx". For this show he talked with a very pronounced Flemish accent, which he would keep a bit in the following Stuuûts but less and less pronounced. As the Stuuûts go by, he changed from a bit stupid character to an uncomplicated and honest person closer to the average, going so far as to put Raoul in his place as an actor in some sketches in some compilations of the Stuuût (especially the tennis lesson, or the ski vacation in Stuuût 2, or the broken-down washing machine in the first show).

His recurrent characters are his wife Wolleke and his brother-in-law Raoul and his wife Roseline. From the Stuuût 6 another character appears, Raoul's brother called Rahoul. In his first show there was also Sacha.

The Stuuûts

The main characters


Since 1981, he has written and performed 24 shows and 2 stage plays, 10 of which have been broadcast on RTBF and 11 on RTL-TVI. He first appeared on French channels in the programme La Classe and participated in the RTL programme Il y en aura pour tout le monde in which he organized fake interviews. In 1996, he left RTL to go to RTBF where he would take part to the programme Bon Week End, and where he presented his first Stuuût on the same set of the programme. The other shows follow each other with varying frequency, the Stuuût 2 in 1999, the Stuuût 3 in 2002, the Stuuût 4 in 2004 and the Stuuût 5 in 2009 (between Stuuût 4 and 5 he created two stage plays). In 2010 he returned to RTL-TVI and released the Stuuût 6 in October. In three years he produced ten new Stuuûts and three bests of. He left the systematic numbering of the "Stuuût" shows aside for some themes with Raoul and the rest of his family (a rally in the "Stutuuût", the camping in "Raoul go au Camping") or simply diversifying the show title ("Raoulade et Riettes").

One Man Shows

  1. La Comiquaudiovisuelitérapie (1981)
  2. Pain Perdu (1989)
  3. Tout terrain (1991)
  4. Un Carton (1995)
  5. Flash Back (2001) broadcast by RTBF (2001)


  1. Le Stuuût (1997) broadcast by RTBF (1998)
  2. Le Stuuût 2 (1999) broadcast by RTBF (2000)
  3. Le Stuuût Roi (2002) broadcast by RTBF (2003)
  4. Le Meilleur des stuuût (2004) broadcast by RTBF (2005)
  5. Le Stuuût K4T (2005) broadcast by RTBF (2006)
  6. Le Bestuuût 2008 broadcast by RTBF (2008)
  7. Le Stuuût 5 (2008) broadcast by RTBF (2009)
  8. Le Sixième sens (2010) (Stuuût 6) broadcast by RTL-TVI (03/10/2010)
  9. 30 ans (2010) broadcast by RTL-TVI (28/12/2010)
  10. Le Stuuût 007 (2011) broadcast by RTL-TVI(25/04/2011)
  11. J'ai 8 dire (2011) (Stuuût 8) broadcast by RTL-TVI (19/06/2011)
  12. Raoulades et Ri-ettes (2011) broadcast by RTL-TVI (30/10/2011)
  13. Le Bestuuût 2011 (2011) broadcast by RTL-TVI (24/12/2011)
  14. Un 9 à peler (2012) (Stuuût 9) broadcast by RTL-TVI(25/03/2012)
  15. Le Stuuût X (2012) (Stuuût 10) broadcast by RTL-TVI (03/06/2012)
  16. 11 saura tout (2012) (Stuuût 11) broadcast by RTL-TVI (18/11/2012)
  17. Les 12 coups (2012) (Stuuût 12) broadcast by RTL-TVI (26/12/2012)
  18. Le Top des Stuuût (2013) broadcast by RTL-TVI (10/03/2013)
  19. Le Stut-uût (2013) broadcast by RTL-TVI (16/06/2013)
  20. Pas de st'13 en 2013 (2013) not broadcast
  21. Raoul au camping (2013) broadcast by RTL-TVI (14/12/2013)
  22. Raoul fait la fête (2013) broadcast by RTL-TVI (31/12/2013)
  23. Raoul se soigne (2014) broadcast by RTL-TVI (20/04/2014)
  24. Raoul est dans le pré (2014) broadcast by RTL-TVI (05/10/2014)
  25. Sketchup & Mayo (2014) broadcast by RTL-TVI (21/12/2014)
  26. Le Monde est Stuuût (2015) broadcast by RTL-TVI (12/04/2015)


  1. L’Alarme Fatale (2005) broadcast by RTBF (2005)
  2. On s’organise (2007) broadcast by RTBF (2007)




  1. Archived link Archived 2013-05-31 at the Wayback Machine , Awards 1998-2002 given by the Government of the Walloon-Brussels Federation (French speaking Community of Belgium).