Martin vom Brocke

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Martin vom Brocke
Born25 July 1969 (1969-07-25) (age 55)
Education University of Bern, Danube University Krems
Years active19
Medical career
Profession Dentist
Sub-specialties Orthodontics
Research Orthodontics, Cephalometric analysis

Martin vom Brocke (born 25 July 1969) is a Swiss dentist, orthodontist and book author.


Life and scientific work

Vom Brocke studied dentistry at University of Bern from 1992 to 1997, and finished his doctoral theses (Ph.D.) in 2000. [1] In 2013 he achieved a degree as Master of Science in Orthodontics at Danube University Krems (Prof. Dr. Dr. Dieter Müßig). [2] Since 2010 he does research work on the long-known problems and insufficiencies of Edward Angle's classification system of malocclusions (published in 1899), on cephalometric analysis and on related topics.

In 2015 he proposed a new dental classification system that integrates the position of the ears, the chin, the nose, the eyes, tooth sizes, the occlusion and the second dentition, the structural relations between these parameters being described by Riemann's ζ4 function. [3] Like Angle's system, vom Brocke's classification is primarily based on the positional relationship of the first small molar teeth (premolars). [4]


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  1. Struction - The Harmonious Theory of Relativity. London/Berlin 2015, ISBN   978-3-9451270-4-9, p. 77
  2. Strukturiert - Wie lassen sich mit DVT orale Strukturen vergleichen?. Inspiration Un Limited, London/Berlin 2016, 130 p., ISBN   978-3-9451270-7-0
  3. Struction - The Harmonious Theory of Relativity. London/Berlin 2015, ISBN   978-3-9451270-4-9, p. 45-55
  4. Struction - The Harmonious Theory of Relativity. London/Berlin 2015, ISBN   978-3-9451270-4-9, p. 56, 74