Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women

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The Remonstrance (January 1909) published by the Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women. Remonstrance January 1909.png
The Remonstrance (January 1909) published by the Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women.

The Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women (MAOFESW) was one of the earliest organizations formed to oppose women's suffrage in the United States. The organization was founded in May of 1895. However, MAOFESW had its roots in earlier Massachusetts anti-suffrage groups and had a publication called The Remonstrance, started in 1890.



In the state of Massachusetts, women's suffrage referendums took place as early as 1868 and 1869. [1] Around two hundred women were against granting to vote to women. [1] An active anti-suffrage committee started operating since 1882 in Massachusetts. [2] The committee started publishing a journal, The Remonstrance, in 1890. [2] The journal's articles by women were published anonymously while a male editor was used in the first few years. [3] The first committee spent most of its time collecting signatures for anti-suffrage petitions called "remonstrances." [2]

In 1895, a bill, called the Wellman bill, to give women municipal suffrage in Boston was put to a popular vote and women who were involved in the anti-suffrage movement in Massachusetts felt they had to create a formal organization. [4] The Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women (MAOFESW) was founded in May of 1895. [2] Women in the group started a boycott, while men publicly campaigned against the Wellman bill. [4] By 1896, The Remonstrance was changed to show that MAOFESW was now responsible for its publication. [5]

The first officers for MAOFESW were elected in 1897 with Mrs. J. Eliot Cabot as the president. [5] The organization started to campaign throughout Massachusetts and grow into new branches in different cities. [5] In 1898, The Remonstrance started describing the organization and the number of branches and communities represented. [5] The Remonstrance also claimed to represent more of the general population than it actually did, attempting to "deflect suffrage criticism that antisuffragists came from the privileged elite." [5] MAOFESW would send women to testify in front of government bodies and other organizations in the US about anti-suffrage ideas. [6] [7] They would also send issues of The Remonstrance to lawmakers. [8] [9] The paper was circulated outside of Massachusetts and antisuffragists used the arguments contained in the paper in their own campaigns. [10]

Mrs. G. Howland Shaw was elected president of the organization in 1909 and 1910. [11] [12] MAOFESW had 11,000 women involved in the group by 1905 and 37,000 by 1915. [13] [14] By 1905, there were 34 branches across the state, representing 243 communities. [13]

After the 19th amendment was passed in 1920, the MAOFESW disbanded. [14]


The MAOFESW believed that women were best suited to working in the domestic sphere and that their work in promoting public programs should remain non-partisan. [15] Because the women found influence through the women's club movement and other women's organizations, they were worried that getting involved in politics would shift power balances unfavorably. [14] In addition, since women had made many reforms without using the vote, they felt that voting was unnecessary. [7] They also advocated for conservative positions, such as keeping old laws that made the husband the legal guardian of a couples' children, not both parents. [16]

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Frances Ellen Burr was an American suffragist and writer from Connecticut.

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Josephine Day Bennett was an American activist and suffragist from Connecticut. She was a member of the National Women's Party (NWP) and campaigned for women's suffrage outside of the White House, leading to her arrest. Bennett was also involved in other social issues and was supportive of striking workers.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Emily Pierson</span>

Emily Pierson was an American suffragist and physician. Early in her career, Pierson worked as a teacher, and then later, as an organizer for the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association (CWSA). After women earned the right to vote, she went back to school to become a physician in her hometown of Cromwell, Connecticut. During much of her life, she was interested in socialism, studying and observing in both Russia and China.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Elizabeth D. Bacon</span>

Elizabeth Daken Bacon was an American suffragist and educator. She served as president of the Connecticut Woman Suffrage Association (CWSA) from 1906 to 1910.



  1. 1 2 Maddux, Kristy (October 2004). "When Patriots Protest: The Anti-Suffrage Discursive Transformation of 1917". Rhetoric & Public Affairs. 7 (3): 283–310. doi:10.1353/rap.2005.0012. S2CID   143856522. Archived from the original on 2018-05-17 via HighBeam Research.
  2. 1 2 3 4 "Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women Records, 1894-1920". Massachusetts Historical Society. Archived from the original on 27 February 2018. Retrieved 2018-05-13.
  3. Burt 1996, p. 327.
  4. 1 2 Marshall, Susan E. (1997). Splintered Sisterhood: Gender and Class in the Campaign against Woman Suffrage. Madison, Wisconsin: Univ of Wisconsin Press. pp. 60–61. ISBN   9780299154639.
  5. 1 2 3 4 5 Burt 1996, p. 329.
  6. "To Fight Woman Suffrage". Burlington Weekly Free Press. 1 November 1906. Retrieved 2018-05-18 via
  7. 1 2 "Mrs. George to Address Anti-Suffragists Here". Star Tribune. 11 October 1914. Retrieved 2018-05-18 via
  8. "House members have received copies". Hartford Courant. 21 January 1909. Retrieved 2018-05-18 via
  9. "Delegates received yesterday printed". Hartford Courant. 5 February 1902. Retrieved 2018-05-20 via
  10. "Anti-Suffragists Active". The Daily Iowa Capitol. 31 January 1899. Retrieved 2018-05-20 via
  11. "Mrs. G. Howland Shaw has been elected". The Washington Post. 5 June 1910. Retrieved 2018-05-17 via
  12. "Mrs. G. Howland Shaw was elected". The Pittsburgh Sunday Post. 6 June 1909. Retrieved 2018-05-17 via
  13. 1 2 "Opposed Woman Suffrage". Montpelier Evening Argus. 25 May 1905. Retrieved 2018-05-18 via
  14. 1 2 3 "Voters Deny Massachusetts Women the Vote". Mass Moments. Archived from the original on 16 April 2018. Retrieved 2018-05-17.
  15. "Women Who Object". Hartford Courant. 27 June 1908. Retrieved 2018-05-17 via
  16. "The Woman Suffrage Argument". The Topeka Daily Capital. 11 March 1903. Retrieved 2018-05-17 via
