Medal of Remembrance

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Medal of Remembrance
Medalja e Kujtimit.png
Awarded by The Presidium of the People's Assembly
Established9 July 1945
Country People's Socialist Republic of Albania
CriteriaAwarded to the people and army formations who participated in the national war of liberation

The Medal of Remembrance (Albanian : Medalja e Kujtimit) was an honorary award given to the people and army formations in the People's Socialist Republic of Albania. [1] [2]



The medal was given to the people and the army formations who took part in the National Liberation War without interruption, before July 10, 1943 (the date of formation of the General Staff of the Albanian National Liberation Army) until the country's liberation. [3] [4]

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  1. Schena, Eric (2006). "The Decorations of Socialist Albania" (PDF). Gentleman's Military Interest Club. 2nd Edition.
  2. Rrumbullaku, Filip (2010). Dekorimet: nga Princ Vidi deri sot. Shtëpia Botuese "Onufri". p. 296. ISBN   978-99943-42-80-8.
  3. Titujt e Nderit dhe Dekoratat e Republikës Popullore Socialiste të Shqipërisë. Tiranë: Kombinati Poligrafik "Shtypshkronja e Re". 1982. pp. 31–33.
  4. Lame, Artan (2010). Medaljet Shqiptare 2, 1944–2002 : Dekoratat e Shtetit Shqiptar. Botimet Toena. p. 267. ISBN   9789994315895.