Melanthius (Greek: Μελάνθιος) may refer to:
Byzantium or Byzantion was an ancient Greek city in classical antiquity that became known as Constantinople in late antiquity and Istanbul today. The Greek name Byzantion and its Latinization Byzantium continued to be used as a name of Constantinople sporadically and to varying degrees during the thousand year existence of the Byzantine Empire. Byzantium was colonized by Greeks from Megara in the 7th century BC and remained primarily Greek-speaking until its conquest by the Ottoman Empire in AD 1453.
Zeno may refer to:
Metis, in ancient Greek religion and mythology, was the goddess of good counsel and one of the Oceanids, the daughters of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. She is notable for helping a young Zeus free his siblings from his father Cronus' belly by supplying him with a special drug. After Zeus became king of the cosmos, he and Metis were married, but after hearing a prophecy stating that after Metis gave birth to a daughter, she would have a son mightier than Zeus who would overthrow him, Zeus tricked the still pregnant Metis and swallowed her whole. Metis still managed to bear their daughter Athena, the goddess of wisdom.
Apollodorus was a popular name in ancient Greece. It is the masculine gender of a noun compounded from Apollo, the deity, and doron, "gift"; that is, "Gift of Apollo." It may refer to:
Sicyon or Sikyōn was an ancient Greek city state situated in the northern Peloponnesus between Corinth and Achaea on the territory of the present-day regional unit of Corinthia. The ruins lie just west of the modern village of Sikyona. An ancient monarchy at the times of the Trojan War, the city was ruled by a number of tyrants during the Archaic and Classical period and became a democracy in the 3rd century BC. Sicyon was celebrated for its contributions to ancient Greek art, producing many famous painters and sculptors. In Hellenistic times it was also the home of Aratus of Sicyon, the leader of the Achaean League.
Polygnotus was an ancient Greek painter from the middle of the 5th century BC.
Tethys, or Saturn III, is a mid-sized moon of Saturn about 1,060 km (660 mi) across. It was discovered by G. D. Cassini in 1684 and is named after the titan Tethys of Greek mythology.
Bendis was a Thracian goddess associated with hunting and the moon. Worship of the goddess seems to have been introduced into Attica around 430 BC. Some writers identified Bendis in Attica with the goddess Artemis, but the temple of Bendis at Piraeus which was near the temple of Artemis, clearly display that the two goddesses were distinct. She was a huntress, like Artemis, but was often accompanied by dancing satyrs and maenads, as represented on a fifth-century red-figure stemless cup at Verona.
The Attic calendar or Athenian calendar is the lunisolar calendar beginning in midsummer with the lunar month of Hekatombaion, in use in ancient Attica, the ancestral territory of the Athenian polis. It is sometimes called the Greek calendar because of Athens's cultural importance, but it is only one of many ancient Greek calendars.
A krater or crater was a large two-handled shape of vase in Ancient Greek pottery and metalwork, mostly used for the mixing of wine with water.
Hipparchus, the common Latinization of the Greek Hipparkhos, can mean:
Aristarchus may refer to:
Autolycus may be:
Diagoras "the Atheist" of Melos was a Greek poet and sophist of the 5th century BC. Throughout antiquity, he was regarded as an atheist, but very little is known for certain about what he actually believed. Anecdotes about his life indicate that he spoke out against ancient Greek religion. He allegedly chopped up a wooden statue of Heracles and used it to roast his lentils and revealed the secrets of the Eleusinian Mysteries. The Athenians accused him of asebeia (impiety) and banished him from their city. He died in Corinth.
Menelaus, is one of the two most known Atrides, a king of Sparta and son of Atreus and Aerope.
Odysseus is a character in Greek mythology.
Melanthius, the son of Dolius, is a minor, yet important character in Homer's Odyssey: Odysseus's disloyal goatherd. In contrast, Odysseus's cowherd Philoetius and swineherd Eumaeus have both remained loyal to Odysseus during his twenty years of wanderings, as have Melanthius's father and six brothers.
Melanthius is the third largest impact crater on Tethys, one of Saturn's moons. Melanthius is 245 kilometers (152 mi) wide, and is located in the southern quadrant of Melanthius, named after the crater. Melanthius is noted for its prominent cluster of central peaks, which were formed in the original impact. The crater is centered at 58.5°S, 192.61°W.
Penelope is the fourth largest impact crater on Tethys, which is one of Saturn's moons. It is 208 kilometers wide, and is located near the equator in the center of trailing hemisphere of the moon at 10.8°S, 249.2°W. It is approximately opposite to the largest crater on Tethys—Odysseus.
Eratosthenes was a Greek scholar of the third century BC.