Memnon of Ephesus

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Memnon was metropolitan bishop of Ephesus during the third ecumenical council. [1]


At the Council of Ephesus

At the Council he was a supporter of Cyril of Alexandria. Delays in the opening of the council were blamed by Nestorius on Memnon. [2]

Memnon hosted the second session of the Council in his episcopal palace and at the fourth session Cyril and Memnon presented a formal protest against John of Antioch for convening a separate conciliabulum, which condemned both of them. [3]


Reportedly out of jealousy, Memnon sought to get rid of Bassianus, a priest under him, by ordaining him to the bishopric of Evaza. Bassianus refused the position and in 444 became, by an irregular process, Memnon's second successor. [4]


  1. The Historicity of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus .
  2. Uthemann, Karl-Heinz, “Memnon of Ephesus”, in: Religion Past and Present. Consulted online on 29 December 2017
  3. Joseph F. Kelly,The Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church: A History (Liturgical Press, 2009).
  4. [ John Bertram Peterson, "Bassianus" in The Catholic Encyclopedia (New York: Robert Appleton, 1907).