Michael Chant

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Michael Chant is an English composer and political activist. Born in 1945, he became politically active in the 1960s while associated with another composer, Cornelius Cardew. [1]

Chant became a member of the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) and remains active in the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) [2] and is also an active trade unionist. His musical work has continued to focus on political issues, as did his original work with the Scratch Orchestra, an experimental performing ensemble. [3] [4]

He is currently living and working in Plymouth, England.

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  1. "Michael Chant: composer". Composers.co.uk.
  2. "October Revolution: beacon lighting the way forward for all humanity". Proletarian. Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) (33). December 2009.
  3. Johnson, Tom (26 September 1974). "Scratch music: no rights reserved". Village Voice.
  4. Yuill, Simon (April 2008). "All problems of notation will be solved by the masses". Mute Magazine. 2 (8): 25. ISBN   9781906496128.