Miltiades (Christian)

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Miltiades was a 2nd-century Christian, who wrote three treatises, "against the Greeks", "against the Jews" and an "Apology". He likely started writing before the death of Marcus Aurelius. [1] Miltiades might have been associated with Montanism, however there is confusion as to if he was a Montanist, this is because In Eusebius' writings, there appears to be confusion over the name "Miltiades" and "Alcibiades", either due to an error from copyists or from Eusebius himself. It is even possible that he might have written against Montanism. [2] [3] [4]

Miltiades is mentioned by Tertullian, Jerome and Eusebius. [1]

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  1. 1 2 Eusebius (2019-06-01). Church History of Eusebius: ALL 10 Books in One Volume: The Early Christianity: From A.D. 1-324. e-artnow. ISBN   978-80-268-9774-3.
  2. "Henry Wace: Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature to the End of the Sixth Century A.D., with an Account of the Principal Sects and Heresies. - Christian Classics Ethereal Library". Retrieved 2022-07-03.
  3. Schaff, Philip; Wace, Henry (2022-04-29). A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Second Series, Volume 1: Eusebius: Church History, Life of Constantine the Great, and Oration in Praise of Constantine. Wipf and Stock Publishers. ISBN   978-1-6667-4021-9.
  4. Schaff, Philip; Eusebius (2019-06-01). History of the Christian Church & Ecclesiastical History: The Complete 8 Volume Edition of Schaff's Church History & The Eusebius' History of the Early Christianity. e-artnow. ISBN   978-80-268-9775-0.